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Y/n Pov
I cant move.. but I could hear the faint beeping of a monitor. (Where am I??) Figuring out where I was I heard something slide open and footsteps enter nearing me. "She still hasnt woke up yet... how long has it been already?" (Jungkook???) I thought recognizing his voice. Then I remembered what had happened that night.. I was having breathing problems that night.... they must have found me...

"Have you tried getting in touch with her boyfriend??" (Jeonghan?? Why is he mentioning Yoongi??) "I tried calling him several times but each time I was sent straight to voicemail.." (Of course he sent you to voicemail.. hes busy with another woman) "I cant believe her conditioning is worsening... Is there anything we could do?? you know, as her friends?" Jungkook questioned Dr.Kim. "Right now..  all you can really do is just be there for her.. regardless of her decision" (he must be talking about receiving chemotherapy... Dr. Kim must have told them...) 

Time Skip~ 

Continuing to hear the three of them talk about me and my condition my body felt sore... soon I slowly felt my eyes opening. The light blinding me I squinted and allowed my eyes to adjust. Groaning I slowly pushed myself up but winced in pain at how sore my body was. "Y/n! y-your awake!" Jungkook exclaimed while running up to my bedside. "w-water..." I stuttered out feeling that my throat was super dry. Immediately grabbing his water bottle he held it close to my mouth and helped me drink it. "t-thank you Kook" "how are you feeling???? are you hurt???" I shook my head "Im fine... my body is sore and my throat hurts a bit but I think im alright. T-Thank you for bringing me here" 

the two males in front of me looked at each other before looking at me with worried eyes "Dr.Kim told us... about your condition.." Not  feeling surprised I looked away and out the window "Why didnt you say anything???" "I didnt want to tell anyone about it.. I-I've accepted what was happening. I didnt want anyone to pity me.. look down on me especially right now." 

Feeling someone place their hands on top of mine I looked up and saw Jeonghan kneeling in front of me "who said we would look down or pity you... your our friend Y/n. I know we havent known each other for very long.. and I cant say that were close but still... we would want to be with you every step of the way..-" "Y/n.. how are you feeling??" A low voice spoke up interrupting our conversation midway "Ah Dr.Kim.. Im feeling better thank you" "Y/n... theres something that we need to discuss." "Dr.Kim if its about chemotherapy I dont know if im ready yet... i-" "Y/n.. the cancer is spreading.. and if Im going to be 100% honest with you  then I will be. Y-You could be entering stage 4 any time if this keeps up. But if you  go through with chemotherapy right away then-then there could be some hope!" Dr.Kim explained while  looking at me with a painful expression on  his face. "I...I dont know...-"  "Y/n  go through with the treatment.. I-If you need money I-I will be willing to pitch in.. if that means that it would help you get somewhat better" Jeonghan said while placing a firm hand on my shoulder. 

"I will help as well.. Y/n go through with the treatment... I dont care how much it is.." I looked at the male who looked at me with a pained expression "I cant do that to you Kook.. you've spent so much time earning and saving up money from those performances.. I cant let you waste your money on me." He immediately shook his head at my words before responding "I dont care about that money Y/n, you're life and our friendship is more important than my music. I-I want you to  live a longer life. I want you to be happy, not in pain." Jungkook whispered the last part but it was loud enough for me to hear. "I-I dont know you guys..." suddenly feeling someone take my face into their hands I looked up and saw Jungkooks face just inches away from mine "Y/n... you cant do this to yourself. You cant give up..  w-we just started getting closer, and plus we dont want to see you go.. not this way. I-If its because of the money dont feel bad, I-I dont care how much it is! AS LONG AS IT MEANS YOU GET BETTER." Feeling as if the wall that I built to keep others out began to slowly crumble, my heart began to beat faster "but Kook.. im scared" "Its alright to be scared Y/n.. I dont blame you for being scared. If I were in your shoes I would be terrified. But all of us here.. we will all be there by your side through it all..." 

Looking at Jungkook I couldnt help but feel my eyes blur from the tears. Silently sobbing I rested my head  on his shoulder letting everything out "I-I dont want to die! I-I dont want to leave! I want to be with everyone still!... before when I first got diagnosed I-I didnt know what to do.. I had no one to talk to about this. No one who I thought could be by my side the whole journey. After so many years I-I honestly thought that it would be best if I just left quietly without having anyone worry about me.. IM SO SCARED" feeling Jungkook wrapped his arms around me protectively holding me. "Shhh its okay to be scared Y/n... you didnt choose this life.  B-But right now... with whatever you choose... we will ALL be here right by your side. Namjoon, Jeonghan and even myself... were all here for you." 

Time Skip~ 

After hours of just crying and letting everything out, my eyes felt sore and my body was even more tired. "Y/n does your boyfriend know???" Jeonghan suddenly questioned, furrowing my brows I shook my head "Are you guys alright?? why didnt you tell him yet???" heaving a heavy sigh I opened my mouth "Were falling apart if I were to be truly honest. I knew about it.. but I still havent done anything about it." 

They all looked at me confused "you knew about what exactly???" "About him cheating on me... hes been cheating on me for awhile now.. but yet I still havent done anything about  it. Hes probably with her right now.. The reason why I didnt tell him is because im scared, scared of how he would react. Scared he might leave me because im dying.. scared he might only stay with me because he pities me. I-I've loved him for 10 years.. I loved only him.. I know he doesnt love me back.. but I just choose not to do anything." 

Jungkook Pov
"Y/n if you knew he was cheating on you.. why didnt you want to do anything about it?" I asked genuinely curious. "I-Its just that.. I've been alone ever since my parents passed away.. and he was the only person who was there for me. He was there during my darkest and hardest times.. and I-I guess I dont want to lose the person who has been by my side ever since" she explained while sighing.. I was surprised that even though she was talking about something this personal she didnt shed a tear. She must have been so used to all of this that it doesnt surprise her anymore. 

She doesnt deserve any of the things that are happening to her. Her boyfriend doesnt deserve to be with someone like Y/n.. shes too good for him. Shes been loyal and faithful this whole entire time while he hasnt. Y/n is willing to give her everything to him while I know that he wont do the same for her...

"Y/n you should tell him.. tell him everything" Namjoon suddenly suggested. Y/n looked up at him with widened eyes, shocked. "I-I cant do that! I-I cant tell him..." "Y/n you need to... you need to tell him EVERYTHING" "D-Dr.Kim... you dont understand how hard it is for me to tell him.. You dont  know how much I want to tell him... to tell him that im dying. I always thought that maybe if I told him then maybe he would look my way again with those loving eyes and hope that if he cares about me he would stay by my side and take care of me. But I know he would never. If I told him I know he wouldnt care... honestly I feel like he would be relieved... because that means he could officially be with Jisoo..."

"Even though you have those thoughts you still need to tell him. Hes still your boyfriend, your significant other. You cant just leave him like this without telling him the truth... Y/n you need to do whats right. Be the better person...."

"But how do I tell him....?-"

"-How can I simply go up to him and tell him that im dying..."

"Its not that simple.."




(A/N: So what did you all think of this chapter?! Do you think Y/n will tell Yoongi about her illness anytime soon? Or keep holding off on it? Let me know in the comments!)

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