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"Um, Sir-" the balding, physically weak underdog was interrupted by his manager.

"What is it? Can't you see I'm busy?" The manager was in fact not busy. He was barely even doing anything to keep YouTube up and running for the thousands of people that used it everyday. He was actually clicking on random videos on said site, laughing at failed attempts to make good videos.

"Well, I was going to tell you that Sir before you interrupted me," the underdog pushed his unfashionable glasses further up his nose.

The manager paused the video he'd been watching by a randomer called.... What was his name? AmazingPete or something? AmazingDave? AmazingPhil? AmazingStriker?

The underdog read off the clipboard, clutched tightly in his hands. "The YouTube channel, FRED has gained 1 million subscribers, the first channel to do so."

"And? What does this have to do with me?" The manager exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air.

"Well, um, it's brought a substantial amount of money into Google. I was told to let you know and here I am..." The underdog trailed off, noticing an evil glint in the manager's eye. "Sir?"

"The more videos of 'FRED' we make, the more money we gain, right?" The manager stroked a non-existent beard.

The underdog pushed his classes further up his nose and clutched the clipboard tighter. "Well, theoretically yes, but if the channel becomes unpopular then no more money from this channel will come into Google."

The manager paused for thought; his face lit up with the notion of a solution. "Well, we'll have to deal with this, making sure Google becomes richer and richer won't we... Who even are you?"

"They call me Hank," the underdog exclaimed.

"I have a special job for you Hank. And please grow some more hair. Dismissed!" The manager waved his hand and the underdog scurried away out to buy some high hold, low shine hair products.

The manager swizzed round on his chair, looking like the hero of a science fiction film and grabbed his phone that connected him to a special part if the Google company. His own part.

"Sir," a gruff voice answered. "Who this time?"

"Lucas Cruikshank, owner of the YouTube page Fred. Go!"

*At Lucas Cruikshank's home*

Lucas Cruikshank was overwhelmed by the amount of support he was getting for creating random videos about a high pitched 6 year old. And now he had over 1 million subscribers? Damn.

Suddenly there was a loud banging on the door making him sigh. Lucas got up off his sofa, heading towards the front door. If this was a fan, which was probably the case, then Lucas would have to deal with a large amount of screaming.

He opened the door, peered out and there was literally no one there. Like seriously. No cars. No rampaging kids. No druggies.

"Seriously!" His voice echoed around the desolate landscape. He half expected one of those straw things to come rolling down the road.

Lucas slammed the door shut, jumped over his sofa, landing on the floor. But then his vision began to fade as a cloth was put over his nose and mouth. He struggled, gasping for much needed air.

Lucas Cruikshank collapsed on his wooden floor, his laptop open and a figure clad in black standing behind him. His last glimpses of light were that of his glowing laptop screen, and even that was soon took over by the manager.



Well, RAWR and hey there you beautiful specimen you.

Much story.

Okay I get that this wasn't the best of story openers but deal with me, Kay? I love this story and the plans that I'm making for it so mmmmmmmm.

Just blocking out the haters.

I hope you like this and I feel like I'm rambling so bye, another update will be coming later but my mother is shouting at me rn, so I'm scared for mah life.

People you should/need to check out

DatAshbyKatt Megara220900 DaisyBarber Gingerninja1011 BibliophilicFangirl

I love these people so don't eat them.

Hannah >^.^<

Robotic Movements (YouTuber AU)Where stories live. Discover now