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(Trigger warning: major character deaths, violence and guns)

Felix/Marzia flashback

Slice and dice.

Chop. Chop.

Fast movements.

No order.

Deep red, cool silver, flashing teeth.

Screams and tears.

Like a cookery show, but far more deadly.

Worse than the Weeping Angels. Worse than Drake Merwin.

Little Pete can't take you to Hawaii. He's dead and so will she if you don't scream.

No Doctor. No Sam Temple.

No one but him and the blade dancing on your blood stained face. A fate worse than death, but oh, please continue to squirm under his grasp. He enjoyed it.

He never wanted it to end.

But then you made a rash decision. You spat on his face. He glared and raised his hand which made you flinch. But he calmly wiped it away with a flick of his wrist and walked out.

1 hour. 2 hours. 3 hours you waited and she tried to comfort you.

Then in he came, the less violent one that is apologising. Hank.

"I-I'm sorry. He's really, very messed up and he has control over me I guess. I-I can't," he burst out sobbing. "Felix, I'm so sorry. Come one now Felix, this is to save your precious girlfriend."

He moved over to her, unclipping the metal that was locked around her wrist.

"I-I can't."

He lifted up a gun.

"Please!" he shouted. "God no! Please!"

Click. Safety off.

"No! I was going to help her!"

Lined up.

"Please," he choked back sobs.

A weapon, a bullet. Soft flesh, vibrant red.


End of Felix/Marzia flashback


Luke looked from person to person and made his choice. One which he knew he was always destined to choose. One which his life had been leading down to.

"I choose," Luke paused and sighed. "Me."


He adjusted his jumper to cover the material that was underneath. He'd rolled his eyes when Luke came in all bloodied and bruised. Weakling.

And now he was prepared for the next part. As Luke had made his choice, he now had to perform acrobatics to prolong this whole thing as long as possible.

Because sometimes, killers fall in love too. And, he had to make sure that he was as safe as possible and he'd forget about him.

He needed him to forget about him.


"What?! No, please, no! Luke!"

"What a choice harmer!"

"You idiot, you absolute idiot!"

"Well, I wasn't expecting that."

Emma screamed, John smirked, Felix mumbled, Joe remarked.

Luke straightened his back and lifted his head to face John, who was trying not to laugh with glee. Trying not to explode with pleasure and delight at the moment only Wolf had seen coming. Trying not to splutter at Luke's destroyed soul.

Emma pulled at her wrists and grunted. Not him, anyone but Luke Cutforth. Not her ginger prick who made rude jokes but still managed to make her smile.

Joe slumped down into his seat. Death wasn't about to come his way. Death wasn't going to head toward him in a black bullet of extreme pain and bleeding. He'd live for a while longer. But maybe those cuts on his bare chest could get more attention.

Scars were going to remain in his mind and on his body.

"Stand him up," said John.

Two ninjas who seamlessly blended into the walls came forward and thrust Luke upward.

"And take his hands out of those blasted hand cuffs," John gleamed. "It's slightly more enjoyable when they aren't as defenceless."

Felix shouted angrily then. "Really?! Then how come you were cowardly enough for your 'brother' to shoot Marzia instead then?! Eh?! Answer me that?!"

John swung a gun from his pocket and held it toward Felix. "I've been... upgraded since then. I think I'm more than ready to take a life Pewds."

Felix flinched and turned away.

"Still not brave enough. You never were though," John turned the gun toward Luke. "Any last words Mr Cutforth?"

"I hope you burn in hell," Luke spat as the ninjas held tightly onto his now bruised arms.

"That's fine, I'd get to visit Brendan Urie," the manager turned the safety off. "Now, goodbye Cutforth. Prepare for death."

Gun held high.

Eyes closed.

Clipboard tighter.

And Hank almost peed himself. He also prayed to his God and every other god he could think of that could help Luke in his hour of need.

Gun shot.

A scream of pain.

Hank opened one eye.

Why wasn't Luke on the floor?



Erm, yeah another cliff hanger guys, BUT friends have persuaded me to update tonight.

So my update schedule for now is:
Chapter 24 Saturday night
Epilogue and info about the sequel Sunday night
Sequel first cchapter on Monday!

So fun fun fun.

Have a nice week don't eat too many sweets and fangirl/boy/self to your heart's content.

Bye Froglets
Hannah xxxxx

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