Chapter 7: Birthday Pancakes

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Hey!! I kinda forgot today was Friday but whatev's. 

Follow me on insta if you haven"t already!  @ jen45671_

Enjoy! :)


Julie woke up on the morning of her 17th birthday hoping for the best. She wasn't so sure, though. Lately, her life had been a bunch of 180's and she wasn't so sure which direction she was going in anymore.

"Happy Birthday, Mija!" Her dad had said the second Julie had come downstairs.

"Thanks, Dad."

"I made you some pancakes this morning."

Julie smiled at him with her most affectionate smile, and sat down to eat her breakfast.

"Happy Birthday to my weird sister!" Carlos almost yelled as he came downstairs with a gift bag in his hand.

Julie giggled as she watched him almost fall down the last couple steps, but stood up to greet him with a hug.

Carlos held out the gift bag, so Julie took it and peeked inside.

It was a baseball with a very messily written name on it.

"It's the ball from my last game. I signed it for you. That way you can be the first one to ever get my autograph!" Carlos said, excitedly.

"Aw, thanks Carlos," Julie said, putting the ball back into the bag and placing the bag on the counter. She loved that he dreamed big. She had had a hard time dreaming big after her mother had passed, but now she's back and feeling more alive than ever. Carlos on the other hand had never stopped dreaming big, and she admired that greatly.

"Alright, kids, We better get going before you're both late for school and then your tia will be over to tell us all about it."

Carlos snapped his fingers and pointed towards their dad as he headed out the door.

"Julie, are you coming?" Her father asked.

"I'll be there in a minute. I have to check on something."

Her father nodded before heading out the door himself.

Julie made her way to the garage to make sure the guys didn't need anything before she went to school. She'd been doing this for the past couple weeks and so far they haven't needed anything. But, it was an excuse to see them one last time before school (mostly Luke, but don't expect Julie to admit that).

"Boys!" She announced.

Alex was the first to wake up, reaching over to shake Reggie awake as well. Luke was always the last to wake up. That kid could sleep forever.

Reggie was about to jump on him to wake him up, but Julie stopped him.

Julie walked over to where Luke was sleeping on the concrete floor and ran her fingers along his jawline. In his sleep, he reached up to scratch where she had just touched. Julie did it again, and this time Luke had smiled. Finally, Julie put her hands in his har and ruffled it a little bit before saying his name in a sing-songy voice.

"Luke," She said softly, then a little louder, and finally she reached for the blanket he had loosely draped over himself and yanked it right off of him. Luke woke up with a jolt that ended with him banging his head on the ground.

He brought up his hand to rub the back of his head. "Ouch," He whined, his voice deeper than normal from sleep. "Julie, why'd you do that?"

Julie shrugged. "You've got work in an hour."

Luke groaned, but got up from the floor, grabbed some clothes, and headed towards the bathroom to shower.

Julie turned to face Alex and Reggie who were still chuckling. "Do you guys need anything before I leave?"

"You ask us that everyday, and what do we say everyday?" Alex asked.

"You always say that you don't need anything," Julie said, rolling her eyes in a loving way.

A car horn could be heard from outside the garage. "I better get going," Julie announced and made her way out of the garage to her dad's car.

Now she could tell that it was going to be a great day.


Things are slow going, but we have some cute stuff comin' up!

Thanks for all your support :)

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