Chapter 134: The shower

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Hey it's Ezra again. 4 showed me some comments from the past 2 chapters including the one I wrote and I'm thankful for all the nice things you said about me.

A lot of people also asked if I had my own Wattpad account to write stories and I don't. I just think it'll be difficult to manage and I will loose time to do other things, at least 4 lets me write some of their chapters.

Anyway, smut warning.
Clay POV.

I stepped into the bathroom before shutting door with a small click which couldn't be heard over the running water from the shower.

Without being to careful about how much noise I was making I placed my clothes on the toilet, which had the lid down.

As I moved closer to the large shower I noticed that George was humming a little tune to himself. I silenced a chuckle before moving closer to the entrance of the large shower and stepped inside quietly.

Still George had not noticed my presence, is he deaf as well as blind?
The brunette was still humming the tune and my mouth twisted into a sly smile, "that's some good singing Georgie."

He jolted at the sudden noise and spun around on the spot. The warm water now hit his back instead of his face and his eyes widened.
"C-Clay? What are you doing in here?" As George asked that his hands trailed in front of his body in a futile attempt to cover himself.

"I'm showering of course." The tone I used sounded as though I'd said the most obvious thing in the world.
"Why are you in here!" The brunette's face turned bright red as he took a half-step away from me.

"Showering." I gave a shrug as I spoke and took a step in George's direction, larger than the one he had taken and closing the gap between us.

"Get out!"
I shook my head and chuckled, taking another step in his direction as George wobbled on uneven footing. "I can't Georgie, as your bodyguard and fiance I need to make sure your safe. It could be dangerous, you may trip or something..."

As if on cue George fell back, and I grabbed him before he hit the ground as I wrapped one arm around him just below his collarbone and the other around his waist. This was too perfect to be coincidence.

George averted his eyes as his hands moved up to my shoulders to support himself before trying to stand up, but the position I held him in didn't allow that.

"C-can you l-let me go?" George stuttered, his face growing redder by the minute.
I shook my head then leaned forward to kiss the rose coloured cheek closest to me.

"You look really pretty right now Georgie," I mumbled, my lips still close to his cheek, my hands travelling down his body slowly which caused him to squirm.
"Clay... I~" he was cut off when he released a small, almost inaudible whine.

"You what Georgie?" I raised an eyebrow at the boy in my arms before begin to press kisses back along the side of his face and down to his neck and collarbone.
"We have school soon... we can't do this," he gave a slight plead.

I gave a shrug, "school ends a few months, who cares?"
"Me I ca-"
The brunette was cut off when I connected our lips, immediately forcing my tongue into his open mouth and beginning to explore it.

George didn't try and stop me, he could have attempted to push me off, but he didn't. In fact, Mr 'we can't do anything because we have school' seemed eager to do something.
Talk about backwards morals.

His fingers dug into my shoulder blades, and as I lifted him slightly his body went somewhat limp, allowing me to take him. The brunette's legs wrapped around my waist and I carried him over to the wall and pinning him against it.

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