Chapter 11: Knuckles

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I have no idea why, but wattpad didn't let me post yesterday. but here you go. There will be 2 chapters today.

WARNING: it has come to my attention that there is a mildly offensive joke in this chapter. If you don't like it, just change the wording to whatever is funny for you. Thank you.


"I didn't think you could do it!" Flynn exclaimed, the happy expression on her face growing bigger by the second.

"Yeah, but he left as soon as I said it. He probably doesn't even feel the same way and I just ruined our friendship. Of course, Alex told me that he likes me, but it's not like Luke even told him that so I have no idea and-" Julie was speaking so fast trying to figure out her thoughts and ideas in her head.

"Slow down, girl," Flynn said, "I'm having a hard time keeping up."

"Sorry. I told Alex that I like Luke, and Alex said that he likes me too. Only thing is, Luke didn't actually tell him that. He says that he could just tell by the way we look at each other or something."

"Of course he likes you, Julie! I say that and I can only see him when you play together! I know I downgraded this relationship before, but now that he's real to you, I stan."

Alex and Reggie had decided to let Luke off the hook this time. They didn't know what happened, and they decided not to ask. Instead, the three boys stole Julie's laptop, went onto Disney +, (Julie had shown Reggie how before so he could watch Star Wars), and started to watch a movie that they had seen only in theaters before; The Princess Bride.

"Ya know, I've always wanted to be a knight," Alex commented during the movie.

"You? A knight? I'd pay to see that!" Luke laughed.

"Yeah," Reggie added, "If you had to fight something, you'd be running out faster than a fat kid chasing an ice cream truck!"

Alex rolled his eyes. The three of them went back to watching the movie.

During math class, Julie was having a hard time understanding the material. She had almost no experience with this kind of math, and for some reason, it wasn't clicking in her head as most others did. She leaned over to Flynn, who was right next to her and hoped for some help.

"Do you understand any of this?" She asked.

"Girl, I stopped listening 10 minutes ago," Flynn giggled a little as she said that.

I guess I'm gonna have homework tonight. Julie thought.

When she got home, Julie went straight upstairs to try to understand even just a tiny bit of what her teacher was talking about during class. She lay on her bed, book open, as she put on her glasses to hopefully make some sense out of it.


Luke came to see what Julie was doing. She was squinting at a book, making one of the most perplexed looks he'd ever seen. He walked over and sat criss-cross in front of her. Luke wasn't thinking about what happened this morning anymore, he just wanted to be close to her.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Trying to do my homework," She responded.

"Maybe I could help you."

"You don't know this stuff, Luke," She came back.

"Try me," He said assuredly.

"Okay, do you know the equations for the arc and sector of a circle?" Julie said sarcastically.

"The what of what?" Luke was more confused than Julie now.

"Exactly," Julie laughed.

"Okay, maybe I'm not the best at math," He admitted.

They both laughed. Luke decided he would just be there for moral support instead of trying to help her. He grabbed her hand, laced it with his, and planted a single kiss on the top of her knuckles. 


Awwww Juke cuteness that even I can't handle.

We are nearing the end! Only a few more chapters to go, and I'm scared you guys won't like the ending, but I'm not changing it, so deal with it.

Yesterday, this story was #1 in Juke. Y'all making me soft. Thank you. I love you.

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