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Jimin Pov
"Yeah Tae im on my way right now... Ill see you in a bit" Hanging up my phone I walked down the street making my way to Taehyungs apartment since we were planning on hanging out. *sigh* "I cant believe he made me buy all the ingredients. All because he cant properly cook" I muttered to myself. While continuing to walk down the street someone suddenly turned the corner of the alleyway and bumped into me, but instead of falling he fell instead. Eyes widening to see it was a woman I bent down and extended my arm towards her. "Hey are you alright?? You suddenly bumped into me.. wait.. Y/n??" I noticed it was her when I got a glimpse of her side profile.

She glanced up at me with red puffy eyes with tears streaming down her face. Clutching at her chest it looked at if she was running away from something, she seemed terrified. "J-Jimin... Help me..." she stuttered out before her eyes slowly closed and he body collapsed onto the ground. Eyes widening even more I looked around and began to panic. (w-what do I do? what do i do?!) "SHIT" I mumbled to myself before using all the strength I had to pick her up and throw her body over my shoulder. Still holding onto the bag of food I stood up and began to fast walk down the street.

(A/N: O-Okay Jimin.. I get it your strong too) 

Time Skip~

Finally... Using my foot I kicked the door several times and stopped once I heard footsteps rushing to the door. Hearing the door unlock and swing open revealing a tired Taehyung. "Jimin... why were you banging on the door so loudly???" he asked while rubbing his eyes. Pushing my way in I brought Y/n to his couch and laid her down, "Jimin?? whats wr- woah woah woah.. Y-Y/n?!" he suddenly raised his voice with widening his eyes. Running over towards us he pushed me out of the way. 

"Jimin where did you find her?!" "She bumped into me earlier when I was on my way here... I-I dont know what happened Tae.. she said "help me" and then passed out in front of me. Wait... Tae how do you know Y/n?" I questioned furrowing my brows. "Shes my friend... b-but that doesnt matter right now." he simply answered. Placing my hand against her forehead I was shocked with how hot she was. Quickly grabbing a towel and wetting it I placed it on her forehead in hopes it would bring down her heat.

After what felt like  a life time but in reality it was only a few hours Tae suddenly called out to me from the living room since he wanted to watch over Y/n. Running into the room I saw that Y/n had woken up! Jogging my way towards her she looked around "Tae???" she questioned and then looked at me "J-Jimin?? w-where am I??" she commented while looking around the place. "Y/n do  you remember what happened earlier??" she furrowed her brows and shook her head "I only remember running away.. then passing out" Sitting beside her on the couch I placed my hand on her shoulder "Well this is our place... Tae and I are roommates. But you just said you were running away, why??" She looked a bit nervous and I had a hunch about  what it was about. "I-Is it about Yoongi??" her eyes widened at the name and she looked at me terrified before shooting her eyes around the room. 

"H-How did you know? I-Is he here?!" I shrugged my shoulders before shaking my head "I had a hunch... I knew you two were still together so I kind of just guessed. But no... I dont have his number so hes not here.." she sighed in relief but I knew she was hiding something. About to ask her what truly happened Tae suddenly beat me to it "Y/n.. what happened between you and your boyfriend? did he hurt you is that why your eyes are so red and swollen again?" (again?? has she been crying lots?) I thought to myself as I looked at her sadly. She kept her eyes glued to the ground before taking a deep breath. 

"Y-Yoongi... has been cheating on me..." Both of us shocked with what she had said at the same time I was confused. The Yoongi I knew would never cheat on Y/n, he was madly in love with her and he wasnt the type to do such a thing. "Y-Y/n... a-are you sure??" she looked at me with a pained expression while nodding "Jimin.. I know what your thinking about, but the Yoongi we once knew isnt here anymore... hes changed..." "When did you know he was cheating on you?" Tae questioned. "For a while now... I remember visiting his work to surprise him.. but there I found him... making out with some random woman" (oh no....) Resting my hand on her back and rubbing reassuring circles tears fell from her eyes. "Im so sorry Y/n... you must have went through a lot... I wish I was there for you" About to wipe away her tears with her hand Tae stopped her and wiped her tears with a tissue before speaking "What did I tell you about using your hand to w,)ipe your eyes??? did you forget??" 

