9: A picnic at Hyde Park

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I don't think Hyde Park was named in London at this time, but oh well, I didn't wanna just name it a picnic. Featuring this dress:

Previously:He got up and walked over to me

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He got up and walked over to me. "(Y/N), would you like to go on a date with me again?"

(Y/N)s POV:

He's asking me out again, and I never told him that his brother—who left just under a minute ago—asked me out. "(Y/N), are you ok?" I don't know you tell me. "Y-yeah I'm fine just thinking." "Heeheee, you said the same thing when I asked you out to the ball." I teased him by hitting his arm, "Shut up, I'll go on the date, but I get to choose our destination." "But can I make the picnic basket?"
"As long as it's not filled to the top with bone biscuits," I said. He started laughing that psychotic laugh that makes me giggle. One time he laughed so hard in his parlor, that the sign fell, then I started laughing so hard I had my hands around my ribs. "Hihi *sigh* hi. So where would you like to go?" "Hmmm, how about that new park in London," I said. "Perfect, how about next Sunday afternoon," he said. I nodded my head. "Well then," he went to my laundry washer and took his wet jacket home, "see you at my parlor on Sunday."
"Goodbye, Adrian."

Undertakers POV:

When I got into the elevator I rubbed my arm, I know she was teasing me, but what'll she say when she sees the scars? What'll she do? I've got to tell her soon, just not on a date.

💀🖤time skip🖤💀

So I have a picnic basket in the shape of a coffin, with little sandwiches, a salad, a mix of fruits, some water, bone biscuits dipped in chocolate, and her favorite dessert (___). "All I'm missing is my—"
As if on cue my date arrives. "(Y/N), you look . . ." She was in a baby blue and peach colored dress. "I was gonna come in what would look like horse riding gear, but this redhead was like 'no you have to wear a dress, but not red because that's my color.' So I borrowed this from a coworker, and it's kinda growing on me." "Hehe, well you might as well keep it because you look beautiful." I think she was blushing pink. "Thank you, so is the basket not filled with bone biscuits to the top?" "How about you take the picnic blanket and find out at the park," I said.

(Y/N)s POV:

He probably thinks he can be cocky because this's his parlor. He stuck out his hand, "Shall we, m'lady?" "Oh now you wanna be a gentleman." "Heehee."

💀🖤at Hyde Park🖤💀

At first walking while holding hands made me feel warm on the inside, but by the time we got to the park, I had a smile on my face like he did. I didn't care that people looked at us oddly—just to recap I'm in bright colors and he's in grey and black—they're gonna die eventually. "Alright here's the spot, hand me the blanket," he said. It was a nice spot under a tree, with just the right amount of shade. "Come on, sit down," he said. "Adrian you try sitting down on the ground in a dress like this." I can't crisscross my legs, and sitting on them makes my butt look big. "Take my hand, I'll help you sit down," he said. "Ok-hayy."
He pulled me down. "Hehe, there, now you're sitting down." "Uh, Adrian, I'm not exactly sitting down on the ground." I was sitting on his lap, he must have realized it, then we both scooted away. "So uhh, what did you bring?" "Take a look." While I looked I set everything on the blanket, "You brought (___), oh Adrian how sweet." "Think of it as a 'sorry for making a mess last Sunday'." He gave me that big smile that creeps humans out. "Don't worry I forgave you and your brother on Monday, now let's eat." "Now now m'lady, I noticed you brought a book with you, may I see it?" I gave him the book, and five seconds later he started laughing. "Heehee, y-you're reading Hamlet?" "Yeah, why you got a problem with it?" He took a few deep breaths, "No, actually, let me tell you a story."

💀🖤after a story and a picnic🖤💀

There was nothing left, so I just sat there on the blanket, leaning on the tree, with his head on my lap. What I had left to read on the book I read aloud, and he asked if he could lay his head on my lap, honestly I fell on his lap so this didn't really bother me.

Undertakers POV:

"*sigh* You know I liked playing it out more then reading it," I said. She was quiet, when I sat up and looked at her I realized why. The setting sun made her yellow-green eyes look golden. "Beautiful, and look at the gooses swimming together," she said. Those two gooses used their long neck and head to make the shape of a heart. "How romantic," she said. Her eyes and smile made me want to smile, just a nice and simple one, not the ones I use at my parlor. "(Y/N), why don't we go for a walk." "Hmmmm . . . sure."

🖤💀after said walk💀🖤

I took her back to her apartment, the whole time on that walk—in the living world—we held hands, I'm not sure if she was the nervous one or I was. When we got to the realm we let go—both blushing after that walk—and I walked her home like we normally do. "That was one of the best sunsets and stories I've ever seen and heard." "I'm glad." And your laugh after it are one of the best I've ever heard. "You know if you wanna go on a picnic again, we can go back there," I said.

(Y/N)s POV:

The three of us on a picnic at the cemetery, but just the two of us at Hyde Park . . .
"I'd like that."
"Great." I didn't expect a hug after that, so I tensed up a bit, then relaxed because it was just a friend. "Well I'll be on my way then, if you ever wanna go back to that park you know where to find me," Adrian said. "Goodbye, Adrian." When inside I just couldn't move from the door, so I leaned on it, and I could still feel the warmth from his hand and hug. "*sigh* See you at the next picnic, Adrian."

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