Chapter 128: clingy, written by Karl

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T̶h̶a̶n̶k̶ y̶o̶u̶ g̶u̶y̶s̶ f̶o̶r̶ 11k̶ f̶o̶l̶l̶o̶w̶e̶r̶s̶ t̶h̶e̶y̶ a̶r̶e̶ g̶o̶i̶n̶g̶ u̶p̶ w̶a̶y̶ t̶o̶ f̶u̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ f̶a̶s̶t̶. I̶'v̶e̶ t̶o̶l̶d̶ y̶o̶u̶ t̶h̶i̶s̶ b̶e̶f̶o̶r̶e̶ b̶u̶t̶ S̶L̶O̶W̶ T̶H̶E̶ F̶U̶C̶K̶ D̶O̶W̶N̶!!!!

So I was going to have a go writing fiance's like Nick, Zak and Darryl did but figured you guys wouldn't want to see it four times so I decided to carry on the story.

All of the fiance's chapters were pretty much the same so it doesn't matter who's you thought was the real one, it's entirely up to you.

Enjoy ✨💜Karl💜✨
George POV.

I have to say, it was easier revealing to Nick, Karl, Zak and Darryl that I was engaged to Clay than I thought it would be. After we told them we were getting engaged they said we had to celebrate, so it makes sense why I woke up in Nick's house on the couch being cuddled into by a drunk Pillow.

We were in a large room in the basement of Nick's house. It was like a man cave, with a cupboard full of junk food, mini-fridge full of drinks, pool table, some video games and arcade machines, a large flatscreen TV and more.
There were also several couches scattered around the room, with all of us asleep on them in pairs.

Zak and Darryl were cuddling on a couch in the corner, another couch had Nick and Karl wrapped around eachother and Clay holding me against his chest. Nick, Zak and Clay were all stupidly drunk, and while us other 3 were all slightly tipsy but other than that fine.

With the 3 who were really drunk, I noticed got really cuddly when in that state. Take the blond for example. He was holding me close to him with his face resting between my shoulder and my neck.
He, as well as Nick and Zak, got way more clingy and usually never let us go anywhere without them.

I had fallen asleep with Clay clutching onto me for dear life and had been holding me like that since the previous night. Whenever he was drunk and managed to grab me the blond would kiss up and down my neck, leaving a trail of small marks that smelt slightly of alcohol.

I thought back to last night and what had happened.

✨💜The previous night 💜✨

After a while of us sitting around at the cafe we all finished our drinks and Nick gave us all a smirk. "Guys, I think we should celebrate George and Clay's engagement with a small party or something."

"A party? Who would we even invite to a party?" Zak asked as he looked over to Nick.
"I mean it could just be us," Nick replied, "I mean I did say it would be a small party."

The ravenette gave a smile, "in that case hell yeah!"
"Geppy language!" Darryl yelled at his boyfriend.
Zak looked over to the boy beside him and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead, "it's just the word hell, but fine... I'm sorry."

Sometime after that we made our way to Nick's house and he led us downstairs to a large room. It was pretty much a giant man cave in the basement and he smiled at us as he spun around. "Make yourselves at home," he told us.

Zak eyed the mini-fridge and immediately ran over to that before pulling out a soda. Behind the sodas were several bottles of beer which caused the ravenette to raise an eyebrow and look at Nick.

Nick just gave a coy-ish smile, "what? I have been predicting this for a while and wanted beers to celebrate properly."
"That's kind of creepy that you have been planning this," I gave him a weird look as I spoke.
"Don't blame me, this is mainly a way of saying that Clay managed to man the fuck up and ask you after weeks of owning the ring." Nick defended.

I rolled my eyes and walked past him, jumping down onto one of the large couches. "So what should we do?" I asked them.
Zak jumped down beside me, "how about spin the bottle?"
"Nope!" Clay immediately shut him up as he sat inbetween me and the ravenette.

"Yeah Geppy, I do not want you to end up kissing anybody else, you only kiss me." Darryl said as he sat on the other side of Zak and cuddled up to him.
Karl sat down on another couch as Nick handed around a couple bottles of beer to all of us.
"Why don't we just watch a movie?" He suggested as I took a large swig of my drink.

We all just nodded in agreement and started watching a movie, as Karl, Darryl and I had one or two drinks each the other 3 had half a dozen or so and got drunk really quickly.

We watched several movies with Nick, Zak and Clay getting more drunk and cuddly with each bottle they drank until eventually it passed 11pm and we had just finished our 4th movie. By now, Clay, Nick and Zak were all practically glued to us so Darryl, Karl and I so we knew we were stuck at Nick's house for the night.

Karl was about to show us some spare rooms upstairs that we'd be allowed to sleep in when he was grabbed in a tight hug by Nick. Nick pulled Karl back onto the couch and began cuddling into him as the pair laid down.
Both Darryl and I let out a short giggle as we watched Karl on his own personal cuddle-prison but soon after both of us were grabbed by Zak and Clay.

The blond pulled me down onto his chest and wrapped his arms around my waist trapping me there. He placed a kiss onto my forehead and slurred out a 'hi Georgie' as though he hadn't been sitting next to me watching movies for almost 8 hours.

"Hi Pillow," I replied as I attempted to sit up, only to be pulled back down. I let out a slight huff before meeting his eyes, "can you let go of me please so we can go sleep on an actual bed instead of on a couch?"
Clay shook his head as he continued kissing me and made his way, kissing softly down the side of my face, neck and collarbone.

The feeling of his lips traveling up and down my neck made me squirm slightly which just made him giggle drunkly in response and mumble a 'cute.'

He continued to hold me there in a protective embrace for a while until I eventually fell asleep."

Karl POV (4th wall breaker)

"This chapter is cute Karl," Nick said as he kissed my forehead before ruffling my hair like a child. He stood up and headed over to the kitchen which was in a seperate room as Darryl and Zak continued to read over it.

As they did so my eyes drifted over to 4g0tmyname, who looked almost completely dead. I felt so bad for them, they'd been tied up for almost 5 days now and all they'd eaten is a couple of sandwiches and a couple biscuits, chips and other things.

I don't even know why Nick kidnapped them and their dog and is starving them in the first place, (although I suspect it has to do with the fact that he's not the main character) and the poor old dog is just the cutest thing ever.

My mind began running a million miles an hour and eventually I thought up a plan, I'm going to help 4g0tmyname escape!
1275 words.

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