Chapter 158: the end

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Gifts from the Pillowsill wedding which I have seen in comments and such.
Lube (courtesy of Sapnap)
More lube (from at least 10 different people)
(Anything anyone else wants to add?)

Can also confirm that Clay only brought the house for the bathroom cause it would be good for aftercare. He is a very horny Pillowcase.

Anyway, yes, unfortunately this is the final chapter of the main story, but I will be doing some 'what ifs' (named after the new Marvel animated show which you guys should watch)
Kind of like if something or someone was different what a situation would be like.
Or if you wanted to see something that didn't happen.

If you have anything ideas you want to see then suggest it in the comments. (If someone else has asked for something you want then just reply to there's and add something if you want)

I will be handling angst/fluff, and Ezra will handle any smut requests.

Please check out my other story 'Demons,' I am kind of proud of that one and people who have read it all seem to like it.

And I wrote the majority of this chapter while watching the new movie Free Guy starring Ryan Reynolds. I recommend watching it, it is amazing.

Anyway thank you for hanging around for this long to read a crappy story, I honestly had no idea what I was doing and thank you guys for making writing this story as great as it was. Also thank you for all the support and follows you gave me, I never deserved it

-written by 4g0tmyname, on behalf of Ezra and Con.

And after a long intro I hope that you enjoy this last official chapter.
Clay POV.

My hand ran through George's hair again, as we sat on the couch watching a movie.

Beside us sat Karl, who was sandwiched between two very horny idiots who were placing kisses on every uncovered part of his body (don't be fucking horny guys).
His lips, forehead, cheeks, neck, collarbone, hands, and each individual finger were getting lightly kissed by the pair causing Karl to whine or let out soft moans occasionally that nobody else paid any mind too (except Nick and Alex who enjoyed his reaction).

I rolled my eyes at them and looked to the other side of us where Darryl and Zak were cuddling. Unlike the people sitting to the right of us they were not horny.
Darryl was leaning with his head on Zak's chest and one of the ravenette arms was wrapped around him. The other arm was up in his hair brushing it with his fingers.

Meanwhile I was sitting in the middle of couch with George sitting on my lap. I had my head resting on his shoulder and one of my hands up in his hair, brushing it with my fingers absentmindedly. My other hand was holding his.
Our breathing synced up, both of chests rising and falling at the same time

We all sat in silence while the movie played, enjoying eachother's presences. It made me shocked that just over a year ago George and I hadn't ever met Alex and Darryl, Zak and Nick had been homophobic and bullying George, and Karl had been the quiet smart kid in class. Now look where we all were.

I thought further back to the day I had met George, it made me laugh how much he hated me at first and then we became inseperable. It made me chuckle how when I thought about how convinced he was that he didn't like me, and I guess that he was right, obviously... 🙄

My hand stilled from it's repetitive movement through his hair, and I felt the Brits eyes shift to look over at me, the hand I was holding squeezed mine lightly.
"Clay? Are you okay?" He asked softly, kissing me on the cheek and causing the other 5 people sitting on the large couch to look over to me.

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