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Namjoon POV
"Dr.Kim..." the door swung open revealing one of the nurses standing there with a distressed expression. I raised a brow curious as to what she was going to say, thinking that it was just about one of the patient files the words that came out of her mouth made my heart drop to my stomach. 

"Im so sorry... b-but Miss Y/n... s-shes gone.." 




Jolting up as my eyes widened I looked around the room and realized that I had fallen asleep. Jolting up from my chair I quickly left the room and ran down the hall before swinging Y/ns room door open revealing an empty bed. With my heart rate picking up I began to panic.. (W-Where is she... i-if she isnt here then where could she be?! What if she fainted somewhere... did she go out?! why did-) my thoughts were cut off by the sound of the toilet flushing before the door opened revealing the frail female that I was looking for. 

"Joon?? uhmm.. why are you in here???" she questioned while slowly walking back to sit on the bed. "I-I... I-Im sorry.. I didnt mean to suddenly come in here without asking you. I-I just wanted to check on you" she tilted her head to the side with a slightly confused look on her face but chuckled. "Arasseo... but make sure to knock next time. Hyunbin oppa would step on all your plants if you accidentally walked in on me changing." 

Eyes widening I quickly turned around but was met with the pale skinned male who walked into the room with a smile on his face. "You ready to go?" he questioned Y/n as she stood up. Now that I looked at it she was dressed out of her pajamas. Wearing mostly oversized comfy clothes, I looked at the two confused before they smiled "Im bringing her somewhere today" "Where???" I questioned wanting to know where he was going to take Y/n in the middle of the day. "Its a surprise.. dont worry I told Hyunbin hyung and he knows where it will be. I will bring her back on time so dont worry Namjoon." 

I sighed in defeat before nodding. "Arasseo... but please make sure she doesnt get hurt out there..." He nodded while grabbing Y/ns hand leading her out of the room and down the hallway before disappearing from my sight. Once they were gone I heaved a heavy sigh of relief... (Thank god shes alright... I should start sleeping on time, I keep having these nightmares from the lack of sleep I've been getting)

Leaving the house and getting into Yoongis car, he got into the drivers seat before leaning over and fastening my seatbelt for me. *THUMP* feeling my heart suddenly race I shook away the feeling as he started the car and began to drive. "So where are we going exactly??? I know its the surprise but where is it??" he chuckled while his eyes were glued to the road "If I tell you then it wouldnt be a surprise now would it?? Just be patient were actually not that far from where it is.." Accepting his words and staying silent I just looked out the window and watched all the trees, houses and people pass by. 

Suddenly without realizing how much time passed the car came to a stop but before I could look around for where we were Yoongi placed both his hands over my eyes. "Dont peek... okay??" she said in a low voice that sent chills down my spine. I nodded keeping my eyes closed while I heard the drivers seat door open and close before hearing the passenger side door open. With eyes shut tightly I felt him take my hand in his, our fingers intertwined before leading me out of the car. Walking for a few minutes I heard the sound of a door open and we entered... (Where are we???) I thought as all I heard now was the sound of our shoes against the floor. 

"Okay.. you can open them now..." he whispered into my ear. As I slowly opened my eyes and let them adjust to my surroundings they slowly widened as my eyes scanned my surroundings. "Y-Yoongi..." I stuttered in awe, shocked at what was in front of me. "T-This is the surprise?!" I chimed while shooting my head back at him as he stood there with a proud smile on his face. 

Without taking another second to think I rushed over towards him and threw my arms around his neck

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Without taking another second to think I rushed over towards him and threw my arms around his neck. "Thank you... thank you so much Yoongi" I commented in a whisper as I felt his arms wrap around my waist lifting me up from the ground ever so slightly. 

Once our arms unwrapped from each others bodies, I sent him a small smile before nearing the walls filled with books. "Is this the public library?? I never been here before.." I commented as i heard his footsteps near me. Now standing beside me as we continued to look around he lightly shook his head before speaking up "This is actually my family library... Its been passed down generation to generation. My dad actually passed it down to me but I forgot about it when I moved to Daegu so I had my brother look after for me since he lives here... But now.. I want to give it to you" 

With my steps coming to a stop I looked back at the male whose eyes were filled with unwavering love.. but I shook my head. "Yoongi I cant do that... you know I cant. This is your family heirloom.. I cant accept something so important." I thought that Yoongi would accept my simple rejection but he simply chuckled "I knew you were going to say that... But I still want you to accept it. Please??" I took a step closer to him "I would Yoongi.. but, I even if I accept it I wont be here long enough to look after it. You know that..." a slight frown appeared on his lips but instead of nodding I felt him gently grab my hand holding it in his. "I will look after it... I will take care of this place when your gone... this is a promise I will never break" 

Tears prickling my eyes I let out a stiffled laugh before giving into his words. 


"I promise... forever and always."

(A/N: MY HEARTEU!! OMG OMG OMG This book is actually coming to an end as well! Both my books will be ending soon but dont worry I have a new book ready to be published as soon as these ones end! So I hope your all ready for it! <3 )

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