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"Y/n... wheres Yoongi?" Hearing his name come from my brothers mouth as if it was nothing... I tensed up before looking away. "Did something happen between the two of you? I-I know I havent been there for you for a long time. B-But im here now! I-I want to know whats happening with you. Im going to be by your side from now on... so please tell me" Biting down on my lower lip I swear I bit hard enough that I made my lip bleed. "H-He... he cheated on me oppa." He stared at me blankly.. no anger or confusion written on his face. But soon I saw darkness take over his eyes "He what? D-Did you just say he cheated on you?" Averting my gaze to the side where I saw Jimin standing I just nodded not saying another word. 

"With who..." I lightly shrugged my shoulders before telling him what happened and how he had been seeing her until now. "W-Why didnt you confront him about it the first time.." "B-Because I didnt want to. Oppa, he was the only one I had left in my life.. I-I know its dumb of me to still be with him even after he did all those things but could you blame me? I had no one... e-even though Yoongi started to drift away I couldnt let him go. Was I really going to throw away those 10 years I had spent with him? I-I love him too much to do that..." Hyunbin oppa clenched his jaw in anger before soon relaxing once I told him that I had recently confronted him about it along with telling him that I had little time left. 

Hyunbin sighed while pinching the bridge of his nose. "What a fucking idiot..." he mumbled lowly but it was enough for all of us to hear in such a tiny room. Suddenly hearing the door open I turned and saw two familiar faces walking in. "Hey Y/n... h-how are you feeling?" Sending a forced smile as they walked over they took hold of my free hand "I would say I feel good but I dont think I could lie to any of you. But thank you for asking Kook.." Seeing the other male put a bouquet of flowers on the side table he then walked over to me and ruffled my hair "You're looking better.." "Thanks Jeonghan... how have you been?" Replying that he could be doing better we all soon began to talk about random things to get my mind off of everything but suddenly I heard my phone go off several times... Taking a quick glance and seeing his caller id appear on my screen.

Simply ignoring it I turned back to everyone and continued our conversation but I saw Hyunbin oppa looking at me with concerned eyes. After talking with the others for a bit they eventually had to leave due to the visiting hours but Hyunbin was the only one allowed to stay. "Y/n.. do you want to come with me to Daegu? I-I know it seems like its too much for you to handle right now but I talked to Namjoon earlier. We could start your treatment in Daegu instead of here..." 

I looked at him with furrowed brows before hearing the door open and seeing Namjoon walk in. He must have read the mood before speaking up "Are you talking to her about moving to Daegu?" Hyunbin nodded as Namjoon neared us. "Y/n.. I think thats a good idea. I talked to the ones higher up and got permission to go with you both to Daegu so I could treat you there." "B-But I didnt even give you an answer to whether or not I wanted to go through with chemotherapy.." "Then go through with it Y/n... leave behind those painful memories you had here in Seoul and live a a peaceful life in Daegu with me. I-Ill take care of you..." 

(But what about everyone else?? what about Yoongi...) Hyunbin knew what I was thinking about, feeling as he grabbed my hand and held it in his he gave me a reassuring smile. "Im not saying you wont ever be able to see your friends. They will be able to see you whenever they want to... I know you still love Yoongi, I could see it written like an open book. If Yoongi gets his shit together, he will look for you. If he wants to get you back he will do whatever it takes to find you." 

I had to take a few minutes to really think about it but I eventually accepted the offer. "I-I will go with you and Joon to Daegu and I will start the treatment there.." With a smile on both of their faces they nodded and soon Joon left since he would need to arrange to have all the things needed for the treatment to be in Hyunbin oppas house in Daegu. While in my thoughts I soon snapped out when feeling Hyunbin tap my shoulder, humming in response I looked at him with a tilted head. 

"Im glad your going through with the treatment... I-I want you to know that I will be by your side every step of the way, okay??" I nodded at his words before wrapping my small arms around his neck bringing him into a hug.

"Thank you oppa..." 

(A/N: HELLLOOOO everyone! Im finally updating again ahaha after taking countless breaks since I've been a lazy soul lately. But hey im back with more inspiration! <3 Anyways I just wanted to let you all know that this book might be coming to an end soon. My original plan was to actually only have 15 chapters but I will probably end it at 20 or 25.)

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