Chapter 13: A Perfect Kiss

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Sorry for leaving y'all hanging in the last chapter, but there's an even bigger cliffhanger here. Sorry not sorry. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Only 2 left!


"I actually wrote you a song too, Luke," Julie was still staring up at him from her seat at the piano.

"You did?" Luke was stunned. He surely hadn't predicted that this is how showing her his song would go.

Julie looked down at the piano in front of her, and started playing "Perfect Harmony", and she was doing her best performance she could with the lingering eyes that just happened to be Luke's. The farther she got into the song, the more shocked Luke looked.

"That's- That's for me?" Luke glanced over in the direction of the house and back to her.

"Yeah. You act like you've heard it before." Julie gave him a puzzling look, but Luke just shook his head.

"I mean, I heard you sing it a couple of weeks ago, but I-," Luke looked to his feet, "I thought it was for Nick 'cause ya know... nevermind." He rambled out as fast as he could, and he still stopped his words as quickly as he could.

Julie's eyes widened as she thought back to that one Saturday when she had sung that song. The same Saturday when, for a split moment, she could swear someone was watching her. She had just brushed it off because she was home alone, and she knew that the boys knew about her boundaries. That didn't mean they always followed them, though.

"Can we take a walk?" Julie looked up at Luke as she said that, hoping he wouldn't turn her down but at the same time she knew he would never turn something like that down. All it took was a small nod and they were off.

Alex and Reggie both gave each other scared looks before poofing away from the garage just as Julie opened the door.

The two started down the sidewalk, and Julie slipped her hand into his which earned her a small smile and chuckle from Luke.

Luke apologized for breaking into her dream box. Julie apologized for lashing out. She also apologized for stealing his hoodie. To her surprise, Luke laughed.

"Jules, you can have it. I don't wear it anyway."

They talked. They talked about everything to the moon and back. Luke told her about following her to school.

"I thought I was going crazy because I could swear I could see you every day."

Luke smiled. "We're all a little crazy."

Julie told him about her Perfect Harmony vision.

"Jules, I can't dance."

Julie shrugged, "Doesn't stop me from imagining it."

Luke laughed. "Well imagine me falling on my butt because that's what would happen."

They talked about that and more.

Suddenly, a small drop of water fell from the sky, then another. Soon, it was pouring rain.

"Julie, we better get you home. You are not wearing rain attire," Luke said as he looked down at her shorts and t-shirt.

"I'm fine," Julie said unconvincingly.

"Jules..." Luke started, but he was cut off by her lips meeting his. He was surprised, but he wasn't about to stop.

The kiss was passionate. It was all the words left unsaid and all the words they had said. It was everything either of them could have wanted and more.

Even with Luke's ghostliness, the kiss didn't feel like anything less than perfect. Julie had closed her eyes, and when she finally opened them again, Luke was glowing. He was glowing brighter than the night of the Orpheum performance. As Julie pulled away, they were looking at each other with curious eyes. The last time he had glowed this bright, it was something good. That has to be the same again, right?

Wrong. Before Julie's eyes, she could see Luke starting to disappear in front of her.

"What's happening?" Julie questioned.

"I- I don't know. Maybe I'm crossing over?"

The worried look in both their eyes changed rapidly to scared. Julie grabbed him. She held him tight hoping with all her might to not lose the love of her life, especially the night they finally had overtaken the boundaries in their minds and admitted their feelings. She squeezed him as tight as she could and closed her eyes, letting the feeling of his nonexistent body next to hers overtake her.

No no no! she thought. Without warning, a voice drew her from her thoughts.

"Jules?" Luke turned her chin towards him. He was now almost transparent.

"Yeah?" Julie could hardly answer, but she did her best to keep down the sobs that were forming.

"I love you."

Julie couldn't help it now, tears were stinging her eyes, and with one blink to get them away, he was gone. She fell to the ground sobbing.

"I love you, too," She finally was able to muster out a little too late.


Don't attack me for this lol. See ya tomorrow!

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