11: What's going on?/so far

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A 2 for 1 chapter. And that man is waaayyyy to attractive to be the Undertaker we know. And normally they're your best friends in the book, but here—and maybe in another chapter—your real best friend will be a camo, so BFN=best friends name.
I could still feel the warmth from his hand and hug. "*sigh* See you at the next picnic, Adrian." I went to my room and just laid in bed looking at my hand. I could still feel his warm hand on mine.

(Y/N)s POV:

I was at the mall with (BFN) and Grell, but I had a hard time shopping because I thought I might see one of them around the corner. "(Y/N), what's on your mind?" (BFN) asked. "Isn't it obvious, it's a man with long silver hair and—" I shut Grell up with my hand. "Be, quiet." "Ohhh is it the older one or the younger one?" "(BFN) don't make me shut you up too." Every few minutes they'd say tell us, and when I finally found something I wanted to buy, they said if you tell us we'll buy it for you . . . At least I'll be saving money.

When we got back to my apartment I told them everything, except for the surprise hug and kiss on the hand. "How long has this been going on?" (BFN) asked. "About a month at least, and they acted weird like two days before that masked ball." "Oh this's so much better than that Twilight saga. Two brothers trying to win the heart of the closest woman in their lives," Grell said. "If only Bassy and Will would do this for me." Now that—a demon versus a reaper—sounds like Twilight. "Grell you're forgetting something, she hasn't told either brother about the other date," (BFN) said. Oh my god, brothers winning my heart, the dates, these two talking about it was giving me a migraine.
"Ok if I promise to tell them soon, maybe even today, will you two leave?"
"Only if you promise not to leave out a single detail," (BFN) said. "And save me one of them in case it doesn't make out with me or Bassy, or will, and you choose one of them," Grell said. "I will, now leave."

💀🖤at Adrian's apartment🖤💀

3rd person POV:

Both brothers have two dates down, who knows how many they have left until she says that she loves one of them. "On the count of three we say what the date was," Undertaker said. "Oh no, we are not doing this again, Adrian." "Oh come on, its fun, I'll even let you talk about yours first." This would be fun, if they weren't trying to win the heart of the same woman. "Fine . . . one . . . two . . . three."
"A picnic," they said.
Both brothers stood up, it looked like they were ready to fight, staring at each other waiting to see who'd make the first move . . . The older brother did.
By laughing.
"Geheeheehee, again, we did it again heehee, four in a row," he said. "You know, I'm starting to believe in twin telepathy," Adrian said. "Heehee, m-me too." Undertaker needed a minute to compose himself. "Ehmmm, so, where did you have your picnic? Mine was nice and simple in the park." "Mine was on the roof of the Grim Reaper Library, and I'm also going to assume you stayed till sunset." They both had their hands on their hips. "You assumed correctly little brother." They stared each other down . . . Then Adrian made the first move. "She's a tough one to please," he said. "Yeah, but if anyone can do it . . ."
"I can," they said in unison, again.
"Ok now you're doing it on purpose," Adrian said. "Me, those were the perfect words to end my sentence, you're the one doing it on purpose," Undertaker said.
Knock knock.
They looked at each other . . . Undertaker shoved his brother onto his own couch and ran to the door.
"Enter m'lady." "Why thank you." Not only does one of them try to win her heart, but he also try's to open the door for her when she comes by either apartments.

The Grim Reaper or The Undertaker (a black butler x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now