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Felix/Marzia flashback

Felix was awoke by the sounds of a scuffle and slight whimpering. He opened his eyes slowly, so they could adjust to the blinding light surrounding him.

"Look Marzia! Sleeping Beauty is awake!"

Felix quickly held his head up and was met with awfulness. He saw Marzia in chains with a spilt lip and a bruise starting to form around her right eye. He started up, but was held back by his own chains which strapped him to a chair. (The manager had downgraded with Joe - let him live a life in fear). He fought against them for a while but soon stopped hen he found it useless.

"Don't," Marzia mouthed, tears forming in her dark eyes.

"Ah, young love! You have to detest it, don't you?" the manager erupted from behind the terrified woman. "But, you have to love fantastic entrances!"

"You?" Felix asked, astounded.

"Marzia and I have already gone through this!" the manger patted her head making her flinch. "It is I!" he bowed.

"You see, the thing is Pewds - can I call you Pewds? I'm going to call you Pewds - I am not a fan of abusing women. In my opinion, they break far too easily and don't give me much pleasure," the manager paced between the two, blocking their view of one another. "But with the opposite sex, they have to stay a lot more stronger to maintain their pride and manlihood. If they show even the smallest sign of empathy or emotion they are immediately shot down down by themselves and by society. You see what I'm getting at Pewds?"

Felix gulped.

"Men are so much more harder to destroy, to break, to conquer. Men are so much more..." the manager paused for thought and bent down at Felix's height. "...pleasurable."

"But why this? Why capture us and so many others?" Felix needed answers.

"Well, haven't I just explained that? Maybe I should start from the beginning," the manager retrieved a chair from the gloom. "When I was small, my father took me into the city during the night. He asked me to become something people could look up to - a saviour of the broken, beaten and the damned. I knew that that wasn't me, so I said no. You know why? 'Cos I shot him!" the manager became giddy and made a shooting motion with his hand.

"Bam! I killed him! And it was one of the best experiences of my life. My mother wasn't angry though like I expected her to be, no. She found it thoroughly hilarious and noticed the funny things I did. I mean, I shot puppies with a BB gun, I poisoned guppies and I also found cats and bashed in their heads. My mother thought I'd have the ability and tendency to become a dentist but I laughed I her face. I wanted to become rich, powerful and have the ability and clearance for torture. And, well, you can figure out the rest," the manger laughed, and it echoed in the room.

"But, don't you feel sort of, evil?" Felix thought that if he could keep it talking, it would become tired and leave the two alone.

"Of course I do!" it exclaimed. "I love all of this. The acute terror that a I can inflict with just a few chunks of metal; the glances of hatred often sent my way. It's adorable!"

The manager pulled out a penknife. It glinted in the harsh lighting.

"Let the real fun begin."

(End of flashback)

Hank rushed along the corridor. His clipboard was pressed tightly to his chest and his glasses were perched precariously on the bridge of his nose. His shoelace was slowly untying itself and his sensible, black work trousers were falling down without the aid of a belt. His spotty purple tie was choking him slightly and his tight salmon shirt restricted his movements.

He stopped at the correct door, straightened his glasses and stepped into the room. Inside were robots that needed immediate repair and a manager that was fuming.

"S-sir?" Hank asked, closing the door softly.

"I'm generous, aren't I Hank?" the manager stepped away from a robot that looked like Ian from Smosh.

"Yes, e-especially with p-pay rises Sir," Hank stuttered.

"And I've given you enough time to locate the rogues, haven't I?" the manager strode past a robot Marcus Butler.

"Yes, I-I guess."

"12 hours in total right?" the manager stopped in front of a piece of tarp.

Hank gulped involuntarily.

"And you don't want to end up like Pewds and Joe, do you?"

Hank shook his head.

And you don't want to be replaced by this do you?" with a flourish of his hand, the manager revealed what was under the tarp - a robot that looked just like Hank.

Hank shook his head again, stepping backwards.

"Then where the fuck are my YouTubers?!" the manager advanced toward Hank.

"I-I don't kn-know S-Sir. They located t-the, erm, t-trackers and, erm threw them onto t-the road," Hank explained. "Maybe y-you should get in contact with, erm, Wolf."

The manager sighed. "He gets in contact with us. Not the other way around."

"I just thought-"

Hank was cut short by a fist that flew through the air and landed on his head. He collapsed and felt blood leaking out.

"You don't suggest anything, Underdog. You hear me?"

Hank whimperd and grabbed for his clipboard.

"Bad dog!"



Have a chapter. Yay!!!!!!! Hope you enjoyed as usual.

QOTW: Who do you think 'Wolf' is?

Btw, I'm going to see The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire next Monday, so I might not update til later on. AND I CAN'T WAIT LIKE SERIOUSLY!!!!

Also, has anyone read the 'Gone' series by Micheal Grant (aka the FAYZ) cos it's amazing.


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