Earning a small laugh from Y/n she looked at the both of us and sent us both a smile "Thank you so much Jimin... Taehyung" We sent her our brightest smiles, after we continued to talk she then began to fiddle  with her fingers "C-Can one of you bring me to the hospital??" (????) "Yeah.. but why??? are you sick?" Biting down on her lower  lip she shook nodded her head "I-Ill tell you both about it when we get there..." 

(@ Hospital)  

Taehyung Pov
When we arrived at the hospital Jimin and I escorted Y/n into the building and down the hallway where she stood in front of an office with the name "Dr.Kim" (Dr.Kim??? is it who I think it is??) I thought to myself and she softly knocked on the door. Slowly opening the door she walked in and we followed after. "Oh Y/n your back- oh?? Jimin?? Taehyung??" walking into the office and hearing my name I looked ahead and saw Namjoon hyung sitting behind his desk while looking at us surprised. "Hyung?" 

"Please have a seat" Namjoon instructed and we did so. "So Y/n what brings you in?? you were just here..." Namjoon hyung questioned while looking at her confused. "D-Dr.Kim... I-I told him..." Hyungs eyes widened "J-Jjinjja?!" Y/n nodded "I-I told him that I knew he was cheating on me.. and I-I told him that I didnt have much time left." (Not enough time left?? What is she talking about??) "Ilness???" Jimin commented while looking back and forth from Namjoon and Y/n. Namjoon hyung looked at the two of us before turning to Y/n who nodded her head while turning to face us. "I-I have stage 3 lymphocytic leukemia..." 

Suddenly feeling my heart drop to my stomach I looked at Jimin as he looked completely shocked. "Y-Y/n... y-your kidding right?! This isnt one of those sick jokes you used to pull on me back in school is it?!" Jimin exclaimed while standing up from his seat. Y/n looked up at him and shook her head being completely serious in this situation. "Y-Yoongi knows?" she nodded "N-Ne... I told him.." "H-How about Hyunbin???" having the room fall silent she slowly shook her head "I lost contact with Hyunbin oppa...."

Jimin began to pace back and forth in the room while clenching his jaw. He was obviously upset and everyone in this room could see it. "J-Jimin.... Im so-" "Kwon  Y/n dont you dare apologize... thats the last fucking thing I want to hear from you..." Y/ns expression fell and was about to cry until Namjoon stood up and walked towards Jimin "Yah Jimin.. come with me" They both walked out of the room and once the door closed Y/ns tears began to fall onto her lap. Doing the only thing I thought would help I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her small body bringing her into my embrace. "Why are you crying again??" "Im just u-upset with m-myself" she stuttered while gripping onto my shirt. "Upset why???" "Because this is why I didnt want to tell anyone... I-I dont like seeing other hurt because of me.."

Jimin Pov
"W-Why... Why does this have to happen to her?!" I exclaimed once we left the office. "Hey Jimin.. its not her fault that this happened!" "I understand hyung! BUT STAGE 3!? H-HAS SHE NOT BEEN TAKING CHEMO?!" I shook my head "WHY?! YOU SHOULD BE TELLING HER TO DO THE TREATMENT. WHY HASNT SHE BEEN DOING IT?!" Namjoon hyung crossed his arms and stood tall while he looked down at me "Jimin.. this is her decision and she was the one who decided  to hold off from the treatment. As her doctor I have been trying to tell her to go through with the treatment but she keeps saying no. Im not about to force her to do something she doesnt want to do... thats not what im here to do. So whatever her decision is im going to support it... and you should be doing the same thing  to" 

I sighed in defeat while running my hand through my hair out of frustration. "your right... But im just so mad!" "Mad?? at Y/n??" I shook my head "No! with myself! F-FOR NOT BEING THERE FOR HER WHEN SHE NEEDED SOMEONE! Yoongi.. I fucking trusted him!.... If only I fucking knew about this.. I would have been the one supporting and helping her." Feeling angry as myself Namjoon hyung placed a firm hand on my shoulder causing me to look up at him. "Hey your not the only one who feels this way  Jimin... Jungkook along with Jeonghan know about this... and to be honest they all hate themselves for not knowing about any  of this sooner. But you cant blame Y/n, she had no one to talk to about this... not even Yoongi." 

Scoffing I rolled my eyes at his name "Yoongi... that prick. While  Y/n was there struggling to live he was out there living his life messing around with other women...disgusting.."

 (Im going to punch his face in if I ever see him...) 




(A/N: Merry Christmas!! <3)

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