Chapter 4: Sleeping

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Happy Valentine's day! I'm really coming through with the surprise updates on this one haha.



The next morning, Luke woke up in the strangest place. He didn't remember much else from the night before, but he was sure he hadn't somehow made his way to Julie's bedroom. His head was crammed almost underneath her bed, his arm asleep from the way he was laying on it, and his other arm was above him, resting on Julie's bed.

"Julie?" He called into the room that was lit up by the sun shining through the windows.

No answer.

"Julie?" He called again, hoping that she hadn't heard him the time before instead of leaving him alone in here. He also hoped that she knew what was going on because he surely didn't.

"Ugh," He groaned, heaving himself up from the floor to survey the room. Everything was in its place, the bed made, and the house seemed silent. Great. So he was alone. He tried to poof back into the garage before realizing that he was alive again. Now, he had to walk downstairs and hope he wasn't going to face Julie's dad or Carlos. They'd ask questions he didn't have the answer to.

Luckily for him, nobody was in the kitchen, so he grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl that was kept on the table. This whole eating thing was so overrated. Sure, he had wanted to eat while he was a ghost, but that doesn't mean he wanted to have to remember to do it now that he was alive again.

"Hey Sleepyhead," Alex greeted him as soon as he had walked into the garage.

"What time is it?" Luke asked.

"I think it's noon or one," Alex answered him.

"Give me a break, I haven't slept in months," He complained.

"Neither have we, but we were still up at a reasonable hour."

"I missed sleeping. Oh! And eating," Reggie chimed in, eyeing down Luke's banana.

Luke peeled the banana and took a bite right in front of Reggie, who made a sad face.

"How was your night in Julie's room?" Alex asked.

"I don't know. I don't even remember going up there," Luke shrugged.

"Probably because you hit your head," Reggie said.

"When did I do that?" Luke asked him.

Reggie shrugged. "I don't know. I think I saw it in a movie once. This guy hit his head and then he couldn't remember anything."

Luke gave him a confused look, but decided to shake it off because that was just Reggie being Reggie. "Where's Julie?" He finally asked, taking another bite of his banana.

"It's a school day," Alex answered as if it should have been obvious.

"I didn't know. Or have we forgotten already that I crossed over and I have absolutely no idea what day it is."

"It's October 3rd," Reggie supplied.

Alex gave him a look that Luke couldn't quite read. "No it's not. It's March 15th."

Luke made a mental note that he'd been gone for a month even though it was only a few seconds for him. Just like that dark room he, Alex, and Reggie were stuck in for an hour that spit them back out 25 years later.

"I know, but Julie showed me this movie called Mean Girls, and she laughed pretty hard at that part. I just wanted to tell someone that," Reggie explained.

Luke chuckled and rolled his eyes. The guys he's stuck with are complete idiots. Well, Luke admits he's an idiot too, but we're not talking about him right now.


"Julie! You're home!" Reggie practically yelled.

Luke watched her face light up when she saw them, and the room brightened as she walked in. He always felt happier when she was around. In 1995, he thought he was happy. Almost performing at the Orpheum, his best friends by his side. Music being the number one thing is his life. He seriously thought he was happy. Then, he met Julie and suddenly those things didn't really matter anymore. Well, of course music still mattered, but it all seemed hopeless without Julie by his side, sharing a microphone, faces inches apart, and the chemistry oozing out of them. Oozing? He was spending too much time with Reggie.

"Luke?" Julie asked, snapping Luke from his thoughts.

"Hm?" He hummed, getting distracted by her chocolate brown eyes already.

"When did you finally decide to wake up?"

"What do you mean?"

"He woke up around 12:30," Alex answered for him.

"That's good. I thought he'd never wake up," Julie said, passing them to sit on the piano bench.

"What do you mean? I don't even remember going to your room last night," Luke explained.

"You snuck up there like a half an hour after my dad went to sleep. You said that you had to tell me something, and sat on the floor by my bed, but you fell asleep before you could even say anything," Julie said as she started laughing. "I tried to wake you up this morning but you didn't budge."

"Oh come on, I haven't slept in over 25 years. I think I needed it," Luke complained.

Just then the garage doors busted open.



Who just came into the garage?

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See you soon!

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