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Y/N Pov
"You entered stage 4....." Namjoon said with a deep voice. My mind went blank.. what was I supposed to be thinking right now. Taking a deep breath in and exhaling I looked at Namjoon  and nodded "I-I see.... how much longer would you say I would have???" I questioned while looking at him with a blank expression. He looked at me with furrowed brows "I-im not too sure how long you have. Your cancer seems to be spreading more and more, b-but if you take chemotherapy.. Y/n, go through with the treatment... Please" 

Feeling my heart rate go faster and faster I bit down on my lower lip "C-Can I have until the end of the week to decide??" he looked at me disappointed with my answer but nodded "Arasseo, if thats what you want. Ill give you until the end of this week to decide. We will keep you here at th hospital for tonight, but until the end of the week where do you plan on staying?" Agreeing to his words I simply shrugged at his question. I watched as Namjoon left the room but shortly after the door opened and in came Taehyung and Jimin. "H-Hey" I called out to them while forcing out a small smile. They both walked up to me and both took my hands in theirs... "Tell us your results..." Jimin calmly asked and I looked at him a bit confused but I sighed and nodded "I-I entered stage 4" The room fell silent as they looked at me with pained expressions.

 I didnt like how they were looking at me... I didnt like hurting people that I care about.. Feeling my eyes blur, tears threatening to spill I choked on my words. "I-I-im so so-rry that I-I didnt t-tell you ab-about this. I-I di-didnt mean to hurt y-you both!" Crying and sobbing into my hands I felt Tae and Jimin wrap their arms around me bringing me into their embrace. "And we sorry too.. were sorry we werent there for you while you were suffering." the both said in unison. "If only I knew you from way before... I would have been by your side." Taehyung commented. "And if only I didnt lose contact with you after we graduated... I would have taken care of you" Jimin added. Their comments made me feel warm. They made it feel as if it was worth living still... I didnt know that this many people would care about me... Jimin, Taehyung,Jeonghan... Jungkook and Namjoon... they all care about me. 

"Do you have a place to stay when your discharged from the hospital?" Jimin asked while holding my hand in his. I sighed before simply shaking my head "Do you want to stay with us?? you could use the guest bedroom." I wasnt too sure about what to do.. but feeling Taehyung place his hand on my shoulder he sent me a small warm smile and I eventually agreed to stay with them. 

Time Skip~ (Night Time) 

Already being night time Jimin, Tae and Namjoon left the hospital but said they would come visit in the morning. Laying down in the private hospital Namjoon provided for me I looked out the window... watching as the stars shined brightly in the sky. Glancing around and seeing my phone  on the side table I grabbed it and turned it on... and was surprised to see so many notifications...

60+ calls, 50+ messages from Kookie ❤🍪
30+ calls, 10+ messages from Min Yoongles🐢😈
23+ calls, 20+  messages from Chanyeol👹🙈

Seeing all the notifications, little did I know a small smile tugged on the corner of my mouth once seeing Jungkooks name on my phone.... but continuing to look at the notifications my brows furrowed seeing that an unknown number had texted me...

1 message from Unknown

 Seeing my fingers shake I pressed on the message and opened it... Reading the message my eyes widened realizing that it was Hyunbin oppa who texted.. (Why would he text me... why now?) I lost contact with him over 3 years ago... he stopped answering my text messages and call. After all these years of praying that I would somehow get to talk to him one last time... it happened. But for some reason instead of feeling happy  that he texted me I felt angry... and scared. Scared of what he texted me... did he somehow find out about my illness??? 

Feeling my chest tighten up at his messages I did the only thing I could think of

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Feeling my chest tighten up at his messages I did the only thing I could think of... pressing on his contact I called him... Holding the phone against my ear I heard the line ring before the person on the other side and spoke up... his voice was still the same from what I remembered. 

Hello??? who is this??

H-Hyunbin o-oppa???

Hyunbin Oppa
*gasp* Y-Y/n?? i-is that you?! y-you saw my text message??

N-Ne... w-why did you text me?

Hyunbin Oppa
Y/n... h-how are you?? no actually.. w-where are you? I-I want to see you... I-I want to talk  to you...

O-Oppa.. why... 

Hyunbin Oppa
Why?? w-what do you mean why?? I-Im your brother of course....

W-Why.. after all these years of me trying to contact you... why did you decide to message me now... why did you leave me in the dark.. why did you leave me...

Hyunbin Oppa
Y/n... im sorry... please, where are you... 

I-Im sorry oppa.. I dont think im ready to see you yet.

Hangs up.




Hanging up and dropping my phone onto my lap I couldnt help but cry. After all these years of wanting to talk to  him.. he finally called me. I thought he didnt care about me anymore... after he left me I thought I was by myself, at the time I thought Jungkook would be my side but I was wrong. I lost everyone who I cared about.. but I was wrong about that too.. I have friends who care about me and want me to get better and continue living. Turning off my phone and placing it on the night stand, I gripped on the covers while bringing my knees close to my chest hugging them... Continuing to let my tears flow I looked out the window to see the moon shining brightly in the dark sky. 

(Jungkook... what are you doing right now??? Are you okay? Are you eating properly???) My thoughts filled with Jungkook and how worried he must be. But like I told Namjoon earlier... I need time away from him. He knows about my illness... but would he do anything about it??

(I guess only time could tell.. if I even have enough of that..)




(A/N: Hello my amazing readers! This is my first update of 2021! Anyways even though its been a few days in, how is everyone 2021 so far??)

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