Chapter 27

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After Zayn's outburst I went home to read over my script so I would be prepared for rehearsals tomorrow.  He called a few times and texted me a bunch but I was not in the mood to deal with him right now.  I will talk to him tomorrow when we both had time to think about this. 

"Hey! Can I talk to you?" Zayn asked as I walked to my first hour class. 

"Well yeah." I replied knowing we needed to talk about last night. 

"I overreacted last night. I didn't mean to make it seem like I don't trust you. I'm sorry. I just don't exactly trust Josh. I know you will do amazing in the play and I can't wait to see the final performance." Zayn explained his reasons. 

"I overreacted as well. Thank you and don't worry you are my boyfriend for a reason." I smiled and entered the classroom. 

Sociology was just like any other day as were the rest of my boring classes in school. It's about that time of year where you are ready to be done with school. I like school but sometimes going for weeks on end without a little break really gets tiring. Good thing I have the play to look forward to otherwise I would be going out of my mind. Josh texted me this morning and said he would give me a ride to the theater after school for the first official rehearsal.  

Josh and I entered the theater to find Louise and David sitting near the front of the stage. I took a seat next to Louise and Josh sat by David. The director came in and told us to prepare for scene one. 

After running the scene several times it was already 6 o'clock. I hadn't eaten since lunch so naturally I was starving. 

"Hey, Mallory! Louise and I were heading over to the pizza place for some dinner, would you and Josh like to join us?"

"I would love to! Josh you want to come?" I asked him. 

"Sure!" Josh answered. The pizza place is only a couple blocks away and we agreed to meet there in 5 minutes. 

"Louise is really sweet." Josh randomly spoke when we got in the car. 

"Oooooh!!! Someone has a crush!" I teased Josh. 

"I just said she was sweet! I'm not in love with her!" Josh was blushing as he spoke. 

"Maybe you guys could get to know each other better as we do the play!" I was starting to get a bunch of ideas to set them up.

"Who knows what will happen. Let's just go eat." Josh ended the conversation. I giggled at his response and entered the restaurant. I purposely sat right across from David so Josh had to sit across from Louise.  After the waiter brought our orders we started chatting. 

"So Louise you have a boyfriend?" I asked curiously. 

"No I don't actually, why do you ask?" Louise blushed a little. 

"Just curious." I smiled. 

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Louise replied. 

"I do." I smiled at the thought of Zayn.

"Since we are on the subject I might as well say I'm single." Josh added in. 

"As am I." David put his two cents in. 

"So, Louise what do you like to do?" Josh asked. I sent him a sneaky wink. 

"I love to draw, act, and sing. I'm a pretty artsy girl." Louise smiled. 

"That's really cool! I love to draw and act as well. Maybe we could show each other our art sometime." Josh found a great way to ask her on a date. 

"I would love that!" Louise answered enthusiastically. 

"So David what kind of stuff are you into?" I asked trying to make conversation with him. 

"I am more of a sports guy but I like acting too. I play football and soccer. What about you?" David answered my question. 

"I like cheerleading, volleyball, acting, and singing." I told him. The rest of the time we all made small talk and enjoyed our dinner. 

"This was really fun! We should defintiely do it again sometime!" I spoke as we all exited the restaurant. 

"I think I'm going to really like Louise." Josh told me as we drove back to my house. 

"Thanks for the ride!" I said as I got out of the car. 

"No problem! Thanks for setting me up with Louise!" Josh thanked me. 


Sorry it's not a very interesting chapter :/ Thanks for reading!!! Vote, comment, and fan! Next requirement is 15 comments and 20 votes :) Comments saying update don't count. Sorry. I want to hear your feedback! You can do it I know it! 

-brianna xx

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