Chapter 28

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Play rehearsals are going amazingly well!!! I love getting into Belle's part and really feeling like I am in the story. The past week has been going by so quickly! I have barely had any time for anything. Josh and Louise have gotten a lot closer! I think they might be getting official soon. I'm so glad they met. Josh is so happy with her.  I have been so busy with school and the play lately that I haven't even been hanging with my best friend. I really miss her lately. I think I will invite Aubri over for a long overdue girls night!

*phone convo*

M: Aubri!!!!

A: Mallory!! Hey! How have you been?

M: I have been really good! Just super busy! How about you?

A: Just been busy with school. I miss you. I feel like we haven't spoken in ages.

M: Me too. That's why I'm calling! I heard the new twilight premieres tonight! Want to go? Then you could come over afterwards and we could catch up!

A: I would love to! Sounds like a plan to me!

M: Perfect! I'll pick you up around 7!

A: Ok see you then!

M: Ok see you!

*end phone convo*

I can't wait to see the final movie in the Twilight series! I have been obsessed with it since the first book came out. Plus I have some serious catching up to do with Aubri. Since it was already 5 I decided to start getting ready. I curled my hair into loose wavy curls and braided my bangs to the side. I put on some mascara to exaggerate my already long lashes. By the time I was all finished it was already 6:45. I threw on a cute sweater and some black jeggings with my combat boots. (outfit is external link>>>)


"Hey! You look super pretty!" Aubrielle complimented me as she entered the car.

"Thanks! So do you!" I returned the compliment noticing her adorable outfit and how her hair was polished and straight.

"I'm so excited to see how the saga ends!" Aubri expressed equal excitement to see how the series of movies will end. We chatted about all the movies on the drive to the movie theater. We finally arrived and the line for tickets was absolutely insane! What do you expect with Twilight? We waited for a good hour and a half before getting tickets of our own. We made our way into the theater to watch the long awaited movie.

Every few minutes we would both look at each other as we compared the movie to the books that we were so dearly in love with. After an intense 2 hours of twilight we could not stop talking about how amazing it was. We got back in my car and drove back to my house to have a girls night. My parents were gone for some reason that I don't know but that's alright.

"Let's go upstairs and watch some movies!" I suggested as we entered my house.

"That sounds perfect!" Aubrielle agreed.

"What's been going on lately?" I asked curious as to what she has been up to while I have been busy with the play. A dinging interrupted our conversation. Her white Iphone lit up on the floor. She paused for a minute, receiving a text on her phone and quickly reading and replying to it.

"Not a lot really. Just homework and such." Her mood instantly changed. Her smile faded and her eyes seemed to become glossy. I instantly felt like something awful had happened. I have always been the kind of person to be really caring and sympathetic. I can't stand to see anyone at all sad. I will go to all lengths. Even if they are a stranger.

"What's wrong??!?!?" I asked alarmed at her instant reaction. I moved closer. I pulled her into my chest and hugged her.

"Liam and I have been fighting lately. He said that we need a break." she broke down crying. She pulled away. What could have possibly happened to cause this? I have never seen Liam even be angry.

"What happened? Why have you been fighting?"I asked sympathetically.

"He said he saw a picture of me with another guy online." she choked out. Her eyes were filled with tears and they were very red.

"Who?" Aubrielle would never cheat. She is the most loyal person I have ever met. Where do you think I would be without her. She has never betrayed me. She just isn't that kind of girl at all.

"I went to the bowling alley with Brynn a few days ago and one of the guys from school that we used to talk to was there. I gave him a hug and apparently someone took a picture of us." She explained her situation. Of course. I knew it, it was a misunderstanding. It seems Liam has a little bit of a jealous side to him.

"That's just dumb. He is totally overreacting. Don't worry he will come around and realize that he is just being a drama queen. For now let's just give him some space. How about we watch those movies now?" I tried to comfort my best friend in this tough time. She cried for a little bit before calming down.

"Yes please!" she answered back wiping her tears and turning off her phone. There was no way a guy was going to ruin this girls night. The rest of the night we stuffed our faces with junk food and watched our old favorite movies.

"Remember that one winter when we went sledding down that extremely steep hill?" Aubrielle began to tell one of our many stories.

"And then I tried to go down and ended up rolling down the whole way!!! That was so fun!" We weree laughing so hard as we remembered all the times we had so much fun.

"Oh my gosh remember when we decided to go swimming at the lake and you forgot to change into your suit so I had to hold a towel up so you could change!" It was my turn to pick a memory.

"Or the time we decided to have a dance party in your room and then some of your brother's friends walked in on us!" Aubrielle could barely finish her sentence without gasping for air.

"Or the time we went to the bowling alley and you forgot the floors were slippery and you ran right on it and fell flat on your face!" I held my stomach as we went back and forth with the memories we dearly adored.  We both fell off the couch laughing and I landed on her stomach. We just layed there on the floor laughing as we remembered the amazing times we had.

"You know I would have never made it through high school with you." I broke the laughing streak. I changed the mood to a serious one.

"I'm glad you were my first friend. I would have never made it either without you." Aubrielle spoke seriously. We are more than best friends. We are practically sisters. Now that is how a girls night is done.


What did you guys think? :) I just had to update! The goals weren't met :/ Let's try again? 15 comments? (Update!!!!??? comments don't count) I want real feedback! :) 20 votes? I know you all can do it! Thank you so much for reading! Also this chapter is dedicated to a really special friend of mine! I love her to death so you should go fan her! Another thing I wanted to say is thank you to Kelli_Styles for the lovely comments they made me smile! :)

-brianna xx

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