4: The bad times

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If I see him cry or sad in the manga again I'm gonna lose it, and I finished volume 29 so I'm almost done completely. Warning ⚠️: you might wanna have tissues while reading this one.

3rd person POV:

They walked to work together, it was takeout night every Friday, movie night on Saturday, and they just spent some time together on Sunday. The three of them were inseparable—well unless one had to go the bathroom, or they said that they wanted to be alone, or (Y/N) wanted to spend time with some girls. And even when she did, those girls wanted to know things about them or gossiped about them. "I heard the older brother reaps more souls the younger one," (G1) said.
"Oh please thats probably because he has more souls on his list," (G2) said.
"Or maybe they're working together, because they're almost tied for number one in the retrieval squad," (G3) said. "(Y/N) what do you think?"
"I think you girls should order your drink to go so we can go shopping."

💀🖤time skip🖤💀

"See you girls tomorrow at work," as (Y/N) walked away from shopping she forgot to make a left turn, except she wasn't going to her apartment—at least not without food first. When she turned around to leave, Adrian—or Mr. 136649–was at the door. "Oh good you're here." "That's because I was the one who was bringing the food," he said. "Well then you can take this, and I'll take my bags with shits and trousers."

💀🖤at the apartment🖤💀

"You madam are late," Adrian said. "I'm not late, you're just early." The younger brother rolled his eyes. "And have you been waiting for me outside my apartment?" He looked around, ". . . No." She looked at both brothers, "Have both of you been waiting for me outside my door?" They looked at each other then at her, ". . . No," they said in unison. "Oh my god," she unlocked the door, "both of you get in before I change my mind and slam the door in your faces."
By mid-movie the outside-my-door thing was in the past, and they were in there having a good time. Not realizing that their bad and dark times were just around the corner.

The Thorns of Death:

🏥the ER🏥

(Y/N)s POV:

My work could wait, but my friends couldn't, I ran in 4inch heels to the E.R..
"In what room is reaper 136649 in?" "Three doors down on the left." "Thanks." I heard about the Thorns of Death, I even prayed that they wouldn't get it, but looks like those bitchy angels have a grudge against me. I was about to walk in when Adrian walked out. "How is he?" He looked back at the door, then back at me. "You should see for yourself, and I'll be right behind you if you can't look at him anymore." I went in and saw that he had cuts on his arms and legs, then I looked at his face, and felt like my heart was ripped out of me. He had a roller gauze wrapped around his neck, and from his right cheek past his left eye.
I turned around, "Is he ok? tell me he's going to be ok, tell me he'll survive." I felt a tear go down my cheek, he wiped it away with his thumb, "I know he'll survive, he's faced worse when he was alive." I don't know what came over me, but I went into his chest and started crying. "H-he has to survive, I-I can't live without either of you."

Adrian's POV:

I don't think she realized what she just said, I'll talk to her about it later. I started rubbing her back to calm her down. "Mmmm . . . A-Adrian." He was waking up, she must have heard him because one minute she was crying in my arms, the next she was sitting on the edge of the bed moving his bangs to the side.

(Y/N)s POV:

"Hey Adrian, it's me, it's (Y/N)." I actually called him by his name, haven't done that in a while. He could only open his eye halfway, "I told you not to bring her here," he said. "She found out before I could get to her." I tried giving him a drink of water, but he had a hard time swallowing it. "Y-you should go," he said. "No, I'm not leaving you until I hear there's a cure for this."
"Well then you can leave when visiting hours are over because there's a cure."
There was this guy with dark green hair, a doctors coat, and socks and sandals?, that does not look safe for a doctor. "Oh hey, Othello," Adrian said. "What do you have for us?" "Well since the Thorns of Death are dark souls that become vengeful and fight against you, you'll have to collect a pure soul." "Th-that doesn't seem so hard," Undertaker said. "No, the hard part is collecting a thousand pure souls." "Son of a bitch," the three of us said. "D-don't worry, you'll be fine, just don't let the thorns get to your heart, then you'll die," Othello said. "Well then, better get to work, I'll work all night if I have—" "No no you stay down, you're not leaving until tomorrow," I said. "Thank you Othello for letting us know," Adrian said. "You're welcome, now don't you get it, we already have the first twin reapers of the GRDA, the last thing we need is the first twins with the Thorns of Death."

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