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"Pickles?! I need mah pickles Troye Sivan! Pickles, where the fuck are they? Like wow." Tyler Oakley was rummaging through cupboards to find pickles.

"Tilly!" Troye handed Tyler a jar of pickles that were already on the side from Tyler's last pickle day.

"Why thank you Mr Sivan-Mellet." Tyler attempted to do a British accent but failed miserably.

On the other side of the kitchen Zoe was sat on the side, with Alfie and Louise stood next to her.

"Come on Chummy, just one word. That's all we want," Louise said, holding Zoe's hand tightly.

Zoe shook her head viciously and looked down at the ground.

"Please Zo?" Alfie asked, placing his head on top of his girlfriend's mane of hair.

Zoe jumped off the side miserably, leaving Alfie and Louise to trail behind her. Like lost dogs following a traveler.

"OH LOOK!! JON!! I CAN SEE A UNICORN IN THE DISTANCE!!!" shouted Lily, dragging Jon into the kitchen and skipping round the small table.

Wait that's not right. Is it?" Jon asked no one in particular.

"Can we just all calm down a bit?" Phil asked, rubbing his head and plonked himself onto a white chair.

Every single day was like this. Everyone running around like headless chickens or children on steroids. Correction. They were children on steroids. Mainly Jon and Lily. Those two were always together.

Phil smirked. If they were still making videos, they would probably make tonnes together ensueing in a... What would be their ship name? Jilly?! Lon?! Paintwoman even?! Ensueing in a Jilly/Lon/Paintwoman ship.

If only the fangirls/boys knew now. So many ships have become real in this prison. First it was Melix. Then Ianthony, who later got into a massive argument but then forgot most of their short relationship. Then, all at once it seemed, Phan, Zalfie and Troyler magically appeared.

It's weird, that even in a place like this, love can always find a way. Phil actually thought that at one point Jaspar was going to be a thing, but he now realises that they are more like brothers. What a way to sink a ship.

"You okay Phil?" Joe asked, sitting next to the older man on yet another white chair.

"Could be better," Phil mumbled. "Where's Luke?"

"With Felix, I don't think this clever plan of his is gonna work. For one, we can't control any of these," Joe gestured to the other YouTubers. "In here as it is. We won't be able to look after every single one of them outside this place! Two, Felix is gonna blow. Like big blow. All the way to Timbuktu, and possibly back again. Three-"

The younger Sugg was interrupted by a distressed Cutforth running into the kitchen. "Holy shitballs!! Can we get an anger management class for the Swedish guy? Cos I would really, really appreciate that!"

"What happened?" Lester asked, leaning back in the plastic chair.

"He went mental!! That's what happened!! He ain't gonna help the cause that's for sure!" Luke stressed. "It's ruined my 'big plan'."

"And what even was your 'big plan'?" Joe asked.

"Hoping that Felix would help and show us where he got out," Luke mumbled into the table.

Phil frowned and ran one hand through his hair, the way Dan used to. Not that he was copying him in anyway or that that simple action would send goosebumps up his spine. Nope.

Not at all.



"I AM THE FLAME PRINCE!!" Dan shouted running into the kitchen and pouncing on the table, nearly squishing Luke's red head.

"Yeah, you are. You're my flame prince," Phil muttered, helping Dan from the table.

The manager looked on through the camera and smirks.

"Time to write a new book I reckon," he said to no one.

He typed away furiously at his computer, basing characters on those trapped inside.



Yay, another chapter completed! I'm about three ahead of schedule, so I'll be able to update every week on time like I said so that's fun.


I went shopping (fir leggings for school cos I'm so rebel) (I'm really not) and in the shop Toxic was blaring out. I was casually having a fangirl attack in the changing rooms cos PhAN TRash. I also discovered LikeTotallyEden and she makes the greatest Phan songs ever so go check her out in the YouTubes. Her Tumblr is Liketotallyphan I think. Idk.



Don't mind me.

Imma go now.





Updates every week or something

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