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"Jim?!" Tanya ran toward her fiancé and hugged him tightly.

"Bloody hell Tan, I can't do this. You were gone for so long. I didn't know what to think," Jim said into Tanya's shoulder.

"Can we stop with the lovey dovey stuff? I need to check Tanya over," Felix said from the darkest area of the room. Go darkness!1!!1

Tanya obediently walked over to the Swedish guy, avoiding staring at his face. No one stares at Felix's face. That was the number one rule - unspoken, but still a rule that mustn't be broken.

"Sit down," Felix demanded, holding her chin up to the light.

Eyes moving side to side ever so often. Ragged breathing. He checked her pulse in her wrist. Too fast. Basically a rabbit in headlights.

"All is good," the gamer lied, dismissing the beauty guru.

Jim and Tanya strolled out of the room, hand in hand, blissfully happy. The only happy people in this whole building at the moment.

Felix scoffed, slamming the door shut and collapsed onto his bed. So much like the one at his home, but so different at the same time. Similar, yet unrecognisable. An oxymoron, embedded into his mind.

"When the fuck did I become so philosophical?" Felix muttered, staring at the blank ceiling. "Wasn't a new guy meant to come today? Oh well. It's not like he's going to want to escape."

Felix grabbed the framed picture he had of his girlfriend Marzia, holding it close. So many memories stored inside a small wooden frame. So many memories destroyed by his desire to become rich. So many memories lost for good. Lost with her.

Lost forever.


"Follow me, I know the way out," Marzia whispered in her native tongue.

"Marzia, we can't! Imagine what they'll do to us!" Felix complained, but followed his girlfriend anyway, gripping tightly onto her hand. "At least rescue the others!" He pleaded.

"Felix, that can't happen. We can't rescue the others because it's too difficult. The more of us there are, the higher the chance of being caught! Look at me. We can do this," Marzia had a determined gleam about her, something which Felix had hardly ever seen before.

Maybe Marzia was sure that they were going to escape.

At this point, there were no really high tec security system only the odd camera. The manager thought that no one would even attempt to escape.

Stupid, ignorant man.

Of course people were going to try and escape! Nothing likes to be caged. Phil often wondered why we keep animals in cages, but this is going slightly off topic now.

"Listen, we go through that door and then we are free! For good," Marzia pointed to a door, hidden in plain sight. The door that was always locked except during one night a fortnight.

The two crept across the remaining space between the door and themselves. Marzia opened the door (that was far too easy to unlock in the manager's opinion) and a warm air instantly hit the couple.

"We're free Marzia! We're actually free!!" You could almost hear the smile in Felix's voice.


The two ran off into the night, hand in hand, blissfully happy.

*End of flashback*

Felix was brought out of his flashback by a relentless knocking on the door.

"What is it?" Felix shouted through the door, immediately taking his place in the dark corner.

"I-we need to talk to you Felix," Joe murmured, on the other side.

"And who's we?" Felix questioned.

"A friend," on the other side of the door, Joe turned to Luke. "You sure you wanna do this?"

"Of course I do! You need to be rescued!" Luke whispered, not even sure why he's whispering.

"Come on in then," Felix muttered, only just loud enough to be heard.

The two men walked into the gamer's room, Joe not questioning Felix's position in the corner. Luke, meanwhile, was bewildered to why Felix is in the corner and hasn't been told the number 1 rule in this god forsaken building.

"What is it Joe? This'd better be quick! I'm being a philosophical bitch."

"Well, um, the thing is. I didn't want to talk to you, it's my friend Luke. Luke Cutforth. He came today," Joe explained, walking backwards towards the door. "I'll leave you two alone."

The thing was, Joe knew how Felix was going to be after Luke mentions the escape plan. The Swedish guy was either gonna turn violent, or help.

Let's just say, there was a higher probability of Felix turning violent.

"Are you gonna come sit over here, so I can check you over, or not?" Felix asked, a couple of awkward minutes later.

Luke sat on the stool opposite Felix.

"I actually wanted to talk to you....." Luke trailed off, noticing Felix's face for the very first time.

"About what?" Felix checked the ginger's pulse. Not fast, just normal. "Aren't you gonna answer me?"

"Erm, well I actually just wanted to erm," Luke is distracted by his face.

Felix noticed Luke's discomfort. "Is something wrong?!" His voice rose with anger.

"Erm, no. Not at all."

"Then what are you staring at?!"

Luke fell off the stool, and rushed to get back up again.


Felix pushed the South Yorkshire dude into the wall.

"It's my face isn't it? Go on! Take a good look at it in the light!"

"I'll just go, th-this isn't a g-good time."

Luke slid towards the door. Felix grabbed him by the collar.

"Look at my fucking face!! Yeah?! You see?! Tell me what you see!"

The main rule in the house has been broken.


Well, yeah. That happened.

I will update this every Monday at around 4:30 to 5pm UK time but as my parents are growling at me and I have upset my bff I have to make it up to them. This means that I have to grovel which could take forever.

Also, it's like 50 fucking million degrees outside so Britain is melting into a puddle. I'm English so I'm allowed to complain bout the weather. It's the only thing I can do.

Such heatwave.

I seriously can't wait for the Phan tour so yay.

Being 14 is literally over rated.

Whatever. Bye.




Updates every week or something


Stop judging.

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