Chapter 61: dance

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Quick question: has anyone here ever been told they have to study for a test or something but instead end up reading or writing Wattpad stories?
George POV.

The two of us sat nervously in the car park, unsure of what to do. Should Clay and I let people know we were a couple or just keep it between us (and some other people obviously)?
I felt it was best to keep it quiet but then what, would people figure it out if we hung out together and acted differently, or should the 2 of us spend the day apart instead?

Eventually we glances at eachother and climbed out of the car. Maybe we could cover it up.

Obviously not. It's almost as if the universe wants everyone to know.

Today, a bunch of Clay's fan girls came running up to him. Apparently banners and signs advertising the school dance had been hung up on the wall and every one of these girls wanted Clay to go with them.
I balled up my fist and glared at the girls as they all begged Clay to take them to the dance.

"I'm the best dancer at the school!" One claimed excitedly.
"Yeah well I am definitely prettier. I'm sure Clay would much rather be seen with me over you." Another practically hissed.
"Still. I bet Clay would never want to kiss your fish lips." A third jeered.

Every inch of me wanted to push them away from the blond. Yell at them and tell them that he's mine then kiss him on the lips to show them. But I'd help nobody by doing that. (Except maybe the group of grown-ass touch-starved people reading this fanfiction).

I honestly felt ready to murder someone. And I fucking hate Clay right now, he took my entire arsenal of weapons, even the water gun 🔫.

4g0tmyname here. Butting into your regularly scheduled DNF to tell you all about this charity I started. For each comment you give here one Gogy will be given a weapon to protect their boyfriend from annoying ass pick me girls.

I just scooched myself closer to Clay and glared at the group of girls. "Can you move shortie, we're busy talking to Clay here." One girl said with a sharp look aiming at me.
As the words left her mouth I pulled my arm back slightly to throw a punch at her. The blond saw what was going to happen and grabbed my arm, he gave it a small reassuring squeeze, "calm down George before you do something you regret" he told me.

'I doubt I'll do something that I end up regretting.' despite thinking that I turned to Clay and I gave him a small nod.
He turned over to the group of girls, "sorry all of you but I have someone I already am planning on taking to the dance."
The girls all looked at eachother, probably wondering which one of them would be asked to the dance by the blond. I almost chuckled at their ignorance.

The swarm pretty much dispersed after that and we headed inside where we could see Zak and Darryl hanging out by the ravenette's locker. The bruise on his face had been covered by make-up and Darryl kept glancing over at it and inspecting it, making both me and the blond think he was the one who applied the make-up.

We walked up to them and Zak noticed us first, he lightly swatted away Darryl's hand as the green-eyed boy tried to touch the spot where the bruise had been the previous day before smiling at us. "Congrats you two." He said as a greeting, "we heard about what happened."
"You did? How?" I questioned with an eyebrow raised, my eyes immediately flicked over to look at Clay.

"I swear to god I didn't tell." The blond replied with a smile and his arms raised defensively.
Yeah that is believable. 🙄
"Don't bother lying asshole." I simply said as I walked off heading down the hall to my locker without waiting for him.

Clay POV.

"I swear to god I didn't tell." I took a half step back and raised my hands up defensively, although George clearly didn't believe me.
"Don't bother lying asshole." He replied as he walked down the hallway towards his locker.
"Language George!" Zak yelled out after the brunette before elbowing the shorter boy beside him, "beat you too it Darryl." He said teasingly to his boyfriend.

I rolled my eyes and began running down the hall after George. When I caught him I rested my arm on his shoulder, slowing down slightly to match his speed, "did you honestly think that you could escape me that easily George?" I asked jokingly and he rolled his eyes at my antics.
"To be frank... yes" the Brit mumbled under his breath.
"That's a bit mean." I responded with a pouting face.

By now we'd reached his locker and he'd opened it, he had begun digging around for a book as I leaned against the locker to his left, smirking slightly as I watched him. "Don't give me that weird look. It makes me feel like you're about to start making out with me" George growled at me in a hushed voice.
I let out a small chuckle, "who's to say I won't?"

The brunette rolled his eyes and slammed the locker door shut. "Why the hell did I agree to date a horny, annoying, immature pillow again?" He mumbled to himself.
"Why the hell did I agree to date a short, whiny, rich, bottom again?" I replied with a sly smile. George's eyes immediately widened and he looked down the hallway quickly, worries that someone may have heard but thankfully for the Brit nobody was nearby.

"Be glad no one heard that, because if they did I would gut your Pillow ass and throw the feathers inside of you throughout the air like confetti." George attempted to sound intimidating as he spoke.
"That is terrifying Georgie. But you wouldn't do that to your pillow because then you'll have no one to cuddle at night."
George thought this over for a moment and then shrugged his shoulders. "Fair enough."

The two of us had just reached the classroom, Darryl was in his usual spot and beside him sat Zak, they'd managed to convince the teacher to let him move away from Nick and Wilbur. George and I waved at them and sat down, less than a minute later the bell had rung.

Mr Phallus walked into the classroom and quickly read out the class roll before scanning over all of our faces slowly. "So class..." He began, "I think a lot of you may know but there is going to be a school dance at the beginning of next month. And that's what I am going to be talking to you about first."

At the mention of the dance I noticed half of the girls in the class glance over to look eagerly at the blond.
I let out a sigh of annoyance, you'd honestly expect them to have given up by now right?
1213 words.

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