Chapter 33

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"Mallory!.....Mallory!!....Can you hear me???" I heard hazily. I had no idea what was going on. I think I got into an accident. All I remember is leaving for Zayn's to watch movies. My head was spinning voices echoing through my mind. The sound of tires squealing replaying in my head.

"Mallory, you lost control of the car. Can you hear me?" I heard an unfamiliar voice speak to me. He was trying to help but it just made my head pound. 

"Yeah...." I groggily spoke. My head was throbbing extremely bad. I felt a breeze on my forehead. I went to feel what was so cold on my head when someone stopped me.

"Don't touch. You gashed your head open pretty bad." The paramedic, I assumed, instructed me. So I was in an accident. It's all coming back to me now. Why didn't the airbag go off? How long was I out for? 

"Where am I?" I asked not having a clue where we were. Everything looked so different to me as I layed in the back of the ambulance I assumed.  Tubes and machines surrounding me on every side.  This was scary.  I had never been hurt seriously before. Riding in an ambulance was all new to me.  

"We are on the way to the hospital. After you crashed the car your boyfriend went looking for you and found your car. He called us and now here we are. He is meeting us there." The guy told me. Zayn had found me thankfully. He has always been super protective of me. Knowing my fear of driving he probably gave me a time frame before heading out to look for me.  


"I'm so glad you're okay!" Zayn told me as he bursted into my hospital room. I had been looked over and got a few stitches. I had a concussion but nothing too serious. Luckily that's all I got out of my crash. Zayn pulled me into a hug before I could respond. "I was so worried about you. You didn't show up to my house and you didn't answer my calls so I went looking for you."

"I'm glad you did. Thank you so much." I refused to let go of him. I don't know what I would do without him. I felt the flashback of me hitting the trees and flinched a little. Zayn took notice but I just squeezed him tighter. 

"Well the doctor says I can take you home now. You're stitches will dissolve in a week or two." Zayn filled me in. I hate stitches. They feel weird on my forehead. I also have a huge bandage covering them, not noticeable at all.  

"Alright, let's go I hate hospitals." I grabbed the blankets and pulled them off. I swung my legs off the bed and stepped off. I almost instantly fell to the floor before Zayn caught me. I felt the room spin before realizing Zayn was there to catch me.  

"Whoa, maybe we should get you a wheelchair." Zayn suggested. 

"No, it's fine I just got up to fast. I'll be alright." I reassured him. I just want to get home. Zayn told me my parents were here earlier but since my injuries weren't serious they let him take me home.

"Okay, let's get you home so you can rest." Zayn led me to his car out front. I was starting to feel extremely tired. The concussion was probably having an effect. I just wanted to sleep forever. My head was still sore and the doctors gave me some pain meds to help with it.  I could tell they were beginning to wear off already.  


After sleeping for what felt like forever I woke up the next day around 10 in the morning. My head was a little sore but I felt a lot better. Today was Christmas Eve so nothing was going to ruin it for me. Tonight is the night Zayn's family is coming over for dinner.

"Mallory how you feeling?" My mom asked as I entered the kitchen.

"A lot better. What are you making?" I asked curiously. The whole kitchen was full of food and ingredients everywhere. The smell of all of the dishes she was preparing was heavenly.  

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