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Y/N Pov
"He said he was coming home tonight...." I reminded myself while I got off my bed to get ready for the day. I should go shopping for dinner tonight since Yoongi said he would be coming home... After getting ready I slipped my shoes on and walked out the door. Leaving the apartment building i got on the bus and went to to market. Picking out ingredients for dinner tonight I bought what I needed and headed to the check out but accidentally bumped into someone causing me to drop the basket filled with food. "Ouch..." I mumbled while rubbing my butt, "Oh my goodness im so so- Oh Y/n??" the voice chimed, looking up I met eyes with the male I had ran into on the bus yesterday. 

Reaching his hand out he helped me up onto my feet and picked up the food putting it back into the basket. "Sorry for bumping into you..." he apologized but I shook my head "no its alright, I wasnt looking where I was going... no need to apologize" he sent me a warm box smile. "Buying stuff for dinner??" I nodded "How about you?" "haha yeah, my friends are coming over tonight so im in charge of dinner." 

After we both paid for our things I took my bags and was about to leave until his voice called out to me. "Oh would you like me to drive you home???" he offered. "Are you sure??? I-I-" "Im not taking no as an answer.. and plus your carrying so many bags." before I could decline he took some of my bags and walked off in the direction of his car. Watching him as he placed all our grocery bags in the back he opened the passenger door for me. "Ladies first~" After getting in he got into the drivers seat and started the car before beginning the drive. 

"We've been running into each other lately huh?" he commented making me smile and nod "Ne, its kind of funny dont you think?" he nodded at my question. "But kind of freaky! I mean I only met you like a few days ago but we've seen each other every day so far" "Haha yeah that is a bit freaky now that I think about it... your not following me are you?" I joked making him laugh "Me follow you?? I feel like you're following me!!"

After a few minutes he parked his car onto the side of the road in front of my apartment. Both getting out of the car I took all my bags and thanked him "Thank you Taehyung" he sent me a warm smile before speaking "enough with the formalities, just call me Tae" "Tae???" He nodded "Ne! Tae, TaeTae, Tae Bear you can call me whatever EXCEPT for Taehyung" giggling at his response I nodded and sent him a thankful smile "Well thank you so much for the ride Tae" "Its my pleasure Y/n. Anyways I better head back now my friends should be arriving soon... hope to see you again! Maybe we could go get some dinner next time" he exclaimed while rolling up his window and driving off. Watching as his car drove further and further away I turned around on the heels of my shoes and walked into the apartment building. 

Entering my apartment room I set all the bags on the counter. Looking around the apartment I noticed how it was a little bit messy. (I should really clean up...) I thought, immediately grabbing the cleaning supplies out of the closet. After hours of cleaning and making sure everything was in its place I noticed a book from the bookshelf was gone... It was the book Yoongi gave me when he asked me out. Eyes widening I frantically ran around the house in search of the book. (where did I put it... where did I put it!?) I began to worry... I hope I didnt lose the book, that book means a lot to me.. not because it was from him but because there are some things I wrote in there about me having Leukemia. 

Time Skip~ 

(I cant find it.....) I sighed while plopping down on the couch giving up. "I wonder where it is... I cant believe I lost it..." while thinking about all the possible places I must have left the book it suddenly felt hot in the house... I began to sweat and my body felt hot. Thinking that it was because I was running around my chest suddenly began to tighten up I felt my throat become dry. Clutching my shirt I knew what was happening... (shit... why right now..) I thought while quickly standing up. Stumbling around the house I made my way to the washroom and opened the mirror cabinet and grabbed the medication bottle before popping 3 pills. 

Feeling my chest lighten up a little bit I sighed in relief but there was still that constant itch in my throat. Getting itchier and itchier I forcefully coughed into my hand, but for some reason I felt something warm. Pulling away I looked down and saw that it was covered in blood.. Shocked at what was happening I quickly washed it as if nothing happened. (N-No.. t-that didnt happen... that was not what it looked like. I-I was hallucinating right?) Quickly closing the cabinet I dragged my feet into the living room and fell onto the couch feeling tired for some reason. I felt sleepy... and my eyes couldnt hold themselves open. 

*CLICK* slowly fluttering my eyes I heard the door open, glancing at the door I soon saw a dark figure walk in before turning on the lights. (Yoongi....) I thought as I looked at him emotionless. Finally once his eyes landed on me he jumped before raising his voice "W-What are you doing laying there with all the lights off?! You scared me!" he exclaimed but I didnt react. "Sorry.. I fell asleep and just woke up so I didnt have time to turn the lights o- OH I forgot to make dinn-" I was about to get up and start cooking until he stopped me "Its alright, dont bother I already ate dinner with some coworkers" he explained while tossing his jacket onto the couch. "O-Oh.. okay.." 

Feeling him staring at me he suddenly commented "you look sick.. and skinny.. what happened? I know I've been gone for a few days but you should know how to look after yourself. Dont you feel disgusted when you look at yourself in the mirror??" he commented while scrunching his face looking at me. (Disgusted... yeah I feel disgusted when I look at myself... If only you knew... I was wrong, this definitely isnt the right time to tell him about my illness) "I feel that way everyday..." I whispered, seeing that he didnt hear what I said, I got up and put everything in the fridge before heading to the bedroom first.

Yoongi Pov
I watched as she walked passed me and into the bedroom. (Is she alright???) I thought while placing my bag down on a chair. Taking my laundry out of the bag I saw the book that I read last night... (That reminds me.. I should ask her about this, but first I should go shower) 

After taking a shower I left the washroom and saw that Y/n was already in bed under the sheets. Hopping in under the sheets with her I wrapped my arm around her waist about to bring her in but noticed how skinny she had gotten. "Y/n.. your so skinny.. are you not eating properly??" I asked genuinely concerned. Pushing my hand away she spoke "I-I just havent had an appetite lately.." I stayed silent but then remembering about the book I got out of bed and grabbed the book from my bag before walking back into the bedroom. "Oh Y/n.. I took your book yesterday when I got some clothes.. I read it and there are so-" before I could even finish my sentence she jolted up from the bed and snatched the book out of my hands. 

(whats her problem....??) "Anyways, what I was saying was that I saw a piece of paper in there and read it.. I could tell it was your writing but it said something about having Leukemia..." "Dont worry about what the note said. I was just writing nonsense.... so dont mind what it said" she defended herself trying to drop the topic of the note. "Y/n... those things you wrote in there... you made it sound like you have Leukemia... is it t-" "L-Like I said Yoongi... I was just writing nonsense!" 

We stood there surrounded by silent until I managed to break it."Hey if theres something bothering you... you know you could tell me right???" She stayed silent not wanting to say anything but she just simply looked at me.

Holding the book tightly in her arms she looked at me, opening her mouth as if she was wanting to say something but she quickly stopped herself while shaking her head. "Y-Yoongi.. lets just go to sleep...I dont want to talk about it." Watching her put the book on her night stand she got in bed and turned off the lamp light. 

(Maybe its just her coping with me being gone...)




(OoooOo two updates in one day?! thats a first for me haha! Anyways I really hope you like this book so far! <3 Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you all again soon!)

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