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It was time... how did i know it was time? well because I just knew. Ever since I told Oppa and Joonie that I was tired, each day began progressively harder for me to move and even breathe. But I took each day accepting that I was closer to deaths door. Sitting in my room as I looked out the window, I didnt know why but today felt different. The sky was clearer and the birds were chirping more happily than usual. Hearing the door slide open I slowly turned my head and saw Hyunbin oppa standing there with some soup in his hands but I didnt have an appetite at all. More like, if I eat I just feel like throwing it all up instead.. but either way my brother wanted me to eat. 

Slowly feeding me as my empty stomach filled up within only 3 bites, I just continued to look out the window enjoying the scenery more than usual. "Oppa..." he hummed in response as he looked at me "When I die... what will you do?" he stayed quiet and I knew he was in shock by my sudden comment but he cleared his throat "I-Im not too sure.." I lightly chuckled at his words before looking at him with a small smile "I knew you would say that".

As the day went on I couldnt help but feel myself getting more and more tired. "How are you feeling Y/n? is there anything I could get for you" Joon questioned while sitting on the edge of the bed. "Im alright Joonie... thanks for always checking up on me..."

Namjoon POV
"Im alright Joonie... thanks for always checking up on me...-" I sent her my dimpled smile as I reached out grabbing her hand. "-Joon.. could you bring oppa in here??" I nodded my head before calling out to her brother, and he soon rushed into the room. Y/n looked at the both of us, as if she was staring. (????) I was confused by her actions but she soon spoke "I just dont want to forget your faces..." Eyes slightly widening at he comment I pursed my lips into a fine line not wanting to break down in front of her. As we sat there in silence, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the heart monitor beeping. As night had began to fall upon us Y/n grabbed the covers snuggling deeper into them. "Oppa.. Joon, im tired. I-Is it alright if I sleep??" 

My heart immediately dropping to my stomach I knew what was happening. It was time... I looked at Hyunbin as he looked at me with tears brimming his eyes. Not being able to hold back our tears we nodded before Hyunbin hyung sat beside her removing strands of her hair that was covering her face. "Y-You could go sleep now Y/n... dont worry about us okay?" With her eyes barely staying open a small smile appeared on her lips "... thank you oppa, Joon.." with her eyes soon closing she took her last and final breath before the line on the heart monitor dropped. 

Closing my eyes as I held my head low, Hyunbin hyung held onto Y/ns hand crying as we both now had to accept the fact that Y/n was now gone. Both of us sobbing silently we soon heard footsteps rushing into the room.

(A few minutes earlier~)

Yoongi POV
(I wonder if she ate dinner yet..) I thought to myself as I sat in the van with the others nearing Y/ns place. (The weather was rather beautiful today.. I hope she got out of bed and went to the garden. She'll probably tell me all about it once I get there) A smile creeping onto my lips as we parked the van, we all got out but instead of being greeted by Namjoon and Hyunbin we were greeted with silence. It was awfully quiet and I was wondering whether or not they were home. "Do you think their home???" Jungkook and Tae both commented in unison as we all walked through the house but as we neared her bedroom we could hear crying. Realization hitting me I rushed in and my heart dropped to the ground. 

The sound of the heart monitor dead as Y/n laid there snuggled up in her blanket as if she was just in a deep slumber. The two males turned to us with red puffed eyes before I looked at Namjoon who simply shook his head. "Im sorry hyung.. Y/n is gone" "N-No.. no no no no" I repeated as I pushed through them, kneeling by the bed I grabbed her hand holding it tightly. I didnt want to believe what was happening right now but the more I stared at her figure the more reality started to sink in and hit me. Her skin cold and pale, cheeks sunken in.. her lips turning into a faded tint of blue hinting at cyanosis. 

"W-We were too late" I repeated again and again as mixtures of sadness and anger flowed through out my body. (Why... I should have been here for her. I was the one who said I would be by her side until the very end but I was late... I-If only I had arrived a few minutes earlier. If only I hadnt told Jin hyung to stop by the gas station.. I could have been here. We all could have been here... but we werent.) Feeling a firm hand being placed on my shoulder I looked at the older male with tear filled eyes. "Dont blame yourself.. please.. please dont blame yourself." 

I was about to say something until Namjoon stood up taking his leave to call 911. Soon after the faint sounds of the ambulance could be heard getting closer and closer to the house. With my mind running blank still everything seemed like it was happening too fast for me to comprehend. Being pulled away from Y/n as the paramedic rushed in, confirming her death before putting her on a stretcher and rushing out. Through out that whole entire thing I was...  just standing there. Not knowing what to do at this moment. I mean what am I supposed to do now, I loved and only loved Y/n since the day I met her. My sole purpose for the passed how many months was to be by her side through her journey until her last dying breathe. But I wasnt even able to fulfill that.

Snapping out of my thoughts as Chanyeol shook my shoulders I blinked a few times before looking at him dazed. "Yoongi.. we have to go to the hospital now. Kaja..." he spoke with a low monotone voice while dragging me out of the house and into the car. Minutes which felt like hours passed as we sat in the hospital waiting room until we heard a Namjoon call out to us. Rushing over to him he stayed quiet before walking down the quiet dead like hallway with us following right behind him. "We were only granted a few minutes to be with her... I couldnt get anything longer so please use this time wisely." Namjoon stood off to the side not wanting to look as he turned his cheek. With all of us surrounding her body that was covered with a thin cover a nurse walked in and slowly pulled the cover down stopping right above her chest. 

Raw genuine emotions filled the room as everyone began to cry. I was never one to show my vulnerable state but right now I couldnt help myself. Forming my hands into fists I bit down on my lip while shutting my eyes tightly. The feeling of her warmth missing my body felt cold knowing that she was no longer here but soon that cold turned into warmth as I felt the arms of everyone being wrapped around me. 

With their warmth surrounding me It was as if something inside of me broke. Bringing my arms up and clutching onto the nearest body I let everything out. My tears escaping my eyes like waterfalls as I yelled out wanting to relieve all the sadness that built up. "I-I cant do it.... I just cant do it without her.." I whispered until I felt someone placed comforting circles on my back. 

"We're all going to get through this together... its going to take a long time. But we will all get through this.. for Y/n." 





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