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"Do you think Joe'll be okay?" Phil asked Dan, who had (finally) decided to sit up front. The question was rhetorical, of course, as Phil hadn't held a single 'grown up' conversation with Dan since early 2014.

"BeeDrill!!" Dan yelled, thrusting an invisible Pokeball at Phil. "Hide your children! Ahhh!" he then proceeded to make explosion noises.

Phil sighed and placed a tender hand on Dan's knee. Thirty-One years old and still absolutely smitten. He'll never let him go.

"I wish PJ were here," Phil said simply, neglecting his other... friend? Did Chris still count as a friend still? "He'd make up stories about a hotel for mythical creatures."

In the other van, Alfie was fuming. How dare Felix drive off without, well, his brother in law? The Vlogger was also a tad angry at Joe too, for not getting in the van fast enough. But they had to keep driving, at least for now.


Joe groaned. His head hurt. His neck hurt. Okay, maybe his whole body hurt. His eyes shot open frantically and darted from side to side in the darkness that pressed down upon him. His arms were held above/behind him, making the vlogger look like a bird preparing to take off. He was kneeling which also added to the effect. Joe's chest was bare, showing off abs that he had kept to top standard in the house.

He began to struggle against his shackles, straining his arms in the process. Joe's hair fell in front of his face, irritating him further.
"I'd stop if I were you," Joe heard a voice in the darkness making him stiffen.

"Who are you?" Joe demanded confidently. "Come on! Show yourself! Or are you a coward?!"

Joe's head was pulled up by his hair. He winced and was met with ferocious eyes.

"I'll have you know, I'm no coward!" the manager spat.

Joe chuckled, "Sure, not man enough to fight me properly."

A knee instantly connected with Joe's chin. He spat out a small amount of blood; he would have wiped his mouth but was restricted from doing so.

"Git," Joe murmured pulling at the cuffs on his wrists again.

"Language Joseph," the manager switched on a light, that only illuminated a small part of the vast room. "Always loved an entrance."

"You?!" Joe asked. "I knew you were fücked up with your writing skills but not in the mind as well."

"You know, I based some characters off you," the manager dragged a chair in front of Joe. "My best sellers as well."

"Charmed," Joe said sarcastically. "Were they good looking?"

"You might find out sometime," the manager replied nonchalantly.

"Cool. Have you written any Phanfics yet? Always loved an angst Phanfic," Joe flicked a strand of hair out of his face with a toss of his head.

"Yes, made 'em both have cancer. Most fun I've ever had," the manager made a reference.



The manager strode up to Joe and slapped him.

"Jesus! What was that for?" Joe shouted.

The manager ignored him grabbing a pen knife. He sat down in the chair and marvelled at the weapon. It flashed in the light and sent shivers down Joe's spine. Joe began to writhe around and tried to undo the cuffs.

"Reminds me of Pewdiepie," the manager stated. "I washed it though, so you won't catch AIDS through blood or something."

"I'd. Rather. Murder. You. Instead," with each word Joe pulled at his wrists.

"Murder is a strong word, much like hate," the manager thought for a moment. "Might use that sometime."

"I'd use both of those words to justify your death," Joe murmured, attempting to stand.

As the manager saw what Joe was bending over backwards to do (literally) he pushed a button on his watch. Iron cuffs wrapped around Joe's ankles therefore strapping him to one place.

"Now that's just completely unfair," Joe moaned.

"Hmm," the manager shrugged advancing toward Joe.

Outside Hank grasped his clipboard tight, breathing far too fast. He had been in there for a good few minutes now, so the screaming was bound to start soon.

"For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins," Hank whispered over and over whilst rocking back and forth.

An ear piercing scream erupted from that room.

"...your Father will not forgive your sins."



Ye, so idek if Hank is religious but stuff it. I cba to research that! I guess the manager isn't really hard to figure out who it is but idgaf.

Have a nice life and all that. Bye.


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