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"It was just a mistake Felix, it could happen to anyone!"

One way.

"It's all your own fault Felix, you should've protected her more!"

Another way.

"Felix. Breathe. It was not your fault."

Back the other way.

"She wouldn't be dead if it wasn't for you!"

He stopped. His breathing ragged. His eyes wide. His chest pounded.

"Just shut up!! Shut up! All of you! Ju-ju.... Please."

He collapsed to the floor and his chest heaved with sobs. Why can't the voices in his head just stop? It's that writer's fault. Creating novels over their misery.

Felix was fractured. Not broken just yet, fractured. On the verge of breaking into a thousand million pieces but not just yet. Soon.

Of course he had to step up and shout. If he'd have just kept quiet, maybe solitary confinement wouldn't have been so bad. But no. No. He had to open his big, fat Swedish mouth.

A bullet. A single fucking bullet.

A man made, metal filament that was created for one sole purpose.

Then there came pounding from across the hall and shouting that reverberated around the building. Felix identified it as Joe Sugg who seemed to be extremely distressed. Well, who wouldn't be?

"I'M GO................ GI............ 5........... COME OUT OF THIS ROOM!!" The last part was shouted far louder than the rest, Felix noted, unsure whether it was subconscious or not.

Everyone was broken. Everyone wanted to escape.

Felix was fractured. He needed to escape.

The YouTuber's cries died down, and he wiped his eyes. He gingerly stood up, holding onto the nearby bed for some small support.

"Be strong Kjelburg, be strong," Felix inhaled, then exhaled. "For Marzia."

*End of Previous Chapter :)*

"Wait, what?" Connor stood up. "So, you mean, I've been stuck here for 5 years?"

Shouts pounded the walls and protests attacked Luke. Everyone was reacting very badly in some way or another. Except for Jon and Lily: they were still prancing around, singing something about Somewhere That's Green. Zoe was transfixed at something in her mind and stared at the blank wall. Connor was shouting profanities at anything; even the broken plates.

Sound encased the room, blinding it in an un-rhythmic chant. Exploding in whimpers, shouts and screams. Luke stood there, soaking it all up. The pent up anger that had laced the entirety of everyone's mind; the brokenness that had pummelled at their hearts for so long.

But then it just stopped.

As suddenly as the noise had started, it finished. The immediate silence penetrated (heh, penetrated) Luke's ears, far more than the noise had.

"You need me?"

Luke didn't turn. He didn't want to turn. He didn't want to see Felix's face, scarred and mutilated from God knows what. He didn't want to see the face that has haunted his nightmare last night that had woken him up in a cold sweat.

But still Luke Cutforth turned.


*Felix/Marzia Flashback*!

///////Trigger Warning!!!! Implications of sexual and physical harassment! Trigger Warning!!!!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Hank struggled to walk. His face was bruised badly this time and crimson blood cascaded from his nose.m

'Just get to Felix and Marzia before him' Hank chanted in his head, but with the pounding growing ever stronger, it was impossible. He collapsed against the wall and put his head between his knees.

The manager strode past, his eyes gleamed with excitement.

"What are you going to do to them?" Hank croaked.

"A little worse than you," the manager spat at Hank, opening a nearby door. "In fact, perhaps a lot worse."

The door was slammed viciously and Hank whimpered. God this was bad. This was very bad. His eyes rolled back in his head making him pass out, whilst his mind was still screaming.


Marzia's eyes flickered open and her breath caught in her throat. Darkness surrounded her, strangled her. She attempted to lift her right arm, but was stopped by cool metal and loud clunking. She tried her left arm and both her legs.

Cool metal; loud clunking.

She groaned and sunk into the chair.

"Marzia?" A foreign voice was heard. "Oh good, you're awake."

A bright light was clicked on, pooling the room in areas of light and dark. Marzia squinted, trying to figure out her surroundings. Her wrists and ankles were locked in cuffs that kept her in the titanium chair she was sat on.

"There's no point in struggling Marzia," the voice came from behind. "You're all mine now."

A strangely warm hand caressed her cheek. Marzia shivered and recoiled away from their touch. Her head was quickly jerked up and she came face to face with the manager.

"Y-you?" she gasped.

"Yes, me," he let go, and stood right in front of Marzia. "Now, we've been quite the naughty girl, haven't we?"

*End of Flashback*



Idek if that needed a Trigger Warning but best be safe! :)

I literally cba to update later so have this now children.

Hope you liked this chapter and are having just as much fun reading this as I am writing it. We are getting into the main body of the story now, so be prepared.

(For what?
The death of the king!
No king, no king, la la la la la la!
Idiots! There will be a king!
But you just said-
I will be king!)

Pls don't judge me for that.

Ye, so, I sorta have a sequel in mind already, so that's fun. You have many more of this to come! I mean, if you like it. RAWR.

But Vidcon was absolutely amazing, I didn't exactly go, but Tumblr blew up cos:
Dan is Phil trash #1
Danzell is real obvs
Glozell has been added to the list of people who cannot tell Phan apart
Hello Internet was played and Dan walked off the stage
Phan baby photos

There was much more but I forgot.

I am obsessed with P!ATD, FOB and MCR atm and I feel so emo rn. It isn't that even emo, which makes it more hilarious.

My 2 year old brother knows how to control our computer, like it isn't even touchscreen. I'm so proud I've raised a techno child. Like go me.

Imma go now.

*forces you to watch Hello Internet 100000 times on repeat*

Robotic Movements (YouTuber AU)Where stories live. Discover now