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"I promise, I'll make sure that they get these.. you can count on me Y/n" Hyunbin oppa commented while sending me a soft smile as he closed the lid of the small box. Suddenly hearing a small knock I looked up and smiled as I met eyes with a new friend that I had made a few days ago. "How are you feeling?" he asked as he sat on the edge of my bed, "Im feeling better today Hobi, thank you for asking. How are things with you?" he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck before responding "Its been better thanks to you.. but whenever I come to see you I've been having this feeling. Nothing serious of course but I couldnt help but always feel a slight pain at the back of my neck, maybe stress??" 

Hearing his words I glanced towards my bedroom door and saw not only Yoongi but Hyunbin oppa glaring at the male as he continued to talk. Jung Hoseok... I met him a few days ago when I was out on a walk with Jungkook. And even though we havent known each other for that long we still managed to become really close friends. He was a bright and bubbly person and literally when he smiles its as if the sun as shining directly on me. He actually works for the hospital warehouse where they supply the hospital with whatever they needed. And luckily he was now supplying Namjoon with all my medications and such so he basically already knew about my condition. 

We were both glad to have met each other even though he was clearly aware that I didnt have much time left but even though he knew he never had a frown on his face and he was never sad. He always wore a smile on his face when he was with me, which made me happy as well. After about an hour Hobi eventually had to leave which meant that Yoongi decided to take that opportunity to stay with me. A few hours passed but even though I was feeling better earlier I suddenly felt rather nauseous... I felt a burning sensation on my chest as well. 

Clutching my chest Yoongi looked at me worried before quickly calling Namjoon who raced into the room. The more time that passed the less pain I felt in my chest but the more pain I felt in my stomach... "Y/n, take these... these are drugs that should help with nausea." I nodded as he popped a pill into my hand before I quickly swallowed them but a few seconds later I began to gag. Knowing all too well that I was about to throw up, Yoongi grabbed the nearest garbage can and held it in front of me. As I felt the stinging sensation in my throat I continued to let everything out while Namjoon held my hair back. 

(Time Skip~)

Yoongi POV
After what happened with Y/n she was too tired and fell asleep from throwing up so much. As we left her in her room to rest I followed Namjoon back into his office until I finally questioned him "What happened?" he sat behind his desk while taking off his glasses. "Nausea is a common symptom for CL especially when your in stage 4. I tried to give her the drugs but her body was rejecting it..." I furrowed my brows as I watched him bite on his thumb nail. 

"What does that mean Joon?? i-is everything going to be okay with Y/n???" the room fell silent as I had my eyes locked on the male who stayed silent. The longer the silence the more I became more anxious about his answer. "I-Im not too sure myself... I mean, everything thats been happening to Y/n are common things when it comes to her condition and theres really no way of stopping of preventing any of it. Shes been handling Chemo well so I would say that we keep her in bed and monitor her for the next week." 

Sighing at his words I didnt want to fight back since that would have been a useless thing to do. "I see... alright, thanks Joon. I-I'll... go back to her room and watch over her" Taking my leave and soon entering Y/ns room I pulled up her desk chair close to her bed and sat on it. Looking down at her sleeping face I couldnt help but feel my heart drop to my stomach as I watched her sleep. Studying her features I could see the dullness of her skin, how she was slowly losing her melanin. Even though she had long lashes it didnt hide the dark circles that painted her under eyes. Her skin slightly bruised in some areas with how sensitive her body now was.. I didnt like seeing this sight at all. 

Carefully grabbing her hand I held it tightly in mine as I brought her hand up and rested it against my forehead. (I want to do something for her... but I dont know where to start...) I thought to myself as I began to think of ways to make Y/n happy. (Should I buy her favourite flowers????) I shook my head at that thought since the others always bring her flowers whenever they come here to visit. (Maybe her favourite snacks/food??? Tteokbokki??) I smiled at the thought of her eating her favourite foods happily but I remembered Namjoon saying that she had to limit what type of foods she could eat. 

Sighing I leaned back into the chair continuing to think about what to get her until it hit me... books. She always loved reading... face palming myself I literally cursed myself for forgetting that small little detail but I was happy that I now remembered. Pulling out my phone and searching up the various authors that she adored I ordered several books and prioritized the shipping so it would be delivered the next day. 

"Hmm... Yoongs??" her voice made me slightly flinch while putting my phone away. Y/n was about to sit herself up until I stopped her "Ani... Y/n you need to lay down and rest for now okay? Your body must be too tired." she shook her head and was about to push herself up until I did what i had to do and hold her shoulder down. "Y/n... listen to me okay? I dont want anything bad to happen to you right now. So please, just rest for the night and when your body is recovered you can sit up and do whatever." She sighed but complied to my demands by relaxing her body under my hands. "What time is it?? H-How long was I asleep for?" "Not that long... its only 9 in the evening. You had been sleeping for a couple of hours. Go back to sleep okay? I have a surprise for you tomorrow" 

She slowly turned towards me with a raised brow "A surprise??" I nodded my head while standing up but before leaving I slowly leaned myself down and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. "Ne.. so get some rest now. Goodnight Y/n"

"hmm..okay, only because I love surprises! Goodnight Yoongs"

"I... I love you"

"I know"

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