Chapter 68.5: discovery

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The reason this chapter is 68.5 is because I wanted to do something ✨special✨ with George and Dream for chapter 69 but didn't want to cut off the story.

Also I will be taking suggestions for what to do for chapter 69 so feel free to comment ideas here.
I will credit you.

And this is what I did during a 2 hour car ride.
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This is cursed but I love it.

Clay POV.

Their eyes moved from George to me, both were confused, and angry. The brunette had his towel draped over his shoulders and leaned against me, wet hair dripping onto my clothes. I balled up my fists, ready to throw a punch at them.

I watched with gritted teeth as their expressions kept changing, before I eventually decided to speak up. "Do you two have a problem?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Does George live here as your fuck toy or something?" Wilbur asked. Apparently he forgot that George was rich. If he had remembered he would have probably assumed that this was his house. Still, at his words George seemed to shuffle closer to me.

"Actually..." I let myself smirk a little, "George... owns this house."
Wilbur seemed confused for a few moments so I continued, "George lets me live here."
The Brit opposite me took a minute to figure out what I meant "so... You aren't rich and live here with George?"

As I spoke I could tell the brunette beside me wanted them out of the house, but it was obvious that neither were going to leave until they got the answers they wanted. George was shaking, he was probably worrying about what the bullies may do now they know we're living together, that or he was just cold from getting out of the water.
Either way, I nudged him before gesturing towards his clothes, signalling for him to leave and get changed and that I'd handle it. He nodded in understanding and left.

When he walked off I turned so my eyes met Wilbur and Nick's. Wilbur repeated his sentence, "you aren't rich and live here with George?"
I let out a small sigh "Yes... Again." They can be so fucking dense.
"What do you pay rent by fucking him senseless?" Nick asked.
I wish.

"No. George pays me to live here." I replied with a shrug.
They both seemed to be getting more confused and I enjoyed seeing them in this state.
"What are you like a damn hooker?" Nick continued.
"I am not."

I changed my mind, this wasn't entertaining, this is getting boring very quickly.
"Actually we are dating."
The pair studied my face for any sign that I was joking, but it was clear I was not. Wilbur's face was similar to throne Zak had when he caught us sleeping together, Nick seemed confused, shocked and angry.

"How are you fine with telling us this?" Nick asked.
I rolled my eyes,"because nobody will believe you if you tell them." I smirked, "most of the girls are falling all over me and are convinced I'm straight, I drive a Ferrari and have the looks of a super model (at least in George's opinion)."

They both seemed ready to put up an argument when I saw George re-enter the room. The Brit had changed into some blue jeans and one of my green hoodies which was definitely too big for him. 'Cute. Hot.' I allowed myself to think those things for a few moments before turning back to the pair of bullies.

"Do you two mind getting out of this fucking house or do I have to call the cops and get you dragged out in handcuffs?" As I spoke George returned to my side and grabbed my left arm, clearly still feeling worried with Nick and Wilbur here.
His arms hugged mine as I raised an eyebrow at the pair, expecting an answer but they both seemed more focused on the Brit beside me.

"Out!" I growled again, pulling my left arm out of the brunette's grip and wrapping it around his shoulders instead, while I motioned to the door with another arm.
Both Wilbur and Nick's eyes traced over us one more time before leaving, seemingly still not believing what they were seeing.

Once they'd disappeared out of the hall and gotten about 50 feet away when I began walking to the door and making sure they did leave. George was still waiting in the large indoor pool when I returned and he hugged me tightly, something that we both enjoyed after an hour of being apart thanks to Nick and Wilbur.

"Thank god those two assholes are gone" he mumbled against me.
I nodded in agreement, still feeling curious as to how Mr Phallus put us in a group together even though the teachers all probably knew about the several fights that me and them had gotten into.
My eyes widened slightly as I realised something, "hey, where are Darryl and Zak. Are they still hiding from when you heard Wilbur and Nick coming?" I asked.
"Actually we are right here."

I turned in the direction of the voice and saw Zak walking out of a bathroom with Darryl following behind.
Had they been waiting for me to say that? Was it like on a show where you needed to wait for your cue to go on stage? Or maybe this was a soap opera that I somehow ended up being a part in.

As the pair approached George and I saw their clothes were both slightly messed up and Darryl seemed to be stumbling a little. I instantly realised where they had been. "What did we miss?" Darryl asked us when he finally caught up with Zak. See, another common line from a soap opera.
"Nothing really." I replied to Darryl's question.

We filled them in on what happened and before long both the pair left. The brunette and I returned to his room and sat on his bed. George was sitting on my lap and had his back leaning against my chest, we watched a movie on the TV as we cuddled.

"Hey Clay" the Brit eventually spoke up, his eyes were staying shut with his head resting on my shoulder. I just hummed at him, indicating I was listening to whatever he was about to say.
"Why did you tell them that you are gay, and that we are dating?" His eyes fluttered open to look at mine, they were large and wide and really fucking beautiful.
"Because nobody would believe them. For starters, everyone at school is still convinced I am going to be taking the mysterious girl to the dance."

George nodded at my answer, "do you think them knowing will be good or bad, even if they don't tell."
I simply shrugged my shoulders and began kissing his forehead, "we'll just have to find out tomorrow Georgie." I mumbled against his skin between kisses.
1183 words.

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