Chapter 30

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The last few days passed by like nothing. Tonight is opening night of Beauty and the Beast and I am so beyond nervous. Rehearsals have been going great but I am still really nervous to perform in front of so many people. I have been working so hard on this play and I can't wait for everyone to see it.  Zayn's parents invited me to dinner with them at their house for Thanksgiving. I am so nervous to hav dinner with them. Surprisingly this is the first time I will be there with them for more than 10 minutes. I am sure everything will be fine but I am just an anxiety prone person. Ever since Aubri and Liam got back together things have been a lot better. Aubri is a lot happier and they worked things out. Everything was a misunderstanding. They are too perfect of a couple to break up.  No one could ever see them splitting for good.  There is so much on my plate lately but what do you expect when you are a junior in high school? 

"Hey Mallory!" Liam greeted me as I sat down at lunch with everyone. I tried to smile at the table full of people.

"Hi guys...." I responded. My expression was worried and I knew I couldn't hide it. 

"You seem out of it, what's wrong?" Louis asked noticing my shaken tone. 

"I am just really nervous to do the play tonight." I explained my odd mood. 

"Don't worry about it, you will do great I just know it!" Zayn added in his reassurance. I gave him a smile.

"We will all be there to support you!" Lillah spoke. 

"Thank you guys, it really means a lot!" I am so thankful I have such a great group of friends. 

The rest of the day went by way too fast.  By the time I realized what time it was I had to head to the theater to get my hair and makeup done. Belle's costume is gorgeous and I love getting all dressed up with the makeup and hair.  I feel like a literal princess! What girl wouldn't want that? As rehearsals went on Josh and Louise got extremely close.  They are the cutest couple ever. All Josh talks about is her.  How cute she is and how adorable her voice is and on and on he just doesn't stop.  Louise and I have gotten really close as well. I consider her one of my best friends now. I can't wait to introduce her to my friends. 

"Alright everyone!! Places! The curtains open in 2 minutes!!" The director of the play yelled out to all of us as we scrambled to our spots.  My heart started beating out of my chest has the lights went down and the stage lighting came on.  This was it. The moment I had been practicing for. The curtain was about to rise. 


I said my last line and the crowd went absolutely crazy. Everyone stood up and clapped. Whistling,cheering, and clapping echoed throughout the theater.  I was so happy. The curtain fell and I jumped into Josh's arms and hugged him. 

"We did it!" I yelled excitedly. 

"You were amazing!" Josh replied. 

"So were you!" I complimented him. I pulled away and found Louise waiting to hug me as well. I hugged all my cast mates and then went to change out of my costume. Afterwards there was a sort of after party so I brought the yellow dress I bought last weekend. It was perfect for the little party, not too fancy, but not too casual. 

"Don't you look beautiful as always." Zayn complimented me as I walked out of the dressing room. I walked towards him and he pulled his hand out from behind his back revealing a boquet of red roses. I pulled him in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek.   

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