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Already morning time I was woken by the sliding of the room door. Fluttering my eyes open I saw a few nurses walking in followed by Namjoon who was right behind them. "Good morning Y/n.. how are you feeling?" he asked while sitting in the vacant seat beside the bed. I looked at him with heavy eyes but managed to smile "Im feeling alright Namjoon..." He smiled back until we heard footsteps enter, there stood Jungkook with a small smile while holding a bag in his hands. "I came here to pick you up.. I wasnt able to grab you clothes from your apartment so I hope you dont mind wearing some of mine" Shaking my head I thanked him before everyone left the room. 

With how weak I was feeling it was hard for me to push myself off the bed but I managed. Dragging my feet to the washroom I slowly took off the hospital gown and changed into the clothes Jungkook lent to me. They were rather big on me but its better than something tight fitting at the moment. Exiting the washroom I grabbed my belongings and slid the door open, seeing Jungkook standing there patiently he looked at me before walking over to grab the bag from my hand. "Kaja?" Nodding I followed behind him until we were out of the hospital and in his car. After about 30 minutes of driving he parked the car on the side and helped me out, walking into the apartment we took the stairs to the second level and walked through the hallway. Jungkook knocked on the door and a few seconds after the door unlocked and opened revealing Jimin and Taehyung as they smiled brightly at me. 

They took the bags from Jungkook as we entered the apartment, "How you are you feeling Y/n??" Jimin asked while leading me to the guest bedroom. "Im feeling decent, thank you for letting me stay here for a few days..." Walking into the guest bedroom is was very minimalist, he put my things down and I took my time to settle down and put some things away. Hearing a soft knock from the door I turned and saw Taehyung walk in "Do you need any help??" I shook my head while thanking him for the offer, as he stood there while I finished putting my things away he spoke up "Are you hungry?? Jimin and Jungkook made some food.. come and eat with us." 

Time Skip~ (3 days until end of the week) 

(I should go through with the treatment...) It was the middle of the night while I was deep in my thoughts thinking about my decision. Its true that I did want to go through with chemo since there would be a chance that it would extend my life expectancy so that meant I would be able to stay with everyone for a bit longer. But a small part of me doesnt want to... why? because honestly its just too painful right now. Its like I just want all this pain to stop.... sighing I stared at the ceiling until I felt my throat dry up. Getting up from the bed my head and leaving my room my head suddenly began to throb, as if my brain was pounding against my skull. Feeling myself lose balance I tried to support my body weight with the wall but ended up falling. Thinking the pain would go away I was wrong.. the more time went by the more it hurt. 

Wincing in pain I held my head in between my hands slightly squeezing it trying to do anything that would make it stop. "It hurts!" I cried out, hearing one of the doors open footsteps rushed towards me "Y-Y/n?! w-whats wrong?!" "T-Tae i-it hurts! m-make it stop!" feeling his arms wrap around my I felt him slowly lift me up before bringing me to the living room. Setting me on the couch he quickly called for Jimin, who rushed in to check on me. 

Feeling the pounding against my skull get more vigorous, the pain was too much for me to handle at the moment. "Y/n whats happening?! T-Tae did you call Namjoon?!" "Ne he said he is on his way" What felt like hours the door opened and I heard Namjoons voice "Y/n? Where does it hurt? Is it your head??" I nodded while tightly shutting my eyes. Suddenly feeling my throat hurt I began to cough and it ended with the same result. 

Namjoon POV
She shut her eyes tightly before suddenly coughing, thinking that it was just her throat being dry blood came out of her mouth. Eyes widening I began to slightly panic before carrying Y/n in my arms. "W-We need to get her to the emergency room right now" Quickly leaving the apartment Y/n was put in the back of the car with Taehyung while Jimin sat at the front with me. "Hyung whats happening? W-Whats wrong with Y/n? i-is this normal?!" I shook my head before quickly phoning the hospital letting them know the situation. "This isnt good... she doesnt get headaches this severe to the point where she cries in pain. And if you look at her right leg shes bruising..." "B-But hyung isnt that because she fell??" I shook my head at his question and explained to him that bruising doesnt show up that quick especially with a small fall like that. 

Arriving at the hospital we brought Y/n into the emergency room and began to run tests. After about 5 hours of running tests Y/n was finally in a stable state. "Dr.Kim.. shall we transfer Y/n to a vacant room??" I shook my head "Please bring her to a private recovery room..." they nodded while wheeling her away. After looking through the results and gathering my thoughts I made my way to the recovery room and entered. Seeing her laying there a painful expression took over me as I looked at her skinny like body. If I was someone else who didnt know her I would think that she was already dead....

Hearing the door slid open Jimin and Taehyung walked in and immediately rushed to the bed to see her. "Hyung.. what happened to her.." I dont know why but something suddenly came over me.. Im never like this with any of my other patients... why am I like this now? Feeling a big lump in my throat as my eyes watered I tried so hard to fight back the tears I had but I just couldnt. Cracking and ending up crying in front of them they looked at me shocked at my reaction and they knew all too well what is happening. "She doesnt have long does she..." Jimin asked while biting down on his lower lip trying to not cry. I nodded "It was spreading fast, but I didnt think it would be this fast.. She just entered stage 4 a few days ago... I-I cant come up with an exact time frame. But I would say she only has... probably a month left. Maybe 2 or 3 if she takes chemo but I cant be too sure." 

Suddenly feeling angry I crumpled the paper with the results in my hand before slamming my hand against the wall. Im a doctor.. this should be normal for me to go through. With the other patients I lose I would never waver in front of anyone. Of course it kills me inside knowing I couldnt do anything to save them but this time... because it was someone who is so close to me I just couldnt help but feel upset. Y/n has been my patient since the very first time she came in... which was around after high school when she came in saying she had constant fevers. And ever since then she came in regularly for check ups. We became close and back then she was full of life and happiness not really worried but through out the years It hurt seeing how dark and small she became. 

Silence filled the room and no one wanted to say anything. I was about to say that we should leave but before I could say anything a figure ran into the room, he looked at Y/n on the bed before turning to me and grabbing the collar of my shirt. With sweat dripping down his forehead while being out of breathe he managed to speak.

 "W-What the hell happened to my sister?!" 

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