Chapter 10: Open Doors

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Heyyy :) My stress levels are high because I'm planning/decorating/going to prom, finishing creating pages for our school yearbook due on Monday, trying to finish homework that I ignored, and having to learn multiple new dances on top of it all haha. Let's just say I haven't had much time to write lately. Luckily I have extra chapters ready to go!

Enjoy!... or don't...


"Julie!" Luke yelled, barging into her house where she was seated at the kitchen table.

"Luke!" Julie yelled back, mimicking his tone.

"Your birthday present is finally ready!"

Luke slid into the chair next to her.

"You know, my dad isn't going to like that you guys just decided to start barging in here."

"Eh, he'll get over it. I think," Luke started. "Anyway, your present is finally ready."

Luke watched Julie's face as she smiled, pushing some hair behind her ear as she straightened her posture in the kitchen chair.

"What is it?" Julie asked. "You've been talking about it for a week."

Luke pulled out a small box and set it in front of her. "I didn't have time to wrap it, but I figured it would still work."

"I'm sure it's perfect," Julie assured him.

"Oh my gosh! Just open it," Alex's voice appeared behind them.

Julie laughed and Luke shooed Alex away, but he could tell he was still lurking. Well, that was as much privacy they were going to get. So, he pushed the box towards her.

Julie stared at it, inspecting it, for a moment before she opened it.

"A charm bracelet?" She asked him.

"Yeah. I know you like bracelets, and I figured it would be a good-"

Luke's sentence was cut off by Julie practically leaping across the table to hug him.

"I love it!" She exclaimed, sitting back and turning it over in her hands taking in every little detail of it.

"It took so long because I got it engraved," Luke started explaining.

"Julie, my star," She read. Luke swore he saw a small tear escape her eye, but she wiped it away so quickly that he thought he imagined it.

"The music note charm is for our band, the angel one for our first kiss, and the mic is for the Orpheum, and the dahlia is for your mom. I'll get you some more later"

Julie put the bracelet on her wrist right away. "I'm never taking it off."

Luke smiled like an idiot, but in his defense, Julie was in front of him.

"Julie! Can you come help me?" Ray could be heard from upstairs.

"Yeah, Dad! Just a sec," Julie responded, standing up, kissing Luke on the head, and walking up the stairs.

She was perfect in every way and he couldn't believe that the universe had just plopped him and his friends right into her life. He's the happiest he's ever been, and he couldn't imagine a life without Julie, in fact, he couldn't remember what he ever did without her.

"That's cute, Luke. Who knew you were such a sap?" Alex said sarcastically walking into the kitchen and sitting right next to him.

"Shut up, Alex. You knew plenty well."

"I did. I just wanted to hear you say it."

Luke slugged him in the shoulder. Just then, Reggie walked into the kitchen.

"Hey guys! Where's Ray? I was hoping we could watch Chopped with him tonight again."

"You mean you were hoping that you could watch Chopped with him tonight," Alex corrected.

Reggie shrugged. "We're buds, I'm sure he'd let me."

Ray came down the stairs with Julie right behind him. "Since when did my house become a home for your phantoms, Julie?" He asked.

"It's your fault for being so friendly and like a dad to them," Julie answered, shrugging her shoulders and walking over to sit next to Luke at the table.

"Can we watch Chopped tonight, Ray?" Reggie asked him.

"Uh, sure Reg. You all want to watch Chopped?"

"Nah, just me. The other guys are losers," Reggie said, earning him an annoyed look from both Luke and Alex and a small laugh from Ray.

Ray motioned for Reggie to follow him and they walked into the living room to start the new Chopped episode.

Julie looked at Luke and Alex. "Wanna watch a movie in the garage?" She suggested.

They both shook their heads yes.

"We'll get snacks," Luke added, walking into the kitchen with Alex following him.

Luke heard the doorbell ring, so Julie went to open it. There was no sound after the door opening, and Luke heard Ray ask Julie who was at the door.

No answer.

"Julie?" Luke asked.

Still no answer.

Luke walked over to the sight of the door swinging open, no Julie anywhere, and no evidence of someone at the door.


Uh Oh...

What do you think happened? Let me know by commenting!

See you next week! :)

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