Chapter 22

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We all burst into Brynn's house worried as we had no clue what had happened to her.

"What happened?" I screamed as soon as I saw Brynn lying on the couch almost lifeless.

"I was walking over to Louis' and I got attacked." Brynn answered quitely.

"Who attacked you?" Louis asked showing the ton of worry he had for her.

"Two random guys, I have no idea who they were at all. They put something over my mouth and everything went black." Brynn responded.

"Who is this guy?" Zayn asked noticing a teenage guy sitting on the other side of the room.

"He was the one who saved me. He saw the guys trying to put me in their van and he saved me. I'm not exactly sure how as I was partially unconscious but he did." Brynn answered the question on everyone's minds.

"I saw the guys dragging her into the van and she didn't really look willing so I went over to check it out. I'm so glad I did, otherwise who knows what would have happened. By the way my name is Josh." the mysterious guy finished for Brynn.

"Well thank you so much for saving her. I'm Louis, her boyfriend, that's Aubri, Zayn,Liam, and Mallory." Louis replied thankfully.

"How come we haven't seen you around before?" Aubri asked.

"Well my mom, sister and I just moved in about a block from here." Josh answered.

"Well welcome to our town and thank you for saving our friend. Brynn are you alright?" Aubri spoke a little more relaxed.

"Yes I am just tired from whatever the guys put over my mouth. Thank you for helping me, Josh but I  need to go to bed." Brynn spoke sleep heavy in her voice.

"Good night, no problem. Any decent person would have." Josh reassured Brynn.

Brynn went to her room and the rest of us took a seat in the living room to get to know Josh a little better.

"So where did you move from?" Zayn asked curiously.

"I moved from Illinois." Josh answered.

"Why did you guys move, if you don't mind me asking." Aubri took her turn asking a question.

"Well my parents divorced recently so we wanted a fresh start in a new town." Josh replied.

"I'm sorry. Well tell us about yourself." Louis decided to join in.

"Well... I'm 17. I am a fraternal twin. I love movies. I love basketball. I am pretty easy to get along with. I love making new friends. I have always wanted to sky dive." Josh spilled.

"Thanks for all the random facts." Aubri giggled.

"Well I better get home. I guess I will see you guys in school Monday. Thanks for the warm welcome!" Josh spoke as he left the house.

"Well he seems really nice!" I spoke up when Josh left.

"Well after this eventful night I think we should probably head out." Zayn spoke up.

"I agree." Liam said.

We all went our separate ways after making sure Brynn was alright. Crazy how the world works. I decided to head home for the night. Today was way to crazy.

******Monday Morning*********************

I was walking to my locker and ended up bumping into someone. Typical me.

"I'm so sorry!" the girl said as she scrambled to grab up her books.

"No worries! I'm really clumsy. I don't think we have met. I'm Mallory." I spoke sweetly.

"Nice to meet you I'm Paige!" she answered.

"Are you by chance Josh's sister?" I asked.

"I am, how did you know?" she asked a little shocked.

"I met Josh the other night and he mentioned he had a sister. We don't get many new kids here either." I answered her questioned look.

"Oh that's nice. Well I better be off to my first class! Talk to you later Mallory!" Paige said as she made her way to her first class.


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-brianna xx

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