23: I love you . . .

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It is time to know who you love.

🖤💀at the Undertakers apartment💀🖤

3rd person POV:

Adrian put a towel on his brothers bed so it wouldn't get bloody. "Get the first-aid-kit and a bowl of water, (Y/N) forgive me but I have to take off your clothes," Undertaker said. "What?" "Go, Adrian, she won't heal fast enough if she isn't cleaned." I have to treat her like my clients, Undertaker thought, at least she doesn't much damage near her undergarments, and they didn't cut out her uterus. Adrian came back with the necessities and they both got to work.
"I can't believe you do this for a living now," Adrian said. "I might not do it for a while now, at least not until she's perfectly healed." (Y/N) was clean of the color red, except for the color purple. "While I stitch her up you put the ointment and gauzes/bandages on her." "Got it." Undertaker did not enjoy stitching up her clavicle and sternum, when he finished he was in tears. "T-this's all my fault, *sniff* we should've just knocked on her door instead of waited." Adrian held onto him, "The letter was my idea, I'll take the blame." He handed his brother the ointment, "Come on, me and you." Undertaker put ointment on the left side of her clavicle, Adrian on the right, and they both went down her sternum. "I'll put the gauzes/bandages on her and you go wash your hands," Undertaker said. He only shook his head, "I'll help." When they were completely done, she was their unconscious friend, wearing one of Undertakers shirts, slowly healing on his bed.

"How long do you think it'll take for her to heal?" Adrian asked. "Hopefully the rest of the night, but to be safe, have her stay in bed." Adrian looked at his brother with a straight face but spoke with a serious tone in his voice. "Let me tell you now, that I am not leaving this place until she wakes up, even if it means not going to work tomorrow." "Fine by me, now I'm gonna shower so shout if she makes even the smallest move." "Whatever you say brother." While Undertaker showered, Adrian sat there on the side of the bed gently stroking her cheek.
"You are so beautiful even unconscious, please, wake up soon." He looked at the bathroom door, he's still showering, now's the best chance, Adrian gave her a light kiss then sat up straight like nothing happened.

Undertakers POV:

I moved a few strands of hair from her face, and yet she didn't move. "(Y/N), m'lady, why are you so beautiful even unconscious." I turned and looked in my mirror, I had on my long-sleeved pjs because after what she just went through, I don't want her seeing more scars. I looked back at her, "I hope you can love a monster." I gave her a gentle kiss then sat up straight like nothing happened.
Adrian came out of the bathroom. "Anything?" "Nope."

3rd person POV:

The twins laid down on each side of (Y/N). "You sure this's a good idea, I mean what if she gains consciousness and wakes up a little freaked out?" Adrian asked. "Well it's either this or we both stay up, or I stay up and you sleep for a while, then vice versa." "I see your point." The way they laid her down would look like a corps in a coffin to humans, but to them (Y/N) looked like a sleeping beauty awaiting a kiss from her prince—or in this case reaper—but which one.

"We should tell her, Adrian, we should tell her what we were going to say on the roof." "What?" Undertaker sat up on his elbow, "You heard me, let's tell her how we feel and that we're sorry, and with any luck she can hear us." "But Adrian—"
"Look I just wanna get rid of this tonight like we originally planned, I'll tell her myself and you can sleep, but I really wanna do this with you," Undertaker said.
". . . She should hear it from both of us," Adrian said. Both brothers sat up and held onto one of her hands. (It's just like the letter from ch 21)

"(Y/N), as happy as we are that you had a great time on those dates, we're sorry for what they meant." "(Y/N), we love you, and like they say, love makes you do stupid things."
The brothers looked at each other then back at her, not a single move, not even a flinch. "You first," Adrian said.
"(Y/N), please come back to us, we're nothing without you."
"Our days now are like our first week as reapers, boring."
"You mean everything to us, you are our light in this dark place."
"You've been there for us in our bad times, and we've been there for you, we need you now more than ever."
Undertaker gently touched her cheek, "You are our treasure (Y/N)(L/N)."
Adrian did the same. "And we'd give anything to be with you." They both kissed one of her cheeks—mostly because Undertaker went and did it first—then laid down, and that night not one of them let go of the hand they held.

(Y/N)s POV:

I was surrounded by darkness, then I started to hear voices. 'You are so beautiful even unconscious,' 'I hope you can love a monster.' "Monster, unconscious?"
A film strip appeared in front of me, and I saw the day I met both of them at 6 PM. Am I dying? I can't die, unless it's from the Thorns of Death. The film ended.
'(Y/N), we love you.' "Adrian." Dying or not I was not gonna stay here, so I followed the sound of his voice. Another film strip appeared, this one was scenes from our first takeout night, when it ended I heard Unnie. 'Come back to us, we're nothing without you.' "I will come back, I promise." I kept following the sounds of their voices, and the film memories that kept appearing.
Our first movie night. My first deathday. Our picnics at the cemetery.
All these memories of the three of us and the words I heard—You mean everything to us, you are our light in this dark place, You've been there for us, and we've been there for you—had me running at a supernatural speed.
Then a door opened up and I saw their heads out of the corner. I know people say 'don't go into the light,' but the twin reapers were on the other side . . . And I want to be wherever they are.

I slowly opened my eyes, and then the pain came so fast I closed them. My face hurt, my back felt broken, and there were parts of my body that hurt so bad I felt like a scratch would heal it. "Shhh, it's ok." "Easy dearie, don't get up yet."
Those voices.
I opened my eyes and breathed as if I had just woken up from a nightmare, but it wasn't. "Shhhh, just breathe in and out, (Y/N)." "Adrian help me sit her up."
As my vision started to focus, the images started to become clearer. ". . . Boys."
I took my hands—a bit shaken—and put each one on their cheek. "You saved me."
"Hihi, when haven't we," Undertaker said. "We heard your call—god knows how we did—and came to you," Adrian said. "Hmmm who needs knights when you have reapers in shining armor." I started to laugh but then felt pain on my chest. "Here drink water," Undertaker said. It was gone in a second. "Wow, when's the last time you did that," Adrian asked. "*sigh* when I woke up in this realm."
"It's almost nine," Undertaker said. "Time for late breakfast?" He asked. It was either walk, or pick me up bridal style. "Help me get up." "But—" "Help me, get up, my blood flow might get better if I'm moving a bit." I didn't realize it until he moved the blanket a bit, but I was wearing one of his shirts, my lower half felt nude. "I had to do it to get the blood off you and stitch you up, but your undergarments stayed on." I moved his bangs to see his eyes. "Thank you."

💀🖤alright now it's really time to know who you love🖤💀

It was sunset, and the three of us where at the building where the biggest secret we know we will take to the grave—welll mostly me. "Well we're here," Adrian said. "What do you want to tell us?" Undertaker asked. Breathe nice and easy.
". . . I heard your voices when I was out and saw visions of our times together, maybe those visions happened to remind me about what I wanted to tell you here 24 hours ago." They looked at each other then back at me. "What did you want to tell us?" Adrian asked. "She finally has the answer little brother," Undertaker said. "She knows who she loves." "That I do. It took thinking back, writing down, and going back to where we've been to get even the smallest detail that helped me find my answer. And after all these years, the answer was right there in front of me." They looked confused, which makes me a bit happy.
"So who do you love," Undertaker asked.

I walked up to them. "I love you . . ."

Cliffhanger 😈

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