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"I chime in, with haven't you people ever heard of closing the back van door, no? It's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality," Phil sang, driving down the empty A road (or the equivalent of that in America).

"That's not the right words Lion," Dan wound up the window as the wind was making it chilly. "Where are we going?" the younger male asked.

"I dunno Bear, I was just following Pewds," Phil sighed, running a hand through his greasy hair.

One grey hair was visible in the dimming light. It stood out at a stark constrast to his black hair that surrounded it. 31 years old and a grey hair was appearing. Just great.

"Where is Pewdiepie anyway?" Dan twisted his body round in an attempt to look out the back window. There was no back window of course as there was black paneling that separated the drivers and the cargo.

"God knows."

"And god knows, God knows I want to break free," Dan burst into song.

Just then, the van began to splutter and rumble. Phil glanced at the fuel gauge, now pointing to red and sighed. They had ran out of fuel.

"Phil, we've stopped," Dan pointed out.

"I can see that," Phil snapped. "I'm not blind, Jesus."

Dan frowned and Phil's face changed from sharp to soft.

"I'm sorry," Phil mumbled. "I don't know what came over me."

There was a knocking at the window that startled Phil but he calmed when he saw a shock of ginger. He opened the door and let the American sun warm his pale skin.

"Why've we stopped?" Luke asked, leaning against the side of the van.

"No fuel."

"So, we're stuck."




Unbeknownst to the two, a group of figures clad in black had already claimed the people in the back of the van. Their unconscious forms were spread out behind the curve that the road had taken them.

Dan sat patiently, slipping a phone from his jeans pocket and into his hand. He could easily disable both men in a couple of seconds but he still needed their trust. Even still, he calculated the seconds he would need to disable them.

20 seconds at the most, and that was if he tripped twice.

Phil stepped out into the glaring sun, looking straight at Luke.

"I think someone is in contact with the manager," Phil stated.

"What?! Why?!" Luke asked, reminded of Lily's words.

"Because there's a person in black running toward us."


Phil gestured for Dan to come to him, and the younger easily complied. The two with fringes simply held hands and faces Luke. Phil knew what he had to do; give Luke a little more time, so everyone else had more time.

"Run," Phil said. "Run, and don't look back, okay?"

Luke turned, but not before he was grasped by Dan.

"I apologise," Dan whispered, only loud enough for Luke to hear.

Luke shook him off and ran, leaving behind a dusty van and two guys with fringes from YouTube. He ran as fast as he could until he felt physically sick.

Dan and Phil stood their ground as the figure came closer. A pinch, much like a needle and Phil crumpled in Dan's arms.

"Sir?" a ninja asked, gesturing to Phil.

"I take him."

A traitor. A body. A runner.

And a secret.



I had huge writers block for this meaning it isn't up to my usual standard. I apologise.

Shit has gone down this weekend that is so stupid and I basically want to kill the human race. Idk. Someone set fire to my brother's nursery so that's just great.

This chapter probably doesn't make much sense, but does anyone? What's the point in making ourselves articulate enough to be understood when we are just going to die anyway? It's inevitable.

Whatever, hope you enjoyed. Bye. Ye. Rawr.

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