Chapter 1

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Hey guys! If you read the prologue yesterday you might want to re-read it I changed a few things as they didn't fit with the story line :) Also I'm trying a new technique in writing, flashbacks. I have never done this and hope that it will flow well. If it does not please let me know so I can fix it. :) -brianna xx


How am I doing lately you might ask? Well let me fill you in on the last year and a half of my life. Sophomore year sucked. Not as bad as it would have without a new best friend by my side, but it sucked. The "populars" bullied us every chance they got and we just tried to ignore it and get on with our lives. Summer was coming to a close and I was more than fed up. Aubrielle and I decided that Junior year was going to be our year.

*Flashback to 2 weeks ago*

"You know what, I'm sick of being treated like this and hiding. I am done with those girls and next year I am not having any of it." I told Aubrielle feeling a sudden urge of power.

"What are we going to do? They are way more powerful than us, they have 5 and we are only two." Aubrielle expressed her worry.

"First we need to make a list of goals for ourselves. I don't care if they seem outrageous just write it down." I handed her a piece of paper as I spoke.

*End flashback*

That night at Aubrielle's we made our list of goals. We started working on them the next day. Number 1 on the list was a makeover.

*Flashback 2 weeks ago*

I grabbed my keys and headed over to pick Aubrielle up for the first item on our list. We both agreed that we should get makeovers. Since school was approaching my parents gave me my school shopping money to get a new wardrobe. I also have a good amount of money saved from my summer job at the local restaurant.

"Where to first?" Aubrielle asked.

"I was thinking mall?" I replied. 

She nodded in agreement and we were off to a new start. We went to Forever 21 and I don't think I have ever bought so much. I bought a lot of clothes out of my comfort zone. I was determined to change my look not for anyone but myself. They always say not change for anyone. I am technically not changing just updating my look. Aubrielle and I ended up shopping there for at least 2 hours. I swore we tried everything on in the store. Aubrielle also bought a whole new wardrobe. I have always wanted to wear heels to school but no one ever does. So this year I'm going to wear them. They make me feel more confident so why not? I bought at least 4 pairs. I got some flats, converse, and a few pairs of toms as well. Can never have too many pairs of shoes. Can you? After stopping in a few more stores and buying a few things here and there we decided to go get our nails done. The salon was a part of a small plaza that included a piercing salon. I have always wanted to get a monroe piercing. I pushed the thought aside for now.

"How are you getting your nails?" Aubrielle asked.

"I think I'm going to just get French. What about you?" I replied.

"I think French sounds good to me." she said.

We walked into the salon and the worker kindly greeted us.

"Hello! How may we help you? Hair or nails? Or both?" the receptionist asked.

"Actually I think I would like to get my hair dyed and my nails done." I spoke making a last minute decision.

"You know what...I think I will have the same." Aubrielle answered.

"Okay girls, sounds good! I will take you first and my co-worker will take your friend to get her nails done." she said smiling at me.


"What color are you thinking?" she asked.

"Please tell me if this is completely crazy but I was thinking a red velvet color." I said thinking about the drastic change from my natural light brown.

"I actually think you could totally rock that. I don't tell just anyone that. Your hair also seems to be just light enough so we don't have to bleach it." she said looking over my hair.

"I have always wanted my hair that color so go for it. I need a different look." I said.

"It will certainly be different. Alright here we go." the lady said.

The lady put the dye in and it was my turn to get my nails done. Aubrielle's looked great!


The lady finished my nails and my hair was ready to be rinsed. I closed my eyes while she rinsed and didn't open them until she fully dried it. She turned me to the mirror and I fell in love immediately. The color was perfect. Just how I’d imagined it.

"Oh my gosh I love it!" Aubrielle commented.

I looked to her and found that she dyed her hair a caramel blonde color.

"I love yours too!" I complimented her.

After thanking and paying the ladies we left the salon. We were just about to leave the plaza when I decided that I was going to get my monroe done. I walked into the piercing place and they had an opening luckily. As soon as it was in I felt so relieved. I hate needles with a passion.

"It looks great!" Aubrielle said. It did in fact look great. It added just the right amount of sparkle.

*End flashback*

That day my confidence received a very large boost. I felt great. I loved my new hair color and my new piercing. I also could not wait to wear my new clothing. Tomorrow is the first day of school and I am so ready. Bring it on Junior year.

_____________________________________________________________________________What did you guys think? I hope you enjoyed :) Leave a comment below! Vote and fan as well! -brianna xx

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