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(The Next Day)

"Thats everything for today.... but you should accept doing chemotherapy as soon as possible Y/n.. it gets increasingly dangerous the longer you delay it" Dr.Kim explained while looking at me worried. Staring at the ground emotionless I didnt know what to do... "Could you please prescribe me more medications, I will think about chemotherapy for a little longer." Dr.Kim sighed while beginning to write my prescription.

Fiddling with my fingers I managed to speak "Dr.Kim... I never mentioned this but my nose bleeds have been happening frequently and my fever and chest pain are getting more intense.. Everything feels as if its on fire and its like im cooking on the inside, I honestly think I could just die any moment now and I dont know whether or not I should be scared knowing that I wont have anyone there for me" Dr.Kim looked at me a bit shocked at my words but passed me the prescription paper. Reaching out to grab the paper he placed his hand on top of mine "Y/n.. not only are you a patient of mine, your also my friend... If you decide to go through with chemo then I will be there right with you every step of the way. Its not a big deal but we should all have some hope in our life right?" Forcing out a smile at his statement I grabbed the paper "Thank your Dr.Kim, I will think it trough."

Getting up I left the office, I bought my medications and exited the building... The snow softly falling all around me I walked over to the bus stop and waited. (I wonder what Yoongi is doing right now....) I though while taking out my phone.. scrolling through my contacts I contemplated whether or not I should call him... but soon decided not to since he might be 'busy'. Slipping my phone back into my pocket I just stared up at the sky.. "Oh its you again!" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Turning to the voice I saw the same male from yesterday. "Oh hello"

He took a seat beside me "Your not crying today?" he commented making me chuckle "Nah... not today." I responded while looking at him, he was smiling brightly at me then I remembered that I had his hanker chief. Taking it out of my bag I attempted to give it back to him but he shook his head "Ani... you have it." "A-Are you sure? this is yours..." "No its alright. I gave it to you for a reason. So you keep it" Not wanting to force him I nodded. "Where are you heading to at this time??" he questioned. "Home." I simply said. "Im sorry if this is so sudden.. but whats your name?" looking at him I smiled "Y/n...Kwon Y/n, how about you?" "Kim Taehyung! pleasure to make your acquaintance" he chimed while holding his hand out towards me. Softly placing my hand in his we both smiled at each other (Taehyung.. what a nice name)

We both then got on the bus and talked but soon I had to get off. "Well it was very nice to meet and talk to you again Taehyung" he smiled and waved me goodbye "Hope to see you again soon!" Smiling as I got off the bus I entered my apartment building. "Oh Y/n-ssi where were you?? I was looking for you" Looking up I saw Jungkook standing there with his bunny like smile. "Ah Hello Kook. Sorry I had a doctors appointment earlier" "Oh, is everything alright? Are you okay?" Nodding my head I smiled "Ne, thank you for worrying Kook... but may I ask why you were looking for me??"

"Oh I was just wondering if you would like to join me and my friends for dinner tonight? Since you've been making food for me a lot lately I thought I could treat you in return. Plus my hyungs would really like to meet you." Taking a few minutes to think I nodded "Sure, I would love to... what time and where?" "I'll come pick you up in an hour !" "Arasseo, Ill make sure im ready by the time." Walking away, I entered my room and took my shoes off. (Hmm before I get ready I better write in my journal...) I walked over to where my journal was and began writing.


Date: xx/xx/xx
I met someone new today... his name is Kim Taehyung. He gave me his hanker chief on the bus the other day when I was crying. I didnt cry today.. but Taehyung  was nice enough to talk to me on the bus ride home. Dr.Kim still insists that I go through with chemotherapy. He hasnt really told me how long I have... but honestly I wouldnt be surprised if he told me I only have a few months or even weeks left. Things have been getting worse, I have nose bleeds more frequently, my fever and chest pain have been getting intense and its getting harder for me to breath each time.

 Im still thinking if I should tell Yoongi... but I feel like if I call him he wouldnt bother picking up. It would be better to tell him in person rather than on the phone  right?? 

But Is it bad that im still waiting for him???

Does that make me a coward?


Yoongi Pov
"Yoongi baby~ where are you going???" her voice spoke up while her hands snaked around my waist. Glancing back I smiled looking at the sleepy looking girl and ruffled her hair "Dont worry Jisoo.. I'll be back. I just have to get some stuff done today.. Ill be back tonight dont worry alright?" she nodded and let go of me. Putting my clothes back on I grabbed my jacket and left her apartment. Pulling out my phone I saw that I had a few missed calls and messaged from Y/n but chose to ignore them.  I've been keeping a secret from Y/n... I've been seeing Jisoo for a few months now behind Y/ns back. Of course I feel bad about this.. but I cant really do anything about it. 

I love Y/n... I truly do but lately things have been so bland between the two of us. Its not as exciting as when we first started dating. We would always go out on fun dates and have amazing nights together. But lately I just... I dont know I guess you could say Im just looking for something new. Im not replacing Y/n, and Im not saying that I dont love her... im just wanting to experience something more right now.

 "Ugh man I should go grab some clothes from the apartment..." I mumbled and decided to go home and grab some extra clothes since I decided to stay with Jisoo for a few days.

Entering the apartment building I took my key out and unlocked the door. "Y/n?? you here??" I spoke up while entering the apartment. The lights were off and it was quiet... (She must not be home...) I thought while taking off my shoes. Making my way through the apartment I noticed how the place was a little bit messy, unwashed dishes and some clothes scattered around the  place.  Entering the bedroom I walked to the closet to pack, but while I was going through my clothes I noticed some new shirts. (She must have bought these for me...) I thought with a small smile. Taking the new shirts I packed it in a bag and closed the closet. Walking through the living room I noticed something that caught my eye... (She still kept this????) I thought while nearing her book case.

It was a book that I got her back in High School the day I decided to confess to her....


"I heard Y/n likes the author xxxx books. She said she is a big fan" her classmate Suzy commented. "R-Really?! thanks!" I chimed while quickly leaving. Grabbing my bag I ran out of the school to the nearby bookstore. (where is it... where is it...) Finally after what felt like hours of searching I found on of the authors books. Quickly purchasing it, I looked down at my phone and saw that it was 6 pm.. Running out of the book store I sprinted my way back to the school knowing she just ended club activities.

Entering the school nearly out of breath I spotted one of her friends that was in the same club as her. "H-Hey! J-Jimin!!" turning to me he looked at me confused "Oh Yoongi hyung! whats up??" "have you seen Y/n!!?" he looked at me with furrowed brows but nodded while pointing to the stairs "She said she had to get something from her locker. She might still be-" "THANKS CHIM!!" without letting his say anything I ran up the stairs and towards where her locker was. Finally spotting her in the distance I called out to her as loud as possible "Y/n!!!! Kwon Y/n!!!" Finally nearing her she turned her head towards me.

Bending over I had to catch my breath. "Y-Yoongi??? w-whats wrong?" Standing straight I held the book in front of me extending my arms towards her. "W-Whats this??" "I-I heard you liked xxxx... I bought you his book! I-I hope you like it... and I hope-" I took a deep breath "-AND I HOPE YOU LIKE ME!" I confessed feeling my cheeks heat up quickly. She suddenly giggled while taking the book out of my hands.

"I read this book already... I like it... and I like you too Min Yoongi"

End of Flashback~

"What was this book about anyways??" I questioned and decided to take the book wanting to read about it. Walking back to the door I put my shoes on and opened the door but to accidentally bumped into someone. "Im so sorry, I didnt see you- Y/n??"


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