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 Yoongi Pov
Its been days since I had last saw Y/n. The night I left the apartment I actually did get called into the office for work related stuff. But afterwards when I was heading back I was stopped by Jisoo... one thing led to another and here I am laying in bed beside her. Looking down at her sleeping face I couldnt help but think about Y/n... (I wonder what shes doing right now.. Is she eating properly now??) Sighing I slowly slipped out of the bed and decided to shower. 

Stepping out of the shower feeling fresh and good I reached looked over and saw my phone on the side table and realized that I hadnt checked my phone ever since the day I last saw Y/n. Walking over and picking up my phone I turned it on and the first thing I saw were missed phone calls from the the hospital (???) After a few minutes of trying to figure out why they would call me it then hit me... Y/n... she mentioned she was sick. Did something bad happen to her?! Quickly going through my contacts I pressed on  Y/ns caller Id and phoned her but my eyes widened when she didnt answer. Continuing to call her again and again it all ended the same way.. with me listening to her voice mail. 

Heart racing and feeling nervous I quickly threw my clothes on and ran for the door. "Yoongi?? where are you going???" Her voice suddenly spoke up making me flinch while I was slipping my shoes on. Turning around I saw Jisoo standing there only in her robe, her arms crossed as she cocked a brow at me. "S-Sorry Jisoo something came up" "Is it your girlfriend??" Looking at her I nodded "Something happe-" "Yoongie baby.. I still dont understand why your still with her.... " "what??" "I mean come on.. you've been cheating on her behind her back.. why dont you just make it easy on yourself and just break up with her so you could be with me. Isnt that that you want??" Furrowing my brows I shook my head "Jisoo you dont understand.. I love her-" "How can you say you love her when your cheating. Thats a pretty stupid thing to say Yoongi. Ugh whatever. Just get out.." she rolled her eyes before walking back into the room. 

Finally leaving her apartment I left the building and hopped  into my car rushing to my apartment where I was hoping Y/n would be. But during the drive I couldnt help but think about what Jisoo said... she was right... I cant say simply say I love Y/n if I've been cheating on her. But these feelings arent wrong. I do love Y/n... we've been together for 10 years... and I loved her ever since. The whole thing I had with Jisoo was just for fun.. I had no feelings for Jisoo but she doesnt know that. 

Finally arriving at the apartment I rushed into the building and took the stairs. Taking my key out of my back pocket I ran up to the door and unlocked it before quickly opening the door and rushing in. "Y-Y/n! a-are you home!?" I called out but no answer. Not even taking off my shoes I ran to the bedroom and opened the door "Y/n! w-where are you!?" I raised my voice while frantically looking around the apartment. Walking around the bedroom I noticed a an opened pill bottle on the bed. Pills scattered everywhere.. my heart rate increasing while I feel my hands becoming sweaty I began thinking about the bad things that must have happened. (O-Overdose?! D-Did she overdose?! nononono) 

Picking up my feet I ran out of the apartment building about to make my way to the hospital but soon  stopped once I saw a car pull up and Y/n stepping out of the car followed by Jungkook. "Y/-" about to call out to her I shut my mouth once I saw another male get out of the car and walk towards her. (Isnt that Dr.Kim????) They talked for a few minutes before he got back into his car and drove off. Jungkook and Y/n turned around and began to walk before stopping in their tracks once locking eyes with me. "Y-Y/n...." I softly called out to her. Making my way towards her I grabbed onto her shoulder "W-Where have you been?? a-are you alright?? I-I got several calls from the hospital.. w-what happened?!" I hit her with several questions. 

Y/n Pov
"D-Dont worry about it Yoongs.. I just fainted thats all.. Jungkook found me and brought me to the hospital. Nothing serious" I simply answered, glancing over at Jungkook I saw him looking at me with an expression as if he was trying to say 'Tell him right  now... you have to do it' but I slightly shook my head not ready..

