Chapter 8

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Thank you so much for all the lovely comments! :) You guys make me smile so much! I can't thank you enough! I'm so happy that everyone is really enjoying this story. Continue to comment because it really helps me. Check out my new trailer on the side! :) Enjoy the chapter :)



"You know what Jessica!!!! I'm so sick of your crap! I mean seriously what have I done to make you hate me so much?!? I remember we were even friends for a little bit of seventh grade. What happened? Are you that insecure that you had to waste 3 years of your life destroying mine?" I screamed. All eyes were on me now. I didn't care. This needed to be said. I found a pair of eyes in particular drop to the floor as I spoke. Harry's. 

"You really don't know?!?!?!?" Jessica screamed in reply.

"No, I really don't. Enlighten me why don't you?" I said.

"You stole Chris from me!" Chris? Oh yeah. Chris was my boyfriend in seventh grade, before he moved away before the year ended. I was devastated. We were so close. "He was my boyfriend for 4 months and then you came into the picture. He dumped me the week after you two met at my party!" she explained.

"That's why you hate me? How did I have any control over how Chris felt! I mean really. I didn't even know you two dated! That gives you no right to call me all those hurtful things. I considered transferring schools all because of you and your little games." I said.

"He was my everything! Come on girls we are so out of here!" Jessica announced.

"No." Ellody said.

"Excuse me?" Jessica asked.

"I said no. I'm sick of you. You are nothing but mean to everyone. I ditched Mallory for you but I regret it completely. She never deserved any of that." Ellody responded.

"I'm done with you too." Lillah said. Jessica stormed out with Kaitlyn and Ashley follwing behind.

As soon as they walked out everyone started clapping for me. I felt good. I finally confronted her after those awful years.  I sat down at the usual table and began eating my lunch.

"That was great." Zayn congratulated me.

"Thanks it felt good." I said.


I was chatting with Zayn when he suddenly stopped and looked  up and started to get a little upset.

"Mallory, I don't expect you to say anything. Just listen for one minute. At first yes it was a setup and I was acting. But then I got to know you and you were super sweet and nice. I didn't understand why Jessica wanted me to do it. She never told me. She threatened me with something that happened in my past. I didn't want anyone to find out about it so I listened to her. I never meant to hurt you and I know what I did is awful. I don't expect you to forgive me. I just wanted to tell you how truly sorry I am." Harry said and then walked away.

I thought about chasing after him, but then I decided that one confrontation was enough for today. When I do end up speaking to him though I want it to be just us. I really did like him. I am not one to hold a grudge. It's going to take some time but I will eventually forgive him.

Chapter 8: 

Today I promised Harry I would meet up with him for lunch to talk out the situation. I ended up driving to the diner and he wasn't there yet. I found an empty booth and waited. The waitress came over and he still hadn't shown up.

"Can I get you something to drink?" the waitress asked.

"Yeah, I'll take a coke, thanks." I answered.

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