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(Trigger warning: violence and mentions of self harm. I am in no way trying to offend anyone and if this does then please iinform me and I will do my best to apologise. To make you feel better, have a picture of ,y internet friends meme cat. She's just had kittens so yay!)!

Mortal kings are ruling castles
Welcome to my world of fun
Liars settle into sockets
Flip the switch now watch them run

"Please Father, for I and he are about to sin. I do not want to, but Father, please forgive my mistakes present and past and future. For the love of Jesus and all things holy, forgive your sons. Please, Amen."

Hank was praying to a God whom he'd never seen, never met but had whole heartedly put his trust in. A trust that was supposedly ever lasting and forever more. A trust that had so far guided him through life but had left him at a couple of moments of need.

Robotic and slow Hank got up, twitching ever so often. Maybe his brain needed rewiring or his heart circuits had burnt. Still, he couldn't mess up today because if he did, he'd be destroyed in a matter of minutes.

Wolf was joining them that day. So Hank had to perform to the best of his ability. To the best of his brain capacity.

"Hank!" the manager shouted. "Let's go!"


"Emma?" Joe said, looking to his left and seeing the tear stained face of Emma Blackery. "They're just trying to make a show of it. I swear to God above, Luke will save you."

Emma sighed. "I don't care about me, I care about all of you."

She gestured to every person in the room who were either knocked out or struggling against their chains. Everyone except Dan, Jon, Lily and Lucas were guarded by a ninja, but as these four were classed 'insane' they were just tied to eachother. Phil was out cold, as was Tyler and Zoe.

"I care about anyone but me."


Blackness. Cold, shocking, dark blackness. A blackness that seeped into your very soul and still went deeper and deeper to the core of mankind.

A fear of the dark.

Most people are afraid of the dark. But, not what the dark is, what the dark could contain is what we are petrified of. What could happen is what we speculate about and how we'd get out of that specific situation that we'd find ourselves alone and in the dark with.

'Horrible' is a Spanish cognate for horrible. A word that looks the same in English as it does in Spanish. Much can be said for the way people feel in the dark. We feel so dark inside ourselves when the lights go out; this is when we become someone whom we do not want to be. A darker version of ourselves.

A Hyde version of ourselves, hidden way until we need the other us. Until we feel so trapped and pressured and full of emotion that the other person inside of us erupts in a magnificent array of black upon black upon black.

Layers of the inky stuff, pressed into our hearts our souls and our minds until we become society's idea of perfection.

Luke awoke. Head pounding and eyes blazing, he woke up from a dream and sighed. He had dreamt about him being captured and traipsing around the Texan desert with a rag tag bunch of YouTubers that were oh so popular. But, if that was a dream, then why we're his arms taped to his side as though he were a bow tie wearing madman?

So, it wasn't a dream? It was real life, full of capture, death and untold stories in stories that wrapped themselves up so tight no seams were shown.

Disbelief shook his body as he began to anger. An anger so extreme that he screamed in infuriation that echoed through his shattered, broken mind.

"Ah, he's awake," the manger switched on the light and stepped into it.

"You?" Luke asked, narrowing his eyebrows.

"This is getting boring now," the manager circled around Luke like a vulture. "I wish someone would call me by my real name."

"John Green," Luke practically growled. "Author of many books, including The Fault In Our Stars and Looking For Alaska."

"Correct," John smiled a shark like smile. "Now, let's have some fun by ourselves for a moment, shall we?"


He still kept his hands behind his back, in case anyone spotted them. He rubbed his wrists and stared straight ahead.

His training had lead him down to this moment. Okay, so maybe not this precise moment, but this one was included in the counting down of days.

And yes, here came the underdog, praying to a fictional God with a clip board in hand. The underdog looked right at him and shivered. He smiled.

Let the fun begin.


Luke spat blood from his mouth and closed his eyes, preparing for the next attack. He heard John move and immediately flinched. Instead, Luke was took from his chair and forced to the floor. He felt the cool metal of handcuffs fold round his wrists again before he was pulled up by his hair.

"Idiotic self harmer! Should've left this world years ago," John - yes, the same John Green who acted so nice in public - kneed Luke in the gut, hurting him emotionally and physically.

Luke let out a gasp but didn't fall over. He heard two others come into the room and slowly reopened his eyes. Two ninjas hoisted him up and carried him through a nearby door where John was already waiting. How he'd got there without Luke realising he didn't know.

"Welcome to my world of fun," John said, leaning leisurely on a chair. "Look around, you might see something you like."

The lights flickered on in the room, illuminating faces. Felix, Joe, Phil, Troye, Connor, Tyler, Caspar to name a few. And then there was Emma who looked at Luke full of adoration which then turned into shock when he saw his face.

"So, harmer, take your pick. You won't have anyone else to like you in your life anyway," John said.

The ninjas threw Luke to the ground harshly, making him hit his head on the floor. He winced and slowly raised his head.

Felix also winced and his face began to twitch. A single tear ran down his cheek as he remembered. He captured the murderer's eye and quickly looked away.

"I'm going to make this simple for you. No body likes you," John stood up and took a sleak gun from his pocket. "So, here's my proposition I guess. You get to live, that's the good part. Thing is, I can't let you go without achieving some form of extra fun. Here's the twist," John crouched before Luke, almost nose to nose. "I either let your YouTube friends go back to the one million house and we shoot your wonderful girlfriend here. Or, you and your girlfriend get to go back to the house and we shoot your YouTube friends. What do you say?"

Shouting came from Joe, Felix, Phil and Emma. The first three telling Luke they won't judge his decision and Emma saying that John should shoot her. Luke looked from person to person and made his choice.

"I choose..."



Cliffhanger? Yes, I know

Do you want to kill me? Probably

Panic! At The Disco? Yes

Longest chapter ever? Yes

Spanish and English work in this? Yes

Whatever, goodbye. Update next week bc cliffhangers are fun af.

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