Jungkook heaved a heavy sigh before turning to me "Hey Y/n.. I have to go now.. Seokjin inviyed me over to Hobi hyungs place.. I'll see you around okay?? Call me if you need anything" nodding and sending him a thankful smile he turned and walked away leaving Yoongi and I alone together. Walking towards our apartment room together in silence once we entered the room Yoongi locked the door behind him. Walking over to the couch I sat down and sighed, he walked over and sat down beside me before placing his hand on my thigh. "I-I saw the pills in the room.. I thought you overdosed... I was scared.. I truly care about you and your health Y/n. When I saw the calls I immediatelytried to call you back but you didnt answer,  do you know how worried I was?" he whispered enough for me to hear. 

Hearing him say that he was scared and that he cares about me... was I supposed to be happy?? All my feelings are tangled and everywhere right now and I didnt know how to feel. "Also why didnt you call me.... I-I could have picked you up from the hospital" letting out  a bland chuckle I simply answered "I didnt want to bother you... I knew you must have been busy.. you know... with work and Jisoo" His eyes widened at what I had said. "w-what are you t-talking about...??" he managed to stutter out while retracting his hand from my leg. "You really think I didnt know??" 

"K-Know what??" I sighed and shook my head "Yoongi.. Im not that dumb. Did you think I wouldnt find out? All the times when you say your working overtime I knew you were with her. I knew you were cheating on me, that you were sleeping with another woman." "Y/n-" I cut him off by standing up "N-No Yoongi... I-Im not done saying what I need to say, so shut up and listen."

Feeling my hands tremble as my heart started beating faster I took a deep breath and spoke "W-While you were out sleeping around with her.. d-did  you ever think about how I would feel? H-How hurt I would be once I found out?! Do you even know how I felt that day.. w-when you told me you were working overtime? I- I thought it would be a great idea for me to visit and drop off dinner... but what did I see?? You and that woman.. making out in your office...-" my eye began to blur form the tears that were forming in my eyes. "Do you know how many countless nights I had crying myself to sleep knowing that you were with someone else!?" 

"DID THESE 10 YEARS TOGETHER MEAN NOTHING TO YOU?? .... You dont know what im going through right now so dont tell me that im the one who doesnt understand... when in reality your the one who doesnt have a fucking clue about whats happening, you saying you care about me?? thats a fucking joke!" 

"Y-Y/n.. dont say that. I mean it when I say I care about you... I always try to be there for y-" "THEN WHERE WERE YOU ALL THIS TIME YOONGI?!?..." 

Taking a deep breath I looked him straight in the eyes as he looked at me with an expression that I had never seen before.

"You say that.. but you were never really there for me... SO much has been happening.. and you havent even noticed.... you havent even noticed that I dont even have much time left..." Once those words left my mouth Yoongis eyes widened as he stood up shocked. About to reach out to me I slapped his hand away and gripped onto the ends of my shirt. "I love you Yoongi, but I know you dont love me anymore."

Feeling my chest tighten up I knew what was happening... I couldnt be here right now... I needed to leave. Grabbing my bag I rushed out the apartment building and down the hallway "Y/n!!" I could hear him yelling my name from the distance. Running into the elevator I pressed the button rapidly and the doors closed in time before Yoongi could get in. Once the elevator doors opened I rushed through the lobby and out the doors with tears flowing down my face. My chest began to hurt and it felt like I was being stabbed multiple times. Quickly running out of the building I ran down the street as fast as I could and turned into an empty alleyway before hiding behind a stack of boxes. 

His voice could still be heard, they were getting closer and closer. I didnt want him to find me... not right now. "Y/n!!!" his voice rang  in my ears and I was afraid that he must have found out where I was but soon I heard his voice and footsteps fading away. Clutching at my chest I ran towards the opposite end of the alleyway and quickly turned but bumped into someone making me fall. I was exhausted and my legs were just too  tired... I was afraid that I was going to pass out any minute right now. "Hey are you alright??? You suddenly bumped into me.. wait.. Y/n?" Glancing up I met a pair of familiar eyes...  ones that I havent seen since my high school graduation.


"Help me...."

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