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For the following few days, Felix and Luke sulked in their rooms, leaving Phil and Joe to control everyone else. It wasn't fun when Tyler had a meltdown over the lack of pickles.

"I AM GOING TO GIVE YOU 5 SECONDS TO COME OUT OF THIS ROOM!" Joe banged on Luke's door, a sound which could be heard throughout the entire house. "ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FI-"

"Um, Joe. Why are you shouting at my door?" Luke asked standing behind Joe.

"Because we - me and Phil - need you!" Joe stressed slumping against the door.


"You're still partially sane! Felix isn't opening his door so everyone else is going mental crazy! Luke, we need you to help. You are basically our only hope to stay sane!"

"Well, I feel important," Luke mumbled, taking a swig of his water. "I'll help, but don't expect me to cooperate in a proper manner."

Joe stood up dragging Luke along with him, to prevent the ginger from escaping back to his room. As the two came nearer to their destination, destruction was evident. A chair littered the hallway, with one of its legs missing. Let's just say that Zoe is a lot stronger than she looks, kay?

"What happened?" Luke asked.

"Felix wasn't available. People got feisty. Chair got killed," Joe continued to drag Luke toward the kitchen.

"I actually fucking hate you Troye Sivan-Mellet!" a clatter of plates could be heard, with a tonne of shouting and screaming.

"Well, it's a good fucking job I love you!"

"Everyone out of the kitchen. Lily grab Jon, yep. Okay," a flood of disgruntled YouTubers flow from the kitchen and into the living room, with Phil (and a little help from Alfie) herding them.

"What's going on?" Luke asked in a sing song voice.

"Again, Felix wasn't available. People got feisty," Joe pointed toward the kitchen where plates were still being smashed. "Chair got killed."

"Luke, Joe! Praise the pizza God cos they, well. There is a Troyler argument, after Connor," Phil stared at Connor who was sulking in a corner. "Reminded Troye of a random kiss they shared when he was with Tyler, meaning that a few plates were smashed. We have none left." Phil scratched his head, flicking his fringe to the correct side. "Help?!"

Phil and Joe shared a look, before Luke shouted at the top of his voice.

"Tronler! Get yo asses here right now, or so help me!"

Phil and Joe smirked. Shit was about to go down.

The two males in the kitchen, slowly made their way out. Glares were shot at Connor from Tyler, whereas Troye looked slightly flustered. Connor stayed in the corner, reliving that one night of Tronnor. As Sims (and Dil) would put it, a tad bit of whoohoo went on, in that night of Tronnor.

"Does it really matter if Troye cheated Tyler? I mean who wouldn't want to get in his pants?" Connor shot at Tyler.

"Oh no you didn't girl!" came Tyler's reply.

"Children!" Tronler's eyes turned to Luke. "Yes, I appreciate that Troye and Connor got it on Tyler, but there is no need to throw plates. And also, Troye, we all know that you are tied up in two ships - holy crap, are those ships fierce - but it's up to you who you wanna go with. But, from personal Tumblr experience over the past few months, all of Tumblr wants a Tronler threesome. So, let's separate these differences and have threesomes! Yay!!"

"Erm, sorry. But can I just ask, what the heck is Tumblr?" Dan's voice rang out from the corner of the room.

Luke paused. Everyone in here should know what Tumblr is, yet their faces are confused. "Tumblr is a website, created mainly for the fan community. You guys are Tumblr royalty, you should know what it is!"

"When was 'Tumblr' created?" Louise asked, eyes narrowing. The blonde thought that Luke was making Tumblr up. As if someone would create a website for fan communities. Yeah, they all had exactly one million subscribers but most of them were the same people.

"Around early 2014. That was a whole 4 years ago!"

"Wait, what?" Connor stood up. "So, you mean, I've been stuck here for 5 years?"

After all, the majority of YouTubers had hit 1 million subscribers in 2012 and 2013.

Then chaos erupted. Zoe's eyes filled with tears. Five years was a long time to go, without seeing family members, pets. God, she would've probably gotten a house with Alfie now and a dog. A pug, named after Nala from the Lion King and Joe would have called it Alan and everything would be hers. Maybe she'd have a kid. Maybe she'd get over her social anxiety. Maybe everything would be sorted and Louise would live next door.

And everything would be perfect, perfect, perfect. No one would shout,or scream, or get locked in a room for months. No one would be practically brain dead and it would be all Zoe's.

And she'd tell everyone that Zalfie was real and she'd get her own TV show with Alfie. And then she'd be famous and no one would hurt her and there'd be no cameras watching her every move. And maybe she'd speak again. Talk at a camera for hours and her job would be easy, easy, easy.

And she wouldn't be here and she'd have her happy ever after with her own special Prince Charming, Mr Alfie Deyes. He'd get down on one knee, with a simplistic diamond ring that would set off her eyes. And then she'd get married, in a beautiful dress in a traditional church. And everyone would clap, clap, clap.

Louise would be the Maid of Honour and Joe would be the Best Man and he'd probably lose the rings making everyone laugh. Her Dad would give her away and he'd have tears in his eyes and no one would scold or hurt or tie up.

It would be perfection. Zoe's perfection.

Dan sat, watching the drama unfold. He smirked at a camera. This was beautiful chaos.




I hope your happy, this was the longest chapter so far.

I got the inspiration for Zoe's inner monologue from 'Find Me'. It's a short play that tells the story of Verity Taylor who is in a mental institution and goes, well, mental. RM is basically a mental institution (if you think bout it) and Zoe is basically Verity who has lost her mind in a short space of time.

Anyway DaisyBarber MMegra220900 and Gingerninja1011 get me.

I  have just watching old Doctor Who episodes and daaaaaamn.


Erm, yeah.

Idk, do you like these A/Ns or do they just take away from the story? Cos, tbh I like writing mine and reading other people's but that's just my opinion. Comment if you want them to stay, cos I feel like I connect more to you through these?


Anyways bye.


*Attacks you with a deflated Dora the Explorer balloon.*

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