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Days turned into weeks and those weeks already turned into a month. Its been a whole month since I moved to Daegu with Joon and Hyunbin oppa. I would say that everything has been going well and that treatment was going smoothly but I wouldnt want to lie to anyone about that. Everyone could tell that things have been different for me, chemotherapy is the hardest and toughest thing to do.. my body feels like its crumbling down and I feel weaker that usual but Namjoon told me that its normal to feel that way when taking chemo. 

There are side effects when taking chemotherapy and hair loss is one of them.. something that I dreaded but accepted once it started happening. I'll admit I had a complete meltdown when I started to lose hair but I couldnt do anything about it. In the end I now wearing a toque to cover up my bald spots since I was still embarrassed. 

"Y/n.. how are you feeling now?" Snapping out of my thoughts and looking up, I was met with Namjoons eyes as he looked at me with a small smile. "I feel tired Joon..." he nodded his head while helping me up to my feet. As I stood up I felt light headed, with how my vision began to blur I stumbled over my feet but Namjoon caught me before I fell. "Are you alright??" he questioned with a worried tone but I waved him off. "I-Im alright Joon.. c-could you call H-Hyunbin for me?" he nodded his head but before he could even do so the door opened revealing my brother as he walked in. "Ill take her from here Namjoon.. thank you" 

As my brother helped me out of the room and down the hallway I didnt want to go to my bedroom yet.. "Oppa.. could we go outside please? I-I would like to look at the garden Namjoon made" "Sure.." Making our way outside the house we walked through the garden that was filled with different flowers along with vegetable and fruit plants that Namjoon had been taking care of. "Im surprised that Namjoon is able to take care of all of this while taking care of me..." I commented while looking at the almost ready tomato plants. "Well you know Namjoon.. I mean his office back in Seoul was filled with plants as well.. and he had more patients back there. So this much be easier for him.." 

I giggled at his words while nodding "Ne.. it must be easier for him.." 

Yoongi POV
Hearing a knock coming from the door I quickly got onto my feet and rushed over, opening up and seeing Jimin standing there with Jungkook I felt a bit awkward but let them in. "W-What are you two doing here..." They stayed silent as they made their way to the couch before sitting down. Closing the door and following after them I sat across from them while biting down on my lower lip anxious as to why they were here. Ever since I lost contact with Y/n I had been doing everything to make myself better. Visiting the hospital but them telling me that Y/n was no longer there I was dying inside thinking that maybe everything was too late.

Seeing Jimin sitting there with a lightly bruised lip I sat there rubbing my bruised knuckles as we let the quietness eat us alive until Jungkook cleared his throat speaking up. "Are you two going to glare at each other or are you two going to talk?" the younger commented making Jimin and I look at him a bit rattled. "I know you two got into that physical fight a few weeks back but you are both adults... I know that this situation is serious but this about Y/n right now and what she would say about this if she knew?" "Its his fault though Kook! are you going to take his side and tell me that I was in the wrong for doing such thing?!" 

"Hyung! your acting stupid right now you know that? I know that its Yoongi hyungs fault that Y/n had been going through such things without anyone by her side but were to blame as well! Im not taking anyones side.. not his and not yours! We came here before wanting to talk to him not nearly have you two beat each other up until you both werent able to walk." 

"But hes the one-" "Yeah yeah I know Jimin! I know what I did was wrong and I've been trying my hardest to become a better person. While you two probably know about Y/n and such I've been shut out. I lost her because I was being stupid and selfish! You dont have to fucking remind me about what I did wrong every time we see each other okay? Im sorry for nearly beating you to a pulp but please.. just know that your not the only one whose having a hard time right now. I've been messaging countless amounts of people just trying to figure our what happened to Y/n.. if shes even alive or not... I went to different graves and came out relieved knowing that Y/ns name wasnt there."

With the room falling silent once more I looked over and saw Jimin pursing his lips into a fine line before Jungkook sighed. "Were not here to have another fight hyung.. were here because even though Jimin hasnt seen it, I've seen how much you've changed ever since you found out about Y/ns condition. Even though you should have found out a long time ago that doesnt mean Im going to be like this crazy hyung beside me. Im thinking about Y/n right now and what she would want me to do in this situation..." 

I looked at him with a raised brow, about to ask him what he meant he stood up and walked towards the door with Jimin beside him.

"Were going to take you to see Y/n... today.. so go get ready"

(Time Skip~ A few hours later)

(I wonder what Yoongi is doing.. has he eaten today? had he been getting enough sleep? Is he okay?) Sitting on the bench as I looked up at the sky I couldnt help but think about Yoongi and what happened. I couldnt get him out of my mind even if I wanted to... I just wanted to know how he was. There were times when I just wanted to turn my phone back on and call him, just to hear his voice once again but I knew I shouldnt. That would just be me caving in and going back to square one. (I really want to see you Yoongs... I really do.) 

"Are you thinking about Yoongi?" a voice interrupted my thoughts. Seeing Hyunbin oppa sitting beside me I nodded while sending him a small smile. "You miss him?" I nodded again, "What would you do if you saw him again?" "I would talk to him... even though we didnt really break up I still left with us being on bad terms. I want to know what hes been up to, if hes been eating and sleeping properly.. if he loves me." 

As I continued to look at the sunsetting sky I heard several footsteps nearing us which caused me to turn my attention towards them. But as my eyes locked onto his... they widened as I stood up shocked.





(A/N: OoOoOoo what do you think will happen now that Yoongi is meeting Y/n again??)

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