Chapter 58: confession

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2 chapters cause I know you guys get sad when there is a cliffhanger, and I think you wouldn't want to wait to see this one (and I didn't want to wait to write it either).

Just know this is cause I love you guys.... And cause I had nothing better to do today.
Clay POV.

"Clay let me go!" George said firmly. I shook my head in response, "not until you tell me who your crush is."

"What. No way!" He said, giving me a firm glare, "I don't have a crush on anybody."
"That's a lie Georgie and we both know that. If it were true you wouldn't have made up a lie about some hot, smart Canadian girl that you've known since you were a kid in New York. You'd have just told us the truth." I smirked.
"Please Clay just let me go, it's none of your concern."
"Not until you tell me your crush."
"Nooooooo" he spoke in a very whiny voice. "Get your fat pillow ass off of me right now."

"Tell me your crush and I will."
"I hate you Clay." He spoke with no expression visible in his eyes.
"That is a clear lie Georgie and even god knows it."
"Either way, you wouldn't know who they were if I did tell, and I don't think you'd like them either." He growled, trying to push me off of him and failing.
"I doubt that, I recognised your Princess Katniss Leia Everdeen crush easily." I hummed.
"That doesn't mean anything, I was making it up and you knew that!"

"Fine, you don't have to tell me. I'll guess, but if I guess right you have to tell the truth. That fair?"
The Brit let out a sigh but nodded, "fine."

George does have a crush, it's obvious, and it is even more obvious that it's me. When he thinks I'm not looking he'll stare at me, he likes it when I flirt with him even though I do it as a joke most of the time and he fricking sleeps with me.

There is not a single part of him doesn't scream 'I have a mega fucking crush on Clay!'

And it's funny how he thinks none of us notice the way he acts. How he thinks that he is able to live with everyone thinking he only likes girls when it's obvious he doesn't.

In fact, with the exception of his fictional Canadian girlfriend the Katniss Everdeen, Princess Leia crossover, George has never mentioned any girl besides his mother and teachers. And those asshole girls that used to (and still sometimes do) tail me everyday around the school.

He is clearly gay, or something similar.
Spectrasexual .
Or maybe something else.

Every time the brunette looks at me his eyes seem to light up, even if he is in a shit mood they will seemingly brighten up when he sees me. I think I first saw it in his eyes the day we went to see that horror movie, only 3 or 4 days after we met.
George was watching the screen then a shot of the killer stabbing someone came up and he buried his head in my chest. Every time he looked at me after that I could tell he felt safer around me and that's when his eyes started to shine when they saw me.

After that movie he'd always want to be close to me. From then on the brunette always melted into the the warmth of my body when I hugged him at night, smiled brightly when he heard my tea kettle wheeze, and blushed when I complemented him, or called him cute nicknames such as Georgie (and windowsill).

My eyes stayed unfocused as I thought these thoughts over and over again in my mind. Recalling almost every memory me and the brunette have made since we first met all the way up to truth or dare several minutes ago. And I felt myself smile whenever he came into my mind.

Eventually I dragged my eyes up to meet with his and I felt my green eyes meet his. I closed my eyes and I took a deep breath.

"Is the person you have a crush on... me?"

His eyes widened as I spoke, and I immediately panicked internally, was I wrong? Did I just make a fool of myself for guessing that?
I tried to look calm as I watched him. His face blushed and he turned away so his eyes didn't meet mine.

"I uh-" he began when his eyes finally managed to meet mine.


My eyes softened in sadness.

"I-I mean yes...


I-I don't know."

He hung his head in shame, not bothering to try and hide the blush visible on his face. My eyes saddened more when I saw a tear streak down his cheek.

One of the hands that had been on either side of him drifted upwards to his face. My pointer finger hooked under his chin and lifted his face so his eyes met mine again and I gently wiped the tear away with my thumb.

"No need to look so embarrassed Georgie." I spoke in a soft voice as he looked up at me with big, round, confused eyes which glistened from tears that were threatening to run down his face.
"But I-"
I cut him off by moving a finger to his lip, shushing him quietly.

"You don't know?" I asked.
He just nodded in response.
"Well how would you react if I were to kiss you right now?"

The brunette's eyes widened slightly, but he eventually managed to speak, "I... I think I would like it." He mumbled quietly.

Another soft smile appeared on my face as the hand that had wiped away his tears brushed some hair away from his face. Then I brought it back down and used it to support my body.

Then I lowered myself down slightly and connected our lips in a gentle kiss.
1107 words.

I fucking cried while writing this chapter holy shit.

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