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Time Skip~ (2 days later)

Yoongi Pov
Its been a couple days since I came back home to Y/n but something is off about her lately... Whenever I try to talk to her she would give me simple replies, she wouldnt want to eat, she would often avoid me when it comes to affection and I dont know why.... unless... she knows about me and Jisoo. (Shit... but how would she find out??) I thought ruffling my hair. Making my self a pot of coffee I heard the bedroom door open and saw Y/n walk out all dressed. "Hmm?? are you heading somewhere???" I questioned a bit curious. While watching her slip her shoes on she glanced back at me and nodded "ah.. yes, I have something important to get done today... I'll be home by dinner time" "Oh really? would you like to drive yo-" "No... i-its alright Yoongi.. uhmm you must be tired still so you should stay home and rest. Anyways I better head out now or I'll be late."

As he grabbed her coat, she was about to walk out the door until I ran up to her grabbing her wrist making her turn to face me. She looked at me confused "Y/n.. are you alright?? ever since I came home you've been rather cold towards me, you barely show me any affection.. Is everything alright??? I told you the other night that you could talk to me about anything.. whats on your mind???" staying silent she pulled her arm away from me. Sending me a small smile she nodded "I know Yoongi... but you shouldnt worry. Im fine." Without letting me say anything she left. I stood there quietly knowing all to well that she was faking that smile.. she wasnt fine and I was going to find out what was wrong with her.

Quickly grabbing my keys and coat I ran out the door and left the apartment building in search for Y/n. Looking around my eyes fell on her figure as she was entering the bus. Hopping into my car I quickly followed after it... (Where is she heading to at this time?? Is she meeting someone?) Continuing to follow the bus for what felt like hours the bus came to a stop and I saw Y/n hop out. She seemed like she was in a rush. Continuing to follow her from a safe distance I saw that she was walking in the direction of the hospital... (what is she doing here?? does she know someone thats here???) Parking my car on the side I got out and followed after her, entering the hospital I saw her in the distance following a doctor into his office.

Walking up to the front desk the lady looked up at me and smiled "May I help you??" I nodded and pointed at the hallway "Do you by chance know the lady that just walked down that hallway with the doctor???" Looking at me confused she nodded "Yes, that was Dr. Kim and his patient" (Patient???) "Im sorry for asking another question but why is she seeing a doctor? Is she alright??? Is she sick??" The lady looked at me with furrowed brows "Im sorry sir, but all information on patients are classified. But may I ask who you are??? are you a relative of the patient? " "I-Im her boyriend.. and im just worried about her."

"I see... well sir you can wait in the lounge area until she comes out.. Im not allowed to give visitors information about our patients." the lady sent me one last smile before turning her attention to her computer. Looking around I dragged my feet towards the lounge and decided to wait for her... (Why is she here?? Is she sick?? Is that why shes been looking so out of energy lately? Or is she seeing the doctor behind my back??)

Minutes passed and while I was scrolling on my phone I looked up and saw Y/n walking out with the doctor. Watching as Y/n turned around to talk to the doctor I made my way towards them but stopped once the doctor began to speak. "Y/n.. its getting more dangerous everyday if you keep on holding out. Please consider going through with the treatment..." "Im sorry Dr.Kim but please give me just a few more days... I-I still need to think things through and figure some stuff out." "I understand Y/n but please dont wait too long." Once they were done talking I was left standing there.. unaware of my presence I called out to her. "Y-Y/n??" Quickly turning around and her eyes widened shocked. "Y-Yoongi what are you doing here???" she asked while walking up to me. Ignoring her question I grabbed her shoulders "W-What did the doctor mean when he said something about you going through treatment??"

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