Chapter 37

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Only a week and a half left until my birthday! I am pretty excited but lately I have been feeling so down.  Brynn, Aubri, Ellody, and Lillah have been inseparable lately. It's not like they are ignoring me but I feel like I am on the outside looking in. They have been discussing stuff without me and every time I come in to the area they are, they quiet down. The past week they all have been going out to dinner and each other's houses and have not invited me once. I have been spending most of my time with Ariel and getting to know her. She is such a sweetheart. We have so much in common and I really enjoy her company.  Zayn has been busy with basketball lately.  Ariel and I went to the movies to see Safe Haven a few days ago. I am already becoming so close with her after two weeks.  She already is speaking better English from being around everyone in school.  Even though she is a great friend it doesn't distract me from my lack of attention from my "best friends."  I haven't really fought with Brynn or Aubri so this is a big surprise from them. I feel so helpless. Hopefully this will blow over soon.  I can't stand feeling like this. 

"Hey! Could we do homework tonight?" Ariel asked as I sat next to her in our last period class. 

"Of course!" I replied with a smile just as the bell rang, signaling our release.  I lead her to my car and we headed over to my house.  I needed to focus on my homework but all I can think about is my friends. 

"What's wrong?" Ariel asked noticing the frown on my face.   

"I have been down lately. My best friends are excluding me and I feel like an outcast." I told her spilling out my feelings. She pulled me in for a hug as a tear slipped down my cheek. 

"Don't worry things will get better and until then I am here." She reassured me. 

"Thank you and I hope you will be there even after." I told her. She is making a huge impact on my life even in this short amount of time.  

"Of course I will. Now let's watch some movies and get this subject off your mind." Ariel went and put in The Switch and put our books away.  I calmed down and watched the movie as we talked about everything from what it's like in Germany to how things are here in America. She even told me her friend is also transferring here in March. I can't wait to meet her, from what Ariel described she is a super sweet person. 

The next day in school I tried to be as invisible as possible. I didn't feel like talking to anyone at all. I walked through the halls and everything blurred together. I sat in the corner of the classrooms by myself. Surprisingly I got through half the day without having to explain myself. 

"Mallory? Hello? Earth to Mall?" Zayn waved his hand in my face as I sat on the stairs at lunch. 

"What? Oh yeah?" I answered tiredly. 

"Are you OK? You seem really out of it?" Zayn sounded worried as he took the spot next to me. 

"I just have had a really tough week and I am excluded in my friend group and I just can't do this right now." I felt the tears begin to fall. I had been holding them in all day. I went straight to the bathroom and found a stall. I wiped my face to free it from tears and decided to head home for the day. I can't take being here anymore. 

When I got home I went straight to sleep. Sometimes it's best to just sleep it off. 


Thank you for reading :) Sorry I am such a crappy updater. Hope you enjoy!

love and thanks always,

brianna xx

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