Chapter 38: Trigger Warning: pillow

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Another day with 2 chapters cause I had nothing better to do.
You guys are welcome 😁
George POV.

I woke up to the familiar feeling of having arms wrapped protectively around me, with me holding onto one of the arms. Beneath me I felt the steady rise and fall of someone breathing beneath me.

My eyes opened slowly to see the familiar face of the blond illuminated in the light from his phone. Clay easily noticed me moving around as I looked up at him tiredly, "why are you up?" I asked him.
"Just couldn't sleep, sorry if I woke you Georgie."
His eyes moved back to his phone but before he could do anything I grabbed the phone and threw it over to the other side of the bed. "Sleep Pillow" I ordered, to which Clay responded with a small chuckle.

"Can I at least go back to my own bed please George?" He asked, trying to nudge me off of him.
"No." I mumbled as I closed my eyes again and pulled him down, "night Clay."

Clay POV.

It had just passed midnight when I woke up and decided to check my phone for a while. The brunette stayed asleep as I sat up with him still leaning against me slightly. After a half hour I felt George shifting on me, stirring slowly.
He sat up slightly and gave me a half-lidded look, "why are you up?" The Brit asked with a drowsy sounding voice.
"Just couldn't sleep." I answered, feeling bad for waking him, "sorry if I woke you Georgie."

He lowered himself back down against my chest. I turned back to my phone and George gave me an annoyed look, telling me that he wanted us both to go to sleep. When I still didn't turn off my phone he grabbed it and threw it to the other side of the bed.

"Sleep Pillow," he instructed with a growl.
I gave a small chuckle and moved down slightly, "Can I at least go back to my own bed please George?"
"No" he mumbled as he closed his eyes and nuzzled his head against my chest, "night Clay."

The next morning.

Neither of us had changed position by the time it was 6 in the morning and I woke up. George was still gripping my arms loosely with his hands and letting out slow exhales while still sleeping deeply. George claims he doesn't like me but I, along with everyone else who he said that too, know it's bullshit.

Easily, I pried his hands off of me and nudged him away before sitting up and heading out of his room and into my own. I took a long shower, before changing into some clean, comfortable clothes.
Less than a minute after I stepped out of my bathroom I heard George whining like the toddler he is, "Clay get your ass back here it's too early!"

I rolled my eyes and headed back to his room, "is there a problem George?"
"Too early... want more sleep... get over here... need a pillow." I rolled my eyes again and came over to the bed, sitting on the edge.

(Trigger warning: rebellious and bad pillow).

"Hurry up Pillow." George urged, giving me an annoyed look at how long I was taking.
"Fine." I laid down on my back, but on top of the Brit. He tried squirming out from underneath me but couldn't.

"Clay get off." He tried to growl but I just ignored him.
"Nope." I laughed at what was happening, "you are my pillow now, bitch!"
He tried scratching me with his fingernails but didn't accomplish anything.

"You're so fucking fat and heavy you're gonna crush me!" He complained overdramatically.
I just let out a fake gasp in response, "I am not that fat Pillow."

He ignored me and stuck out his tongue childishly, I am now officially convinced that he is a 4 year old in the body of a 17 year old. While laying on top of the brunette I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through Twitter, somehow managing to block out his annoying protests on why I should get off him.

Clearly George didn't like getting the 'pillow' treatment as he eventually got desperate, practically begging me to get off him, but I still ignored him.
"What will it take for you to get off?" He whined in obvious annoyance.
"Well you haven't even tried saying please yet Georgie, that might help." I said, trying to hold in my laughter towards George's childish behaviour and barely managing too.

"Please can you get off of me Pillow."
"Nope, try again."
He rephrased his sentence and spoke through gritted teeth, "please get you fat ass off of me." 
"Wrong again Pillow."
"You're the only pillow around here." The Brit spoke before letting out a sigh, "please can you let me up almighty Pillowcase."

Trigger warning over, back to good Pillow.

I let out a small chuckle, "Good enough."  The brunette rolled over to the edge of the bed as I sat up.
"Why did you do that Pillow?" The Brit asked, giving me an annoyed but curious look.
I smiled, "just wanted to see what it was like."
"Well don't get used to it, you are the pillow in this relationship, nothing else. Got it?"
(Dream being the pillow is one of those things all people can unanimously agree on, just like the fact that Georgenotfound is a bottom).

My eyes turned to look over at the Brit who was blushing slightly, "yeah, we have a strong relationship as friends." The room was somewhat tense for a moment, sitting in an awkward silence. "I'm gonna go get in the shower." George mumbled to himself as he walked over to the bathroom.

George POV.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Did I seriously just say me and Clay were had a relationship? As a couple?
No I definitely didn't, right?

The water washed down my back and I let out a sigh at the comfort, do I want a relationship with him, is that why I said it?
No. I already cleared myself of that thought, I am not gay, never have been and never will be.

After I climbed out and dried myself I pulled on some grey sweatpants, a grey shirt of a similar shade and a hoodie I had stolen from Clay before heading out of the ensuite.
"What are you wearing?" The blond asked the second I stepped into the main room.

I assumed he was talking about the hoodie, and muttered a small explanation before he interrupted me, "that is not what I meant Georgie, but still that is a... strange choice for someone who isn't into me.
What I meant was the fact that today was your first cheer practice after school with Coach McAuley, so you need to wear your uniform there."

Oh shit. Cheerleader practice, I'm screwed.
1160 words.

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