Chapter 6: library fued

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Clay POV.

Why was George being so difficult, one second he'd be looking at me as though I was his best friend, the next he'd stare me down with a scowl painted across his face.

I noticed this as we continued through our last 2 periods of the day, PE and Maths. Georgie did well in both, even I was struggling to keep up with him in maths even though I had done the same classes 2 years before.

We were nearing the end of maths, the last period of the day, and the brunette sitting in the seat beside me having finished 5 minutes earlier. I'd managed to get to the last question when the bell rang and as students filed out of class I handed in my worksheet.

The hallway was bustling with teenagers eager to get home or too sports games, and I looked around for George. But he'd disappeared. And he wasn't still in the classroom either. I sighed loudly as I began walking through the halls looking for him.

George POV.

When the bell rang most of my class shot up from their seats to the door, and I did the same. I wanted to go to the library, for just 10 minutes without Clay on my tail. As I reached the door I glanced back and saw that Clay had just stood up to leave now. So I sped off to the library before he got a chance to spot me.

When I pushed open the door to the library it released a loud creak, signalling to the librarian that someone was here. She smiled at the sight of me as I was a regular visitor here. "Good afternoon George, how was your day today?" She greeted warmly.

Her smile made me feel better about myself, it was like rays of sunshine and could brighten up anyone's day. "It was... Good, how was yours?"
"Oh it was busy, as usual." She let out a laugh.

Her name was Mrs Murdo and she was my favourite staff member here, sometimes she even brought sweets to give to her students (as long as they didn't eat in the library). I knew Mrs Murdo would need to know about the book, after all I did borrow it from here.

Slowly I pulled the old book with the torn pages out from my bag and tentatively placed it on the table. Her eyes widened when she saw the book, which was expected, she examined the ripped pages. "Oh George, what happened to the book?" The librarian asked, as she looked from the torn pages to me.
"I uh-tripped, and was reading while walking, total mistake, but I can pay you back." I lied, about the first part obviously, I could easily pay her back for the book.

Mrs Murdo gave me a look that said she didn't believe me and just shook her head, "I don't need you to pay Georgie, after all it was an accident.

I nodded and gave her a small apology before disappearing into the rows of shelves, where I sat down in a secluded spot and grabbed another book nearby, Hunger Games: The Ballard of Songbirds and Snakes.
Hunger Games was a great read, but I hadn't seen this one before, was it new?

I stood up and began walking in Mrs Murdo's direction when I heard footsteps behind me, had she come over here to put some books away? I decided I'd check the desk first and continued walking, but stopped when I heard someone's voice behind me. "You really shouldn't be running off like that Georgie."
Fuck it was Clay.
He was really close behind me when I turned to face him, only inches from my face, he towered over me and while I was clearly intimidated I stood my ground. "Well I did, if you were my bodyguard you'd have been with me when I got here." I snapped at him, in the loudest tone I dared in a library, "and I already told you I don't need a babysitter."

Clay rolled his eyes, before continuing, "George I don't think you need a babysitter but last time you ran off from me you came out with bruises all over you!" When he said that he pulled me closer to him, and pulled back the sleeve to my hoodie to reveal a bunch of ugly purple and brown marks where I'd been punched earlier.

I ripped my hand from his grasp, "just goes to show how good you are at being a bodyguard." Sarcasm was easily detectable in my words and the blond narrowed his eyes in annoyance.

Clay POV.

"George I don't think you need a babysitter but last time you ran off from me you came out with bruises all over you!" I pulled the brunette towards me and then lifted the sleeve of his hoodie to show what I meant.

He sent glares at me as he pushed me away from him, "just goes to show how good you are at being a bodyguard," the brunette said sarcastically as he turned and tried to leave, but I wasn't having it.

I remembered what Mr Davidson had told me yesterday: "Tomorrow you will accompany George to school and help prevent him from getting bullied, but don't interfere with what he'sdoing too much. You can tell him what he can and can't do and are in charge of his wellfare outside of the home."

I didn't want to be mean to him, I would have been mad to if I was forced to have someone watching me 24/7. But I need to be mean and he has to listen to me so I pushed him up against a bookshelf and Georgie yelped in suprise.

"Listen here George!" My voice now sounded cruel and both of us were surprised by it, "I know you don't like having a bodyguard but you don't really have a choice, this was your parents idea and you shouldn't fucking take it out on me!"
His eyes widened in fear at my words as I continued, "you're parents put me in charge of your safety and so I need to do that. And we can do it one of two ways. Either you willingly hang out with me during school as friends, and I subtly keep an eye on you. Or, I will have to force you to stay with me, maybe even set up a damn find my friends for your phone."

After that I thought George would back down, so we could just go home and hopefully start over tomorrow but he didn't, he just growled at me and yelled, "So what? I either am forced to be friends with you or be forced to be your damn pet! I could get my parents to fire you if they want, I just need to show them these damn bruises."

It was a checkmate, neither of us wanted to back down and it seemed like neither of us would. But then a librarian waddled around the corner, she was in her late 50's and wore a glare. "Both of you need to shut up, we are in a library and you do not yell in libraries."

Both of us looked down in embarrassment, and mumbled apologies.
"Sorry ma'am."
"It won't happen again Mrs Murdo."
"Good. Now both of you shoo. I want to go home, you 2 have given me a damn headache."

We nodded at her words and left in silence, the halls were deserted as we made our way out of the front doors and I lead the Brit to where I'd parked the Ferrari earlier and let him into the passenger seat. The entire ride home was tense silence as we both processed what I had said, and what Georgie had said in return.

When I finally had the car parked in the garage, George jumped out with his bag and disappeared inside without another word.

He's probably going to talk to his father. I guess I should probably start packing then.
1344 words

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