Chapter 26

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I couldn't wait to get to school today as the results of the auditions would be posted. I walked through the school doors and headed right for the office. You know that scene in Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, where the girls rush to see who got the part? I imagined myself doing that even though no one was competing to see the paper but me. I could see the white piece of paper hanging in its glory on the bulletin board. It was so close yet so far away. The hallway seemed to stretch on forever. The closer I get to the board the more my nerves are growing, in fear that I didn't even get a part. Well here goes, the big reveal.

I slid my finger down the list of the different minor parts and kept searching for my name. Of course they would put the lead roles at the bottom. I finally got to Belle's part and it read Mallory Collins. That's me!! I couldn't believe I got the part! I began jumping up and down to myself in celebration.

"I'm guessing you got the part?" I turned to find Josh laughing to himself at my dancing.

"I did and so did you!" I read the name next to Beast. I am glad Josh got the part, at least I know him.

"Looks like we are going to be spending a lot of time together, hey?" Josh smiled and began to walk with me to my next class.

"Well here is my stop! I will see you tonight at play rehearsals." I turned into my classroom and told Josh goodbye. I instantly grabbed my phone out to find I had a text from Louise, she got a part too! I told her my good news and took my seat in class. My mood was just in an amazing state. I felt like I was on top of the world.

After morning classes were finished I could not wait to tell my friends the good news. I found the usual lunch table and took my seat next to Zayn like always. The gang was all there, Harry, Ellody, Lillah, Liam, Aubrielle, Louis, and Niall just like every other day.

"Guess what?????" I spoke excitedly as everyone settled down.

"What is it?" Liam asked.

"I got the part of Belle in Beauty and the Beast!" I let out my amazing news.

"That's amazing, Mallory!" Louis congratulated me along with the others.

I was so excited to start working on this play. As soon as the final bell rang I bolted for my car. I couldn't leave school fast enough. I made it to the theater a little early but Louise was there with some of the other cast members.

"Hey Mallory!" Louise greeted me.

"Hey how are you?" I replied with a sweet smile.

"I'm great! How are you?" She asked in return

"I'm doing alright as well. I have someone I want you to meet! This is David. He goes to my school as well." Louise introduced me to the black haired, blue eyed guy.

"Hi David, I'm Mallory." I shook his hand and smiled as he returned the gesture.

"Nice to meet you! I am going to be playing Gaston!" David spoke. He seems like a really nice guy already.

"Alright everyone let's take our seats!" The director was ready to start. Josh walked in right on time and took his seat next to me. She took attendance to see if the whole cast was here and it was. Next we received our scripts and she read the summary. Today's rehearsal was just kind of like a meeting, but the next we actually get to start reading scenes. I'm so excited. I was just about to leave the parking lot when Zayn texted me. He wants me to come over. I am not busy so why not. I am going to be pretty busy with this play so getting some time with him will be good.

"Hey love!" Zayn spoke as I walked into his living room.

"What you up to?" I asked him.

"Just watching some t.v. Let me see your script!" Zayn was probably more excited about this play than I am. I handed him the script and returned to the door to take my shoes off and hang up my jacket.

"You have to kiss Josh??!!??" he asked almost angrily.

"Yeah, have you never watched Beauty and the Beast?" I replied.

"I have but I guess I forgot about that part." he answered with the tone still heavy in his voice.

"Is that a problem?" I asked.

"I just don't want him getting the wrong message from you." Zayn's jealousy was radiating in his voice.

"Why do you not like Josh so much? Any time I mention him you get annoyed." I was starting to get irritated with his attitude.

"I don't have a problem with him, he just seems like the type to flirt and I see the way he looks at you." Zayn answered.

"I'm pretty sure you're just overreacting. You are the one that told me to audition for this play!" I spoke a little louder.

"I didn't know Josh was going to audition, I'm not psychic!" Zayn was very angry now.

"Like I planned it. Of course if it was any other guy it would be totally fine. Just not Josh. You know what give me my script. I think I need to go home and read it over." I ripped the script from his hands and left his house. That just ruined my good mood. Since when did Zayn act like that. Whatever. He needs to get over it. I am simply playing a part in a show. I'm not actually in love with Josh.


Crap chapter I know. Sorry. Well you guys accomplished the goal with flying colors last time so I am going to up it a little :) How about 10 votes and 12 comments? Sound good? Hope you enjoyed reading! Vote,comment, and fan!

-brianna xx

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