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Jeonghan Pov
"Ah finally home... jeez today did not go as planned.." I sighed while arriving in front of my apartment door. "Yo Jeonghan-ssi! odd seeing you arrive at this time.. its rather late dont you think??" A voice commented glancing back I saw Jungkook smiling while walking towards me with bags in his hands. "I would say the same to you... why are you back so late?" I asked while looking down at the bags. He noticed and chuckled "Oh I just came back from the store, bought some snacks... how about you?" "Ah, blind date.. went horrible. She was VERY different from what she said she was."

Jungkook laughed but then I thought of a good idea "Hey want to come in and have a drink??? I've been wanting some company, Plus we havent hung out in a while since Dokyeom moved out." He took a minute but then nodded taking me up on my offer. Unlocking the door we both entered, taking our shoes off Jungkook took a seat on the couch while I made my way to the kitchen to grab some drinks. "How are things going with the song writing???" I questioned the male who was chilling on the couch opening a bag of chips. "Oh its been going well... could be better if I were to be completely honest." "Y/n still making dinner for you???" he shook his head "Nah, not lately.. her boyfriend has been home for the past few days..." "Well since were on the topic of her boyfriend I saw him leave the apartment earlier when I was coming back from my blind date."

"Oh really?? To be honest I have a bad feeling about him... The last time I went to Y/n-ssi for food I noticed her eyes were red from crying. I knew it was because of her b-" *BANG BANG BANG* we were interrupted with loud banging on the wall. (???) Jungkook and I looked at each other confused and right when we were about to ignore it the banging continued and it was much more forceful that the first time. "Y/n lives beside you right????" I nodded and right after the banging was much louder... but soon it stopped. "I-I think we should go check on her..." I suggested while walking over to the door.

Stepping out I walked down the hallway and was now standing in front of Y/ns apartment room. Knocking softly I called out to her "Y/n???? are you alright???" no response. "Y/n?? Is everything alright in there???" no response again. I was about to leave but I felt... I felt like something was wrong. Something wasnt right... "I think something is wrong..." Jungkook commented while staring at the door. Jungkook walked up to the door and began to knock louder while raising his voice "Y/n! Its me Jungkook!! are you alright??" but still no response. "Y/n! ARE YOU THERE?! OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE!!" we both yelled in unison but once again .. no response. We both knew something was wrong.. (What the hell is happening in there...)

"S-Stand back... Im going to kick the door open" Jungkook said while backing up. I nodded and stood out of the way. Seeing him taking a running start he sprinted towards the door and with all his strength he kicked the door open. Running in, the apartment was dark.. but I noticed that there was light coming from one of the rooms. "Over there" not wasting time to take our shoes off we sprinted over and swung the door open. "Y/n is every- OH MY GOD Y/N!" I exclaimed while running up to her bed. She was curled up in her bed clutching at her chest while breathing heavily. "Y/n whats wrong.. w-whats happening??" I looked down at her worried. Slightly opening her eyes and looking at me she grabbed the my sleeve tightly. "r-red... red p-pill bottle" she whispered enough for us to hear. "I'll go look for it!" Jungkook raised his voice while beginning to frantically run around the apartment in search of the red pill bottle she was talking about.

After a few minutes he ran into the room. "I-I found it!" quickly handing it to me I opened it "Y-Y/n how.. how many?!" she held up 3 of her fingers and I popped 3 pills into my hand. Jungkook helped her sit up, opening her mouth open I put the pills in and she soon swallowed them. After what felt like hours her condition never changed... if anything it seemed as if it was getting worse. "I-It hurts..." she mumbled while shutting her eyes tightly. She began to cough into her hand... it sounded like a nasty cough. Once she was done coughing she pulled her hand away and our eyes widened seeing blood covering it. "911... call 911"

Time Skip~

After the ambulance came and took Y/n away Jungkook and I followed after them and soon we arrived at the hospital. Running in towards the front desk the nurse looked at us "W-Were looking for Y/n.. s-she was just brought in" the nurses realized who we were talking about but shook her head "Im sorry, Y/n has been brought to the emergency room. She is undergoing some tests at the moment. But may I ask who you boys are??" Looking at each other Jungkook slightly nodded "I-Im her older brother.. and this is her cousin." The nurse looked a bit suspicious but nodded "I see.. well you both could wait in the lounge.. I will notify her doctor that you two are here. He will come out to see you after"

Taking a seat in the lounge area Jungkook and I sat there quietly.. "w-what the hell just happened.." he mumbled while clasping his hands together. "I-I-I dont know..."

Jungkook Pov
Its been hours since Y/n had been admitted into the hospital. Its already the next day and it is currently noon. "Y/n? Kwon Y/n??" Jeonghan and I both shot our heads up and saw a tall familiar face. Getting up from our seats we ran over to the doctor. "N-Namjoon... how is she??" "Oh?? Jungkook??? Jeonghan?? what are you guys doing here.. wait... your here for Y/n??" he questioned confused and we both nodded. "Were the ones that brought her here last night... Is she alright?!" Jeonghan asked with wide eyes.

"I-I think its better if we talk about this in my office.." he said while looking around before he turned on the heels of his shoes and begin to lead us down the hallway until we walked into his office. "Please sit down..." Namjoon spoke as he took a seat behind his desk. Finally sitting down Namjoon took off his glasses and leaned back into his seat. "Do you guys know about Y/ns condition?? has she talked to any of you about it???" looking confused we both shook our heads. "No... I-I remember running into Y/n a few days ago and she told me she had a doctors appointment, mentioned that she wasnt getting enough sleep.. but that was it"

Namjoon sighed "I see... she hasnt told anyone about it.." "Is everything alright? Is she okay?? you said something about her condition... is it bad? Is there something that WE could do to help?" Namjoon rested his chin on his hands while looking at us seriously. "Y/n.. doesnt have anyone to tell this to.. shes scared and doesnt know what to do. She doesnt have anyone who cares about her.." "Parents??" I asked but he shook his head "Y/ns mom passed away after giving birth to her.. and a few years after he father passed due to a heart attack... As for her older brother... she lost contact with him a few years ago..-"

Namjoon paused taking a deep breath before finally answering our question "- Im going to say this once... and only once. As a doctor I should be keeping this information private but this is too serious... Y/n has stage 3 Leukemia...the cancer is slowly spreading in her body... it could enter stage 4 anytime now. And stage 4... theres really.... really nothing else that we could do for her. I have been pushing her to do Chemotherapy but shes always holding off on it."

"w-what??" Jeonghan managed to stutter out while looking at Namjoon with  shocked expression. "Namjoon-ah... this isnt something to be joking about..." Namjoon furrowed his brows before speaking  "I know I joke around a lot with you and the others but this... when it comes to my patients I never joke about anything" Heaving a heavy sigh I slumped over in my chair while bringing my face into my hands. "How long has this been going on for..."  "Ever since she was younger.... she never really thought anything of it until recently when it started getting worse"  

"Namjoon... i-if we convince her to go through with chemotherapy... w-will it help her?? W-Will she have a slight chance of being living cancer free?" Jeonghan asked with his voice filled with worry. I stared at Namjoon as he stared back at us.. but my heart sank to my stomach once he began to speak. "I'll be honest with you two... Starting chemotherapy this late is hard.. and I dont know whether or not  it would fully cure her. Yes, if she takes the treatment her life expectancy will extend but to be cured??? thats something only time and progress could tell...." 

"So either way.. shes still going to leave us..." 

"Im sorry...."

"Can we see her?"

"Of course..."